This week some of the smartest, most successful people I
know gathered in a small village in Wisconsin to talk about
living GREAT lives. These are people who have achieved
substantial success in business and in life, and yet we came
together to talk about how we can make things even better.
As everyone knows, there are many definitions of success but
one I like is, "the achievement of goals that are worthwhile
to both the individual and the community around him/her." I
like that because it emphasizes that individual achievement
always happens in the context of those around us, and it
talks about the values, or the "meaning" of the goals that
are being achieved. To achieve "success" our goals must be
I am increasingly concerned that in the 21st century one of
our greatest challenges is to create and live lives that
truly satisfy and fulfill us. Credit cards have allow almost
anyone with a little creativity to display the toys of
success. It is not hard to lease a fancy car, wear designer
clothes or take a luxury vacation. The trick is (1) paying
for them, and (2) truly enjoying them.
It's no secret that "stress" is a major challenge. I've read
that depression is on the rise, and we all know that
divorce, substance abuse, even suicide are major problems.
How can such a blessed people be so unhappy?
That's the challenge of the World Class Life Conference.
It would be impossible to describe in this short article all
the tools and strategies we talked about in 3 days, but here
are a few basic suggestions for creating and living the life
your truly want:
1. Focus on values rather than things. Who and what do you
love? What do you believe? What would you die to defend? Get
very clear about what you value in addition to the many
things you might want in life.
2. Focus on giving rather than receiving. What is your
major contribution in this world? What can you give to your
community? Where and how can you make a positive difference?
I'm a huge fan of "small daily steps" -- how and where can
you make a positive contribution today?
3. Focus on happiness rather than pleasure. Happiness is
one of the highest and best human longings, while pleasure
is often short-lived and even self-defeating. You deserve a
life of happiness. In addition to entertainment, seek
satisfaction, fulfillment and joy.
4. Focus on long-term rather than short-term satisfaction.
One of my mentors, Thomas Leonard, talked about thinking in
terms of 100-year goals and I like that. Leave the planet
better than you found it.
5. Focus on productivity rather than busy-ness. Too often
we confuse being busy with being effective. Put your
thoughts and efforts where they can do the most good. Use
"leverage" to make your days count.
6. Focus on simplicity rather than complexity. We all know
that life can be confusing, stressful and complicated but a
World Class Life is marked by doing one thing at a time,
being fully "present" and living each day to the fullest.
I remember a cynical bumper sticker that said, "He who dies
with the most toys wins" and I remember thinking, "yeah, but
you're still dead." Life is short and it must be lived with
wisdom and skill. Focus on creating and living a truly World
Class Life. This is your one and only life and you deserve
nothing less.
Quotes of the Week
"Follow your bliss." -- Joseph Campbell
"The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be one's
own self." -- Montaigne
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds
from the achievement of one's values." -- Ayn Rand
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness
has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." -- Goethe
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