Friday, March 30, 2018


The scars you acquire while exercising courage will never make you feel inferior.  -D.A. Battista

Courage is a special kind of knowledge: the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought no to be feared.- David Ben-Gurion

Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Dorothy Bernard

Courage. It is a word that conjures up images of great and dramatic actions. And yet I realize that we all have the opportunity to be courageous every day, in small and large ways. And it is when we choose to be courageous that we change our lives and the lives of those around us.
Can you name anything of any significance that did not emanate from some sort of courageous decision? I can’t. Think of the changes that we have experienced in the last few decades and trace them back to their initial decision. Chances are, someone exhibited courage.
So what is courage? It is simply acting on what we want to do, regardless of any fear we may have. It is the choice to disregard worry. It is the choice to do right, to pursue our dreams, to be successful people, to lead the way for others.
Courage changes lives. Yes, it changes lives.
First, the day you begin to stare down your fears and worries, and instead act courageously, your life will change. You will be set free to fly like you never have before. You will accomplish things you once only dreamed of. You will experience things you thought were only for others – the courageous ones. You will realize that your fears were baseless and just paper tigers, a mirage. You will begin to live your dreams. You will become a person of character!
You will also change the lives of others. Simply put, courageous people pull others along with them. Everybody benefits from courageous people. I know someone who I admire greatly. A little over a year ago he decided to leave a lucrative career and pursue a dream. All obstacles were thrown his way. The day he left his company, he found out that his wife had cancer. He went into a great deal of debt to finance his dream. He raised millions of dollars, putting his name and reputation on the line. He acted courageously. A year later, he has over fifty employees and growing monthly. Those employees are reaping the benefit of his courage! And his wife, who beat cancer, is acting courageously with him!
Here are some quick tips for acting courageously:
Know what you want.
Courage is about choice. If you are to act courageously, you need to know what the right choice is. Be clear about your dream and vision.

Do not worry.
I heard recently that worry is the wrong use of the imagination. That is perhaps the best definition I have ever heard. Worry is just thinking about all of the bad possibilities, isn’t it? Well, courage is just thinking about all the great possibilities and then acting upon them!

Do your homework.
It helps to get the facts. It helps because then you can make an informed decision that will put your heart and mind to rest. There will probably be a downside but we understand it, choose alternatives, and act decisively instead of those.

There is no substitute for the first step. Do you know what you want? Have you thought of the possibilities? Have you done your homework? Then what are you waiting for? The next step is to take the first step, and ACT!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Did you know that highly creative people tend to have fluid, flexible, adaptive minds? Here are three statements that creative people can make easily and which you learn by regular practice.

Admit It When You Are Wrong

The first is simply, "I was wrong." Many people are so concerned with being right that all their mental energy is consumed by stonewalling, bluffing, blaming and denying. If you're wrong, admit it and get on to the solution or the next step.

Face Up to Mistakes

Second, non-creative people think that it is a sign of weakness to say, "I made a mistake." On the contrary, it is actually a sign of mental maturity, personal strength, and individual character. Remember, everybody makes mistakes every single day.

Be Flexible With New Information

The third statement that creative people use easily is, "I changed my mind." It is amazing how many uncomfortable situations people get into and stay in because they are unwilling or afraid to admit that they've changed their minds.

Be Willing to Cut Your Losses

If you get new information or if you find that you feel differently about a previous decision, accept that you have changed your mind and don't let anyone or anything back you into a corner. If a decision does not serve your best interests as you see them now, have the ego-strength and the courage to "cut your losses," to change your mind and then get on to better things.

Action Exercises

Here are two ways you can break out of narrow thinking patterns and become more creative.
First, be willing to admit that you are not perfect, you make mistakes, you are wrong on a regular basis. This is a mark of intelligence and courage.
Second, with new information, be willing to change your mind. Most of what you know about your business today will change completely in the coming years, so be the first to recognize it.

