Wednesday, October 30, 2013


We are nearing the end of 2013 and one of the most
important (and profitable) investments you can make is to
review the past few months very, very carefully.
To an amazing degree, we humans are creatures of habit. We
are the best examples of Newton's law that, "a body set in
motion tends to remain in motion." We tend to plunge
blindly ahead, repeating yesterday's mistakes and failing
to learn from experience. Yes, we take great pride in the
fact that we "can" learn, but my observation is that we
seldom do.
We tend to assume that what worked yesterday is still the
way to go. Of course we know we shouldn't do that! We all
know that, "Those who fail to learn from the past are
doomed to repeat it." We know we should examine our
records. We know we should be thoughtful, creative and
innovative. We know that. But do we do it?
When Jack Welch was the head of General Electric, he
insisted that half the company's profits come from products
and services that were less than five years old. Why? His
focus was always on innovation because he understood that
yesterday's methods would never work in tomorrow's world.
Take time--several hours, perhaps more--to carefully review
the following questions:
1. What worked best in 2013? What surprised me or taught me
something unexpected for my work or business?
2. What did not work, or is working less and less well?
What was less profitable or less effective than I expected?
Is it time to drop it altogether?
3. What's new in my field? What are the best and smartest
people doing that I should start doing in 2014?
One of the best things any professional, business owner or
manager can do is invest in seminars and conferences. The
chance to get away and rub shoulders with smart people is
incredibly valuable. Conferences generate new perspectives,
and new ideas create vast new opportunities! Invest in
yourself! Schedule at least one conference in 2014 right
now, while you're thinking about it. Send the deposit. Make
the commitment.
Most of us would prefer that 2014 not be a repeat of 2013.
We're better than that! Review and learn from the past to
create the future you truly want.

Monday, October 28, 2013


My clients and people in the audiences where I speak often
want the "secret" of success. They want to know how to
build the life they truly want, the one they imagine and
long for, and I often compare the secrets of success to the
ingredients of a recipe, or the tools in a toolbox. Most of
the key ingredients are familiar to all of us. The only
difference is that successful people use them more
In the next couple of months, we will be distracted with
holidays and end-of-year projects. And that's good! We want
some parties and we want some fun. We want to finish this
year strong and "on fire!" And, we want to start the New
Year with momentum, clear plans and specific goals.
The truth is that we pretty much get what we expect and
plan for in life. In 2014, I want you to expect and plan
for the very best. I want you to achieve more than ever
before and to have more fun doing it! That requires some
focus, some thought, some planning and some concentration.
So, let's get to work. What are the foundations for
success? Reduced to a single phrase, the foundation for
extraordinary achievement is this:
      Top Achievers Have Unusual Self-Awareness.

1.  Top Achievers are Unusually Selfish

They know themselves and their values. They know what they
want, where they are going and what they will DO with their
lives. They have taken time to "get over" themselves. They
tend to be humble because they are not confused or grasping
or complaining. They are not particularly worried about
pleasing others because they have learned to please
Sure, many people have become rich or powerful without this
extraordinary level of self-awareness (think of Elvis
Presley, Judy Garland, perhaps the neighborhood bully or
some professional athletes of recent notoriety), but the
real winners in life have figured out who they are and
where they are going in life. They have integrity and
consistency. They are them-SELVES in all situations. They
are unusually self-aware.

2.  Top Achievers have Unusual Self-Acceptance

They know their strengths and weaknesses, they can laugh at
themselves and stand tall. They can stand alone when needed
and they can forgive their own mistakes or foolishness.
Because they are comfortable in their own skin, they have
the  confidence to make clear decisions and walk boldly
forward. They accept those around them, as well. They know
that since no one is perfect, their parents, friends,
partners and neighbors have also made mistakes, and that is
"ok." Forgiveness is part of life. They have an unusual
ability to be realistic, to accept life as it is and move
boldly forward.

