Friday, January 22, 2010


What is your most ideal day? Do you know exactly how you want to live your life for the next five days, five weeks, five months, and five years? When was the last best day of your life? When is the next?
The best day of our lives is today. The past is no longer here. To dwell on the past to waste the opportunity to enjoy the present. The future is a promise, a time that will not come because what we have is only today. When tomorrow comes, it will not be tomorrow anymore; it becomes your today. I am not trying to sound philosophical. You cannot enjoy tomorrow unless you know how to enjoy your today.
If you were live to thirty more years, you are going to experience 10,957 todays. Given that you have that many more days to live, it is easy to waste time. But every day that passed without your notice is day cut off from your life.
How many of these days will be given to building relationship with your family, friends, co-workers, and the people around you? How many of these days will be invested to learning new things, to increasing your value in the society, to making a difference in the world of one or one million? How many of these days will be spent for knowing yourself and your God? And how many of these 10,957 days do you intend to spend with worry, anger, fear, and frustration?
Each day is a decision.
Whatever we do today is our decision. Some people plan for the future as if the future is something that you can reach by following a straight line. No; every moment is a moment of decision. There are moments that we make bigger decisions, but we only reach these bigger decisions because of the small decisions we made before.
Some people cry when they stumble. Others laugh. And there are those who pretend that nothing happened. Each action is a decision.
Do you know of people who are always late? Have you realized that these are also the same people who blame the traffic, the drivers, and the weather? Have you realized that these are the same people who complain a lot? And yes, the same people who find their days very toxic? Being late in the workplace is a decision.
Avoid the complainers. They are making their lives stressful and miserable. And they want you to feel the same. You need to accept that the way you spend your days and live your life is your responsibility. Each day is a decision. And you are the decision maker.
Each day is a decision to live.
Today is a gift. How you use this day is up to you. At each new day, you decided whether to unwrap that gift, or let it stay in the corner and spoil. There are people who exist but do not live. They wake up each morning not knowing what to do. Ask them why they go to school, and they will be surprised by you asking that question. They say that's what you are supposed to do to have a good job. Ask them why they go to work, and they say because everyone goes to work. So, they go to work, spending a portion of their valuable days for work they don't want to do, with people whom they don't want to see, for a place they don't want to stay. And then they complain about being stressed. So, they attend stress management seminars and learn stress management techniques for a day. Go back to work expecting to be able to handle the stressors in the workplace. And being stressed further because they will find out that techniques do not work.
Stress for those who do not know why they live is suicide in slow motion. Stress for those who live with purpose serves a good purpose.
Each day is a decision to live your ideal life.
One great tragedy of our generation is that most people do not even pause to think about life. Deep within you is the desire to live an ideal life. Again, how do you intend to live each day of your life? What are the things which are important to you?
A favorite bible verse says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be given unto you." This is my guide. Every day is opportunity to seek my real purpose. To live my purpose is my ideal life. Every day is a chance to live an ideal life.
I believe that worry and frustrations have no place in my ideal life. To truly live my purpose, I must do everything that will realize my purpose each new day. It does not take ten seconds to decide. How about you, how do you like to spend your next hour? Will it help you realize your purpose?
You may still worry about your boss getting angry with you. But then again, you will realize that worrying won't help solve a problem. And who says that you have to be affected by your boss' anger. You may not be able to make the day of your boss any better on that day (of course, you can always try), but you don't need to ruin your day either.
You may still worry about angry and difficult clients. There are those who call you names. But wait, you are in control! This client is just one of the many souls you will meet on this day, or in your lifetime. Your role for today is to help this customer solve his problem. You cannot allow him to ruin your day (and that is not really his purpose).
You sleep late. You love watching that TV show until the wee hours. I don't have to counsel you. But as for me, I know that sleeping very late will not really help me. First, there is really no TV show or night party which is more important that doing the things that I love doing. Second, I spend a lot of energy when I sleep late. I wake up late and start late and oftentimes am not productive. So, why waste the opportunity to be at my best for something that will not really add a minute to my life, to my self-esteem, or even my value to this world.
I challenge you to be clear about your purposes in life. Decide to live your ideal life.

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