Monday, March 26, 2018


What would I say if given just one more chance to give a short speech that would challenge people to step forward and lead? Here it is:
The topic of leadership has been and continues to be one of the most vital topics in human history. From ancient civilizations to modern day multi-national corporations, men and women of passion, fervor and zeal have sought to discover the secrets of moving others beyond the gray of their mundane reality to the rich array of colors that embody the palate of the extraordinary life.
Every organization or collection of people, from large to small, requires ardent and skilled leaders. It has been said that everything rises and falls on leadership, and it is true. Every group – families, cities, churches, associations and yes, even nations – fulfills its purposes and potential based on the leadership it is shown.
As leaders we are given the charge, the responsibility, and the privilege to see grand visions, to dream lofty dreams, to forge new ground, and to challenge and encourage those who would follow our leadership to ascend the heights with us. We beckon them to come. We implore them. All for their own good. This is to lead them toward their possibilities.
Be assured that there will be a leader of every group. There will be those who influence others, even if you don’t. There may even be unscrupulous people who use their abilities to lead others astray. The quote “All it takes for evil to prevail is for the good man to do nothing,” remains true today, as it has through the annals of time. This is the compelling motive for you to rise up and lead the way for others.
Our families depend on it.             
Our community groups depend on it.
Our nations depend on it.
People will follow you for two reasons: They follow you because of your character, for who you are. They also follow you for your skills, for what you can do. Make it your every effort to impart skillful and honorable leadership for them that would look to you for your wisdom, your guidance and your belief in the promise of the human spirit.
Someone will lead. Will it be you? If not you, then who will lead? If you will not lead now, then when?
Today, more than ever, you are needed. Your strong character is needed. Your finely honed skills are needed. I know you will rise to the challenge.
Lead boldly. Lead with faith. Lead others to the pinnacle of the human existence. This is the highest calling and the reward is of the utmost kind.

Friday, March 23, 2018


I realized that me staying motivated revolves around a few basic things that I do. And they are things that ANYBODY can do. So if I can stay motivated, you can too!
If you want to stay motivated, try these basics that I use to keep myself motivated:
Read good books and magazines.
I am an information junkie! I read all of the time. I don’t care what you say; you cannot be successful without reading! I read books, magazines etc all of the time. I read a breadth of information so as to develop myself on a wide variety of topics. Keep reading them on a regular basis throughout the month and not just in reading binges.

Listen to good information.
Get yourself into some good tapes. Listen to what others have to say. Give yourself a budget to spend on materials that will make you into a motivated animal! Above all, as you listen, apply the truths to your life in your head and they will become what you live!

Maintain a positive group of friends and colleagues.
I broke this rule yesterday and went to coffee with a real downer. I am still recovering from him! One of the best things you can do is to surround yourself with positive people who will build you up and encourage you to pursue your dreams. They will be honest with you, yes, but they will also challenge you to shoot for the stars!

Focus clearly on my goals.
I know where I am going and what I want to accomplish. They are firmly rooted in my mind and heart. Because of this, my mind and heart are in an attitude of motivation all of the time. I want to hit my goals and since they are present in my heart and mind, I put my energies into them.

Discipline myself to live out my priorities.
Most of the time it takes plain old work. We have to discipline ourselves and as we do we find ourselves becoming more and more motivated. If we discipline ourselves, it gives us wins and victories, which makes us feel good, which motivates us for further action. If we don’t discipline ourselves, we feel defeated and we fall into a downward spiral of despair.

Are you keeping yourself motivated? You can. I know you can because I have seen these principles and actions work in my own life. Take a moment right now and see if you are living out the principles for keeping motivated:
Do you regularly read good books and magazines?
Do you regularly listen to good material?
Do you surround yourself with positive and supportive people?
Do you know and focus on your goals?
Do you discipline yourself to action even when you don’t feel like it?
Commit yourself to these and you will find that you become a much more motivated person. This is what I do, and why I can continue to motivate others!
Upward and onward my friends!