3.  Top Achievers have Unusual Self-Projection

Top achievers are willing to speak out and they expect to
make a difference. They volunteer, they try stuff, they
learn and they take risks. They are the "movers and
shakers," the ones who put themselves in the game. They
stir things up. Sometimes they make trouble. They ask hard
questions. They can be politically incorrect and may come
across as insensitive because they put themselves on the
line for what they believe. (Fortunately, they are also the
most sensitive, helpful and thoughtful people because they
are willing to reach out. They CARE!)
Because top achievers are unusually aware of themselves and
others, they are comfortable with their own power and can
use it to make a difference.
In the words of the ancient poet, the foundation for
achievement is to, "first know thyself and (then) to thine
own self be true."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Almost every week, a professional just starting out, or an
entrepreneur with a small company will consult with me
about "specializing." Some guru has convinced them that in
order to grow their business, they have to identify a
specific product and market that as their "specialty." 
Well. There is both truth a grain of truth, and a gross
over-simplification in that advice.
In most cases a small business need not put "all their eggs
in one basket" and sell only one service or provide only
one (or a few) products. In fact, the huge advantage of a
small business is it's ability to provide personal service,
custom solutions, and innovation, far easier, faster and
cheaper than a large company.
In a small business, the owner can respond personally and
find the perfect solution for a customer with an unusual
request or a special need. Never under-estimate that
tremendous advantage!
The grain of truth in the "you must specialize" motto is
that to grow your business you MUST focus on what you do
best. Some products or services, or some aspects of the
business simply "suit" or fascinate you more than others.
Talents show up in different ways. Even things like the
location of your business, or the gender, age and training
of your staff will create certain strengths, while also
creating a parallel set of weaknesses.
To build your business, focus on what you do best.
Specialize and advertise the things you enjoy most, or that
you feel passionate about. Make a virtue of your natural
advantages and specialize in those things.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Why do some people seem to reach their goals so often,
moving from one success to another, while other people seem
to stay stuck, frustrated in their quest for success? We
know the difference is not talent or education, and it
certainly isn't "luck", or desire, and it doesn't seem to
be personality. What makes the difference?
Many people have said that the difference is having clear,
written goals.
I think there are some other steps as well, but this one is
essential. In working with highly successful people, one of
the things that is always true (yes, EVERY time!) is that
they make clear, conscious choices.
One of the great truths is that we can have almost anything
we want, but it is also true that we cannot have EVERYTHING
we want in life. Our lives are filled with more choices
than ever before, and yet each day still has only 24 hours,
and each week has only 7 days. Highly successful people
understand this and choose their priorities very carefully.
They know their most desired outcomes and they don't waste
We live in a time of many distractions, and I believe the
first and most essential requirement for success is
choosing your priorities. Call them goals, or call them
challenges or projects or whatever, but you must choose and
you must concentrate, and you must sacrifice. There can be
no success without first deciding what you want in life.
Secondly, take time to design a practical, workable plan.
Yes, some goals seem to arrive "automatically," but far
more often, success requires a well-designed plan. Use a
calendar and a budget. Consider your resources, talents,
interests and other competing projects, then devise a
strategy.  Success is not an accident! It is the result of
careful plans, well executed.
Third, success always requires action and perseverance. Any
success worthy of the name requires time, effort, skill,
and persistence. There will be delays and surprises and
frustrations. Of course there will--this is not a movie!
Success requires that you work your plan, and stick with it
over time.
Fourth, surround yourself with the tools you'll need to
achieve your dream. From motivational posters, to expert
advice, to the wisdom of good friends, success is not a "do
it yourself" operation. Get help and support! Get good
advice, and consider using a coach.
Finally, never, ever, give up. I've often written about the
wisdom (and power!) of taking baby steps when you must.
It's wonderful when success comes quickly or in big,
dramatic victories, but that is rare. More often, success
inches forward, and it's only over time that we look back,
astonished by how far we've come.

Friday, October 18, 2013


One of my favorite stories concerns a young lad who was confronted by three bullies with violence in mind. Quickly the little guy drew a line on the ground, stepped back several feet, looked the biggest bully in the eye and said, “Now, you just step over that line.” Confidently, the big bully stepped over the line, preparing to commit mayhem on the little guy. Quickly the little fellow grinned and said, “Now we’re both on the same side.”
Physically, they were both on the same side. But emotionally they were still some little distance apart. The smaller boy improved his chances of getting on the same side emotionally by his touch of wit and wisdom. This is an excellent combination to diffuse most crisis situations and represents a major step in solving whatever problems exist.
There are several lessons parents, managers and educators can learn from this little vignette.
First, whether it is a parent/child, management/labor or teacher/student situation, both really are on the same side and the best way for either side to win is for both sides to win.
Second, a sense of humor can be very helpful in removing communications barriers by revealing your human side and establishing rapport.
Third, sometimes it’s necessary for the big bully (the person in authority) to move to the other side of the table (across the line). This lets associates, children or employees clearly understand that they really are on the same side and open to listening to ideas from both sides of that line.
The fourth message is that it is always important to maintain our perspective by being open and fair-minded as we look at life from the other person’s perspective. Think about it and I’ll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


