Unfortunately, we have been encouraged to believe we can
"have it all." We should be able to earn more, work less,
live better, travel more, relax often, enjoy our kids and
achieve success. Why should anyone settle for less? It's
not fair! We shouldn't have to choose!
Well. I have bad news. Life is not fair. And I think that's
why the Spanish philosopher, Ortega, observed that, "Life
is fired at us point-blank, and we must choose."
Sure, we admire the rich and famous who appear to have it
all. We hear about the Oprah’s or the Bill Gates or others
who seem to be rich, famous, successful and happy, and
perhaps they are. Although, I do notice that even these
seemingly blessed individuals periodically file for
divorce, get sick, or experience loss. Life is not fair!
So I come back to Ortega’s observation that "we must
choose." It seems to me that truly successful people are
clear about their priorities and choices. They commit to
pursuing a few key goals, and devote their lives to them.
Here are two principles I believe are true and helpful:
1. We can have anything we choose, but not everything we
want. Our appetites will always exceed our grasp. If you
can read this and have internet access, you have all the
tools you need to change careers, travel, achieve wealth or
fame or power. But it's unlikely that you can do all of
them at once. We "must choose."
2. He who finishes happiest, wins. I don't think finishing
life with lots of toys or frequent flier miles, or a big
house, or several cars, or a yacht, guarantees happiness.
But, spending our lives doing something important,
investing ourselves in things that bring meaning and
fulfillment and joy, can bring happiness. The man or woman
who finishes happiest, wins. And happiness rarely comes
simply from having more stuff.
This does not mean accumulating wealth is wrong or bad. Of
course not! Enjoy all the stuff you can honestly and fairly
get! We are the richest people in history. We are blessed!
We enjoy lots of stuff! Go for it! But, also be honest and
maintain some humility.
Happiness comes from clarity. It comes from deciding who we
are, what we value, and how we will spend our lives. And,
in turn, all of that comes from taking time to think
clearly, make smart choices, and plan wisely.
"have it all." We should be able to earn more, work less,
live better, travel more, relax often, enjoy our kids and
achieve success. Why should anyone settle for less? It's
not fair! We shouldn't have to choose!
Well. I have bad news. Life is not fair. And I think that's
why the Spanish philosopher, Ortega, observed that, "Life
is fired at us point-blank, and we must choose."
Sure, we admire the rich and famous who appear to have it
all. We hear about the Oprah’s or the Bill Gates or others
who seem to be rich, famous, successful and happy, and
perhaps they are. Although, I do notice that even these
seemingly blessed individuals periodically file for
divorce, get sick, or experience loss. Life is not fair!
So I come back to Ortega’s observation that "we must
choose." It seems to me that truly successful people are
clear about their priorities and choices. They commit to
pursuing a few key goals, and devote their lives to them.
Here are two principles I believe are true and helpful:
1. We can have anything we choose, but not everything we
want. Our appetites will always exceed our grasp. If you
can read this and have internet access, you have all the
tools you need to change careers, travel, achieve wealth or
fame or power. But it's unlikely that you can do all of
them at once. We "must choose."
2. He who finishes happiest, wins. I don't think finishing
life with lots of toys or frequent flier miles, or a big
house, or several cars, or a yacht, guarantees happiness.
But, spending our lives doing something important,
investing ourselves in things that bring meaning and
fulfillment and joy, can bring happiness. The man or woman
who finishes happiest, wins. And happiness rarely comes
simply from having more stuff.
This does not mean accumulating wealth is wrong or bad. Of
course not! Enjoy all the stuff you can honestly and fairly
get! We are the richest people in history. We are blessed!
We enjoy lots of stuff! Go for it! But, also be honest and
maintain some humility.
Happiness comes from clarity. It comes from deciding who we
are, what we value, and how we will spend our lives. And,
in turn, all of that comes from taking time to think
clearly, make smart choices, and plan wisely.