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Do you ever imagine yourself earning ten times your current annual wage? If you're earning $25,000, imagine for a moment that it's possible for you to earn $250,000, a 1000% increase.

Don't Sell Yourself Short

The first reaction of most people is to smile briefly and then to begin thinking about why it isn't possible. One man said to me, "If you knew how many years it's taken for me to get to what I'm earning today you wouldn't be suggesting that I could earn ten times as much."

Never A Good Excuse

Mark Twain once wrote that there are a thousand excuses for every failure but never a good reason. The tragedy of the average American and anyone is that whereas his or her main preoccupation seems to be money, or the lack thereof, the average person has the inherent potential to earn far more than he or she is doing currently.
Is the manager earning $250,000 per year ten times as smart as the manager earning $25,000? 10 times as experienced? Does he or she work 10 times harder? Of course not. None of these are physically or mentally possible, but there are people in every business earning many times more than others with the same average age, experience, and intelligence.

The Results Are In

In fact, a few years ago in New York, a thousand men and women were selected at random and tested for I.Q. Between the one having the highest I.Q. in this sample and the one with the lowest, there was a difference of only 2 1/2 times. But between the person earning the most, who by the way, was not the one with the highest I.Q. and the one earning the least, who was not the one with the lowest I.Q., there was a difference of 100X in income.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to start increasing your earnings.
First, identify the highest earning, most successful people in your field and find out what it is that they are doing differently from others who aren't doing as well. Copy them every day.
Second, set a goal to double your earnings over the next two or three years and then figure out how to accomplish that goal.

Monday, March 19, 2018


The poet wrote that "no man is an island' and that is
certainly true for business people. By definition,
business flourishes in the "market-place", with vendors and
suppliers, staff and employees, and customers swirling all
around! It's how business gets done.
At the same time, however, too many business people feel
alone. In some micro-businesses, one person is quite
literally the owner, the manager, the staff, the janitor
and the bookkeeper. That can be lonely and inefficient.
Trying to work from home, or from a one-person office can
be distracting and (at times) depressing.
Even if you work with other people, however, too often the
feeling or sense is still that we are "all alone",
especially if you are in a position of leadership.
One of the most valuable resources any entrepreneur,
professional or small business leader can have is a Master
Mind team of safe, trusted, colleagues who will listen and
advise you. Having a TEAM of people who will be honest
with you, who understand your challenges and will share
their wisdom can be a HUGE advantage!
If you don't have a "kitchen cabinet" or unofficial "board
of directors", get one! That may sound strong or even
arrogant, but the poet was right - none of us functions at
our best when we have to do it all ourselves. Get a team.
Get some advisors you trust, people who know and understand
your situation, people who do NOT compete with you and who
will not play games. Meet with them once a week for a
business breakfast, and help each other to be your BEST.

