Monday, October 18, 2010


Recently the American package delivery company, UPS, has been
running a brilliant ad on television. A woman sings about the
joy of "logistics" set to the music of a famous Italian
melody. (I always think of Dean Martin singing "That's Amore"
when I hear it.)
The ad is well done, with cute images and music that swells
and grows through the 30 seconds. It's a twist on an old
familiar love song, and there's a delightful absurdity about
the joy of package delivery!
I draw two vital business lessons from this simple ad:
1. Make your advertising memorable or don't bother.
Currently, we are swamped with political ads of all kinds.
That may be good (we want educated, informed voters) but it
definitely grows tedious. It's especially tedious because so
many of the ads are so badly done! They are negative,
unhappy, dark and somber. And worse, they are so forgettable!
When you advertise your business, take the time and effort to
stand out in a positive way! Make your ads memorable,
humorous, inspiring or at least educational. An ad that
merely says you exist is not going to do much for your
business. Tell folks about the problems you solve or the
benefits you provide. And put some zing in it!
2. It's the fundamentals that make all the difference. The
best businesses are very good at what they do. It may not be
flashy or sexy or "new" but they get things done on time,
every time. They keep their promises and take pride in what
they do.
Package delivery is not sexy or "new." It's a business we
want to take for granted because we never worry about it.
It's a delivery service! And for UPS to create such a
powerful ad should inspire every business leader.
How will you make your business stand out? Advertise with
flair and creativity, and when you get a new customer, do
your work on time, on budget, with class and enthusiasm.
Every time. Loyal, repeat customers will make you rich.

Quotes of the Week
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your
strength lies." -- Mother Teresa
"In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness
that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us
happy." -- Albert Clarke
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness
has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." -- Goethe
“The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you're
still a rat.” -- Lily Tomlin

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