So, let me ask you a question: Why do you do what you do?
For a paycheck?
Because your parents wanted you to do it?
It happened to be the first job you got when you got out of school?
These are important questions to ask.
You see, freedom only comes to us in life when we feel free doing what we do. We need to be energized by our work. We need to receive fulfillment from our work. We need to enjoy our work. That is different for each individual and what makes me happy and fulfilled isn’t what will do it for you.
Do you have a deep, meaningful reason for doing what you do? There is no “right” answer, just one that drives you. I have found however, that many people are doing one thing for work but wishing they were doing something else. They are stuck in a rut where they are and do not know how to get out.
Well, here are a few thoughts:
1. Take ownership of your current state. You are here because you chose to be. One way or another, you got yourself here. And you CAN get yourself out.
2. Decide what you want to do. Get to know yourself. Get to know your strengths and weaknesses, you hopes, desires and dreams. Get real and know your dream well.
3. Choose to move in that direction. It may mean quitting your current job. It may mean planning on doing so down the road.
4. Set your goals. Make them clear. Put time limits on them.
5. Be tenacious. Don’t give up. Keep moving until you are in a spot where you are happy and fulfilled.
Of course the above is just basics, but that is the general idea.
I am doing exactly what I want to be doing. You can be too. In a short period of time you will be able to answer the question, “Why do you do what you do?” with, “Because I am passionate about it and it brings me the fulfillment I am looking for in my life!
You may not be doing what you want to be doing. But you can be.