Friday, March 16, 2018


Nobody wants to fail. Not really.
You may have seen self-help books and motivational programs that talk about failing your way to the top. They can't be taken at face value. Failing your way through anything means failure, not success.
There's a fallacy that "failure is fertilizer." If that's true, then a pile of failures is really just a pile of, well, manure.
I remember this pile all too well. I landed in one as a teenager on my uncle's farm, trying to jump over it on my dirt bike. I failed. The joy of climbing out of a manure pile was a vivid reminder to my slight error in judgment. That's what failure brings—consequences.
While it's true that nobody seeks to fail, the aim is to lose the fear of failure itself—to look on it as feedback, not as an ultimate destination, as some might suggest. Losing the fear of failure is greatly empowering, certainly. Learning from failure results in wisdom.
After falling down, we learn a lesson, get back up and move on. I didn't let that spill on my dirt bike keep me from a life on two wheels. I took the feedback and used it to improve my game. Today, I ride my Harley-Davidson Softail through green vineyards, golden wheat fields, crystal clear lakes and snow-capped mountains near my home every chance I get. I'm just a bit more careful now, needless to say.
Serving Up Your Own Slice of Life
We all love the benefits of the wisdom that failure brings. And the best kind of wisdom is gleaned by learning from the experience of others as Sir Isaac Newton put it, "by standing on the shoulders of giants."
Learning from the failures of others means leverage.
But is there a better way?
The mentor-protégé relationship offers leverage, like a fast-track, to meet your goals. It concentrates the wisdom of previous generations into a single experience.
For a protégé, having a mentor means a chance to explore activities and philosophies that might not be available to their colleagues. It means they have a shortcut to success.
By working with a mentor, a protégé can reap the benefit of a guided look into your rarefied expertise. You can help define their career path, especially if you're in an industry that's sprawling with opportunities, or offers a variety of options for specialization.
5 Benefits for Protégés
There are obvious and not-so-obvious advantages for seeking out a mentor. When you consider what these benefits are, you can define the relationship more successfully and decide the most intelligent areas for concentrating your efforts with a mentor.
1. Knowledge - The most obvious and tangible benefit for a protégé is the practical knowledge you can gain. A mentoring program offers the chance to gain hands-on experience in a field. In every industry, there is a learning curve between training and practice. As a mentor, you can help a protégé avoid many of the pitfalls that plague most people when they're starting out.
2. Safe Learning Environment - For those just entering the workforce, pressures and competition come from all sides. It's easy for anyone to stumble when faced with this kind of pressure, especially if that competition comes from more seasoned personnel. A protégé earns a certain degree of relief from the strain of being a novice in the industry. Having a little extra horsepower in your corner adds job security, which is a powerful motivator to aim higher.
3. More Confidence - A mentor's support and reassurance help you flourish. You don't have to go it alone. Sometimes simply knowing that support is available is enough to offer encouragement, correct mistakes and boost confidence.
4. Clear Path to Success - Protégés naturally want to live up to expectations. Some people call this the Law of Reciprocity. With a well-defined mentoring relationship, you are building a clear path for yourself. In any industry, the career track is paved with pitfalls. Teaming with a mentor means a protégé can bypass some pitfalls and stay focused on performance.
5. Relationships - In business, advancement is often more about who you know than what you know. A supportive word or recommendation from your mentor can open doors that you might never have known existed. Through the networking opportunities provided by a mentor, the talented protégé can meet professionals who are influential in your career. The chance for networking and referrals can make all the difference.
It's an incredible feeling when you know that you've been helped by someone else in a way you can never fully repay. What a great gift to yourself by seeking a mentor. More importantly, you'll be getting a precious detour around that dung heap called failure!

Thursday, March 15, 2018


If you are in sales, you might know the difficulty and stress that comes with the end game of selling. But do you know that there are several reasons for why it is?
First and foremost is the fear of failure experienced by the prospect. Because of negative buying experiences in the past, over which you could have no control, prospects are conditioned to be suspicious, skeptical and wary of salespeople and sales approaches. They may like to buy, but they don't like to be sold. They are afraid of making a mistake. They are afraid of paying too much and finding it for sale cheaper somewhere else.

1. Fear of Criticism

They are afraid of being criticized by others for making the wrong buying decision. They are afraid of buying an inappropriate product and finding out later that they should have purchased something else. This fear of failure, of making a mistake in buying your product, is the major reason why people object, hesitate and procrastinate on the buying decision.

2. Fear of Rejection

The second major obstacle to selling is the fear of rejection, of criticism and disapproval experienced by the salesperson. You work long and hard to prospect and cultivate a prospective buyer and you are very reluctant to say anything that might cause the prospect to tune you out and turn you off. You have a lot invested in each prospect and if you are not careful, you will find yourself being wishy-washy at the end of the sale, rather than risking incurring the displeasure of the prospect by your asking for a firm decision.

