Monday, May 25, 2009


Memorial Day Weekend, a time traditionally set aside to honor those who sacrificed and often gave their lives for our freedom. Liberty and democracy are fragile things and they do not flourish by themselves. They require loving care and costly sacrifice by those who cherish them. Every day, liberty is under attack by those who would censor our words, our thoughts and our prayers. Every day, freedom is challenged by those--often good, well-intentioned people--who want more "order" at the expense of chaotic, inefficient democracy.Because of our freedom, we can argue and disagree about where, and how, and when, and even if we should defend freedom, but there can be no doubt that we have the debates because brave men and women stood up against tyranny. In honor of those who died on 9/11, and to those all over the world who continue to sacrifice and too often die so we can have our picnics and watch our races, and have our debates this weekend: Thank you.
It seems woefully inadequate, but again, THANK YOU!And now I want to make a tricky intellectual "pivot" and turn from talking about honoring those who fought for our freedoms, and talk about how we build our own lives, and the "Memorial Days" that signify our progress. Clearly, we must first honor those who have sacrificed for our freedom, but we honor them most by USING our freedom, not merely luxuriating in it.I'm going to make a strong, blunt statement that may offend some, but here goes: I believe too many of us have grown flabby and lazy. We enjoy our freedoms and our wealth and our opportunities, but we also squander them.Too often, we use our freedoms to become superb consumers rather that expert builders. Too often, we use our freedoms to complain rather than to create. Too often, we use our freedoms and our wealth and our power to become couch potatoes and channel-surfers rather than exploring our potential and pushing the limits of possibility. As you celebrate this Memorial Day, what are the key dates in your own life? As you look back, do you mark the dates your children were born, or the date you launched your business? Do you mark the date you set your own course, and risked everything to pursue your dreams? How about you? What are your personal Memorial Days? How have you used your freedoms, your talent, your dreams and abilities to create the life you want? We all have them! Some dates are specific and easy to recall, others may not have been so special at the time, but in retrospect we know they were turning points.Honor those turning points. Honor yourself! Freedom and opportunity exist only if they are used! And one of the ways we fuel our dreams and empower the future is by "borrowing" confidence from the past. Celebrate your past achievements and use them to know, deep inside, that you can boldly go wherever your wish in the future. Go climb some big mountains!

Quotes of the Week
"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." -- Jeremy Kitson
"In each of us are places where we have never gone. Only by pressing the limits do you ever find them." -- Dr. Joyce Brothers
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
"Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. Power is about what you can control. Freedom is about what you can unleash." -- Harriet Rubin

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