This week, Americans celebrate their declaration of independence from British rule back in 1776. In the midst of the fireworks, picnics and ball games, we forget how courageous the signers of the Declaration of Independence truly were. By signing their names, they risked their lives, their property and their sacred honor for values and a vision they believed in.It has always seemed to me that July 4th really ought to be a day for affirming our values and our highest aspirations. In fact, let me re-phrase it for emphasis:One of the great failures of modern life is that so many of us do not USE our freedom to create the life we want.Take a moment to consider the freedoms you have right now:
*** You have access to a world of education and ideas
*** Your public library is full of the greatest books ever written
*** You can live anywhere on earth
*** You can live with (or without) anyone you please
*** You can learn as much as you like
*** You can earn as much as you like
*** You can CONTRIBUTE and CREATE as much as you like!
And yet, as Thoreau wrote over 150 years ago, too many of us continue to live lives of "quiet desperation."I am appalled at the number of Americans who live "paycheck to paycheck," using credit cards to survive! We are the richest, most educated, most financially literate people in history! Why do we live this way? I am appalled at the number of people who do work they find boring or unsatisfying. You can change careers with a bit of education, a bit of networking, a bit of effort, and while millions of us "start over" every year, others stay in unsatisfying situations year after year after year. Why!? I am appalled at the people who call or email me to say they have a dream they want to pursue, but they "can't afford" a coach, or they "don't know how to start," or they "can't rock the boat." Folks, there are a million reasons to stay in a situation that is less than ideal - and if that is your choice I respect it - but don't use the excuse that you "can't" change it! That's just wrong! This week, Americans "Independence Day!" They are also starting the second half of the year.
PLEASE - take time to review your most important goals, your highest aspirations and your biggest dreams, and if there are changes you want to make, then do so! If there are things you need to be doing, please begin. Decide NOW to make the second half of 2009 your time of transformation and personal independence. Declare that you will USE your freedom to do what makes you happy, fulfills your destiny and gives meaning and purpose to your life. Do not "go to your grave with your music still inside you!" I'm a firm believer in the power of small steps. It is rarely necessary to take big, dramatic (or risky!) steps, but it is always necessary to begin. Think clearly. Take notes. Talk with loved ones. Admit your dreams out loud, and if there are steps you need to take during the rest of 2009, start walking.
Quotes of the Week
"The secret of man's being is not only to live but to have something to live for." -- Dostoyevsky
"Those who do not create the future they want must endure the future they get."
-- Draper L. Kaufman, Jr.
"Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. Power is about what you can control. Freedom is about what you can unleash." -- Harriet Rubin
"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now." -- Joan Baez
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