3. Customers Are Busy

The third reason why the end of the sale is difficult is that customers are busy and preoccupied. It isn't that they are not interested in enjoying the benefits of your product. It's just that they are overwhelmed with work and they find it difficult to make sufficient time available to think through your recommendations and make a buying decision. And the better they are as a prospect, the busier they tend to be. This is why you need to maintain momentum throughout the sales process and gently push it to a conclusion at the appropriate time.

4. Inertia is Hard to Break

The factor of inertia is the fourth reason that can also cause the sales process to come to a halt without a resolution. Customers are lazy and often quite comfortable doing what they are currently doing. Your product or service may require that they make exceptional efforts to accommodate the change or a new way of doing things. They perhaps recognize that they would be better off with your product, but the trouble and expense of installing it hardly seem to make it worth the effort. They see no pressing need or urgency to stop doing what they are doing and start doing something else with what you are selling.

Everyone Buys at the Same Time

The good news is that everybody you meet has bought and will buy, new products and services from someone, at some time. If they didn't buy from you, they will from someone else. You must find the way to overcome the natural physical and psychological obstacles to buying and then hone your skills so that you are capable of selling to almost any qualified prospect you speak to.

Action Exercises

Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, recognize the normal fear of making a buying mistake experienced by the customer. Give him every reason you can think of to be confident in dealing with you.
Second, accept that everyone you talk to is busy and you are interrupting. Always ask if this is a good time for him to give you his undivided attention. If not, arrange to see him another time.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Every morning I take about 15 minutes to sip tea,
collect my thoughts and plan my day. I jot my daily
priorities on a card, and on the back I write a summary of
my major goals and life-values. I put it in my pocket and
review it throughout the day to stay on track and to smile
as I get things done.
There's nothing special about that. Lots of success
coaches recommend planning your day. (It is a KEY to
getting the important things done!)
What caught my attention this week was the need to
intentionally CHOOSE to be optimistic and hopeful. On
Thanksgiving morning (of all days), our local newspaper had
headlines about a state budget crisis here.
There was a story about terrorism and something about
problems in the schools. I turned on the radio and was
warned about dangerous toys and travel delays and all sorts
of bad news. 
The irony hit me in the face. No one - not the news, not
my business associates, no one - was going to remind me to
be cheerful, optimistic and productive.
All around us, the world conspires to be negative. It's
too hot or too cold. Costs are too high, incomes are too
low. Beware of illness, be careful of danger. Watch out!
In journalism, there is a saying that "if it bleeds, it
leads." Bad news sells, and that is a shame. Thanks to
television, bad news shows up in our living rooms within
minutes, giving us a daily dose of pain, danger and
Yes, we live in a complex world and there are real and
legitimate problems out there. Of course that's true!
It also happens to be true, however, that we live in the
richest, healthiest and most exciting time in history.
Most of the illnesses, dangers and threats that harmed our
grandparents are totally eliminated. We are free to
travel, to learn, and to try. For the most part, we can be
as productive, as happy and as joyful as we choose to be.
I grew up in farm country and I remember when it was common
to see a man without fingers or missing an arm. Some had
lost limbs in war, but many had been injured on farm
equipment or in factories. Fortunately, those things don't
happen so often any more. And yet, we expose ourselves to
crisis and warnings and worry as if flood or famine were
just around the corner.
Don't do that to yourself!
Most of us will live long and prosperous lives. We will
build businesses and visit exciting places. Most of us
will see our children do things, meet people, solve
problems, travel and enjoy a world we can barely imagine.
We are free to read the best literature and watch the best
movies ever made. We can visit museums, go anyplace on
earth, and even watch football on a big-screen TV! What an
incredible age!
So, don't blow it. Choose optimism, joy and hope. Have
some fun, make a call, hug a child, enjoy a sunrise, go for
a walk, take a friend out for dessert.
This season, celebrate your life and remember the
opportunities that lie ahead. Get a calendar and plan to
make 2018 your BEST year ever!