We can make creative day dreaming more effective for changing beliefs when we bring the day dream into the real world and act it out. This makes a stronger impression on our inner mind and thus builds a stronger belief. It's also more fun!
Every animal species on this planet has inborn instincts leading them to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Squirrels have an instinct to bury nuts in the Fall in preparation for Winter. Birds have an instinct to build nests in which to lay eggs. Salmon and penguins have an instinct to return to their place of birth to produce the next generation. Humans have an instinct to pretend to be something we would like to become. As children, we had a natural tendency to pretend. We imitated those people and characters we admired. We imagined what it would be like to live as they lived, testing our own boundaries and limitations to see if we could push past them and become something more than we were.
But somewhere along the way, most of us stopped. We were taught that pretending was just for kids, and that it didn't have any real value in life. Because we trusted those who gave us this information, we accepted their belief and gave up that part of ourselves. I would like you to give yourself permission to embrace your natural instincts. This may, at first, feel alien to you from the many years of neglect, but will give you more control over your own beliefs. As you do this, you will find yourself enjoying life more and getting the things you truly desire.
There are many different ways we can use the process of pretending to change what we believe. Some people write checks to themselves for $1 million to pretend they are receiving great wealth. Other people carry around a date book filled with names and phone numbers to pretend they are the most popular person around. Many people pretend they are driving a new super sports-car instead of the clunky beater they'd prefer to leave behind. Still others dress up in costume and recite 'magical' poems pretending the words will cause spiritual forces to make changes for them. All these forms of pretending are good in that they help us believe in something we previously could not.
As in all processes designed to create change in the world around us, as long as we believe in the process, it will work for us. This is true regardless of the process used, including the traditional processes that 'logically' lead to wealth, relationships, health, and so on. Traditional processes such as running a business, investing, dating, charm, prescription drugs, and eating right are only as effective as the beliefs supporting them. We know this because so many people fail even when using such traditional processes.You can improvise any game of pretend that makes sense in your situation. The more you can 'make it real', the better it will work for you.
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