Monday, October 14, 2013


September marked the three-quarters point of the year. Are
you 75% of the way to your goals for the year? Have you
earned most of your annual budget?  Have you achieved
three-quarters of your personal goals? Are you keeping
One of the most important things any business leader can do
is track the key "measurables" of your business and chart
them against both a calendar and your pre-determined
objectives. In every business there are a handful of key
items that can tell you, at a glance, how you're doing.
For salespeople, those numbers are often the number of
calls made, the number of presentations completed, and of
course, the number and dollar volume of orders received.
In other businesses, the measurables might be employee
hours worked, or the number of "widgets" in inventory. For
Psychologists, two of the key numbers are the number of
client sessions per week, and the average time a client
remains in treatment. When I was doing therapy, if I knew
those two numbers, along with just a few other details
about my business, I could very accurately predict my
annual revenue and personal income.
What are your key numbers? Now is the time to take a long
hard look at them. I'm a fan of large graphs and charts.
Put those numbers on a wall chart or plot them on a large
calendar. Compare them to last year's numbers, and to your
annual budget. Compare them to your annual goals, and see
how you are actually doing.
If you are ahead of schedule, fantastic! If you are on
schedule, pat yourself on the back! And, if you find the
numbers tell a sad or unfortunate tale, take action.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Extraordinary Leaders are those who understand that in order for the organization to grow and make the maximum impact that it can, the leadership base in the organization must grow first and grow strong enough to hold the growth. If this does not happen, the organization will either not grow or will grow and then crumble because there is no solid foundation of leadership. The effort to multiply leadership must be ongoing and purposeful.
Here are some ways to get your leadership base growing strong and wide!
1. Get Current Titled Leaders Growing in the Right Direction. If you want to increase the level and effectiveness of your leadership right now, then the first thing you should do is start with those who already have a title of leadership. You will find that many of the people you have as “leaders” really aren’t leaders at all so you have your work cut out for you! Sit down with your leadership team and let them know that you are going to be pushing them to grow in the area of leadership. It is imperative that the titled leaders get on board. If they don’t or won’t, then they have to go. No effective organization can continue with dead weight in leadership positions
2. Establish a Plan of Action for Leadership Development. Once you have decided to move forward with leadership development, you need a plan. I would suggest a one-year plan of reading and activities. I am currently taking a group of 17 people through a 12-month (one meeting per month) plan of leadership development. Each person has to read the required book for the month. Each person takes responsibility in a given area. Each person will give a verbal presentation to the rest of the group on an aspect of leadership. They are accountable to another person in the group for their development. This is the plan of action. If you need help setting this up, feel free to contact me and I can help.
3. Identify Untitled Leaders. You also want to identify the leaders you have who may not necessarily have a title of leadership. Know this though, they are leading! They are influencing the direction of your company or organization. They are leading and influencing others. Find out who they are and invite them into the official leadership process. How do you find these? Here are a few ways: Notice at your meetings who the other people look to for their opinion. That is the leader. Ask people who they think has leadership potential. A few names will come up over and over. They are your leaders. Ask people to tell you who has the most influence outside of the titled leaders. Again, a few names will come up over and over. They are your leaders. Now, get them on board with you!
4. Develop a Culture of Leadership. Call your leadership development group something like “Emerging Leaders.” Get t-shirts made up. Have special events for them. Get them involved. Honor their commitment and growth. Above all, let it be known throughout the organization that you value leadership development and you are willing to invest in people that way. Not only will you invest in them, but you will honor them and make it fun too!
5. Enable Leadership Attempts: Let them Try, Let Them Fail. This is where most groups fail. They will let people try, but they won’t let them fail. Once they fail, they take responsibility away from them again. Leadership development must be a long-term commitment and this means you will have to put up with some short-term failures. As you do, the leaders you are investing in will be growing and learning how to do it right in the long run. Those are the people who will grow your organization for years.
6. Establish Mentoring: Watch Me Do, Do with Me, Do Alone, Teach Another. Get the current leaders to teach the newer leaders. Have them take people along to do their everyday activities. Invest time in them, developing the relationship while they see how it is done. Then let them do some of the work themselves while you are there. As that gets better, then it is time to let them do it by themselves. Tell them you can’t make it that day but they can go make the meeting without you. Once they have mastered the task, have them turn around and mentor others. This way you are developing more and more layers of competent, Extraordinary Leaders!
7. Show the Benefits: Both Individual and Corporate. The fact is that people will do those things tat will bring them benefits and rewards so go all out to show them what they will get from it as individuals and as a group. Show them that leadership development will help them make more money, have better relationships with co-workers and have better job satisfaction. Show them that leadership development will show itself in all areas of their lives, not just at work. Show them how the whole organization will grow, become more efficient, accomplish the goals they have established and really make a difference in the world around them. Show them the benefits and you will get their hearts for leadership!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Do you know the one key to becoming a great conversationalist? The key is to pause before replying. A short pause, of three to five seconds, is a very classy thing to do in a conversation. When you pause, you accomplish three goals simultaneously.
The Benefits of Pausing
First, you avoid running the risk of interrupting if the other person is just catching his or her breath before continuing. Second, you show the other person that you are giving careful consideration to his or her words by not jumping in with your own comments at the earliest opportunity. The third benefit of pausing is that you will actually hear the other person better. His or her words will soak into a deeper level of your mind and you will understand what he or she is saying with greater clarity. By pausing, you mark yourself as a brilliant conversationalist.
Ask Questions
Another way to become a great conversationalist is to question for clarification. Never assume that you understand what the person is saying or trying to say. Instead, ask, "How do you mean, exactly?"
This is the most powerful question I've ever learned for controlling a conversation. It is almost impossible not to answer. When you ask, "How do you mean?" the other person cannot stop himself or herself from answering more extensively. You can then follow up with other open-ended questions and keep the conversation rolling along.
Paraphrase the Speaker's Words
The third way to become a great conversationalist is to paraphrase the speaker's words in your own words. After you've nodded and smiled, you can then say, "Let me see if I've got this right. What you're saying is . . ."
Demonstrate Attentiveness
By paraphrasing the speaker's words, you demonstrate in no uncertain terms that you are genuinely paying attention and making every effort to understand his or her thoughts or feelings. And the wonderful thing is, when you practice effective listening, other people will begin to find you fascinating. They will want to be around you. They will feel relaxed and happy in your presence.
Listening Builds Trust
The reason why listening is such a powerful tool in developing the art and skill of conversation is because listening builds trust. The more you listen to another person, the more he or she trusts you and believes in you.
Listening also builds self-esteem. When you listen attentively to another person, his or her self-esteem will naturally increase.
Listening Develops Discipline
Finally, listening builds self-discipline in the listener. Because your mind can process words at 500-600 words per minute, and we can only talk at about 150 words per minute, it takes a real effort to keep your attention focused on another person's words. If you do not practice self-discipline in conversation, your mind will wander in a hundred different directions. The more you work at paying close attention to what the other person is saying, the more self-disciplined you will become. In other words, by learning to listen well, you actually develop your own character and your own personality.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, make a habit of pausing before replying in any conversation or discussion. You will be amazed at how powerful this technique really is.
Second, continually ask, "How do you mean?" in response to anything that is not perfectly clear. This gives you even more time to listen well.

Monday, October 7, 2013


This week I’ve had several conversations about planning,
the process by which we bridge the gap between our current
reality and the future we want. Fortunately, there is no
trick to planning the future of your business!
Yes, there are fancy systems you can buy. Of course there
are consultants, books, seminars and software to help if
you want or need them. But you only really need two things,
a list of objectives and a calendar.
Why not make the next three months your best ever? Why not
end 2013 with momentum and joy?! This is not hard!
Ask yourself two questions:
1. What do I want to accomplish in the next 90 days? List
your objectives and measurable results. Write it all down.
List the number of sales, the number of employees, the
amount of money you want to make. List anything that really
matters to the growth of your business.
2. Then ask yourself, what are the STEPS to get those
things done? For each item, ask yourself what has to be
done. Do you need new contracts, new equipment, more sales
people, more office space, longer hours, or better
advertising? For each desirable, make a list of the STEPS.
Then, put each step on a calendar. If you need a new
computer, buy it by October 15th. If you need a mailing
campaign, design it this week, print it in two weeks, mail
it by November 1st.
This is called planning! List the results, list the steps,
put them on a calendar. And of course one thing remains: Do
the work that needs to be done! End the year on a high
note! End the year with greater profits, less stress,
better momentum. You can do this!

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Do you know what the central skill of success is? It is your ability to manage your time, to focus and channel your energies on your highest value tasks, which will determine your rewards and your level of accomplishment in life more than any other factor.
Success Leaves Tracks
When I began searching for the secrets of success many years ago, I discovered an interesting principle: success leaves tracks. A wise man who had studied success for more than 50 years concluded that the greatest success principle of all was, "learn from the experts."
Learn From the Experts
If you want to be a big success in any area, find out what other successful people in that area are doing, and do the same things, until you get the same results. When I studied the interviews, speeches, biographies and autobiographies of successful men and women, I found that they all had one quality in common. They were all described as being "extremely well organized." They used their time very, very well. They were highly productive and they got vastly more done in the same period of time than the average person.
Be Both Effective and Efficient
High performing men and women were both effective and efficient. They did the right things, and they did them in the right way. They were constantly looking for ways to improve the quality and quantity of their output. As a result, their contribution to their organizations was vastly higher and therefore much better paid, than the contributions of the average person.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, develop a study plan today to learn from the experts in your field. This can save you years of hard work.
Second, decide what is the most important thing to do, and then decide how to do it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


There's an old truth that one customer, well satisfied, is
worth a fortune. Over and over again, I work with companies
who are determined to improve their advertising to attract
new customers. They spend fortunes looking for better copy,
the write spokesperson or the right "media mix." All the
while, current customers are evaporating or (worse) doing
business with their competitors.
There's a wonderful old story about a couple looking for a
hotel on a rainy, dreary night. At last they pull up to a
small hotel in a rural Pennsylvania town, go inside, but
are told the hotel is full. Seeing their fatigue and
despair, the young man behind the counter offers to let
them use his own quarters, a small room in the back of the
In the morning, the couple is so grateful and impressed,
the husband promises that someday he will open a hotel and
hire the young man to manage it. Time passes, and one day
the young man gets a call from that weary traveler. It
seems he has opened the Ritz Carlton Hotel in New York and
would like the young man to manage it.
I have no idea if that story is true, although I've heard
variations of it for many years. The point, however, is
clear: Every customer is potentially worth a fortune!
It is always easier and more profitable to keep a customer
than to attract a new one. Advertising is expensive!
Negotiating the first sale, learning the needs of the
customer and serving them well is difficult. To grow your
business, focus on repeat sales.
Your customers are your best source of new ideas and
innovations to put you ahead of the crowd. Listen to them,
honor them, go the extra mile and work with your customers
to achieve what you both want: a satisfying and profitable
long-term relationship.