Monday, March 26, 2012


Most business leaders love what they do and focus on their
professional skills. That’s a great beginning, but it does
NOT necessarily lead to business (or professional) success.
Being a skilled physician, sales manager or attorney is not
enough unless the world knows about you, knows how to find
you, and is willing to hire you. Here are four keys that can
help with that process:
1. Specialize until you are the best! Being good is rarely
good enough. Go beyond very good to extreme proficiency!
Choose a specialty that excites you, one you can develop for
a lifetime, and become the BEST at it. Exceptional skill is
costly, necessary, and worth it!
2. Understand and communicate with a precisely chosen
audience. I work with professionals on business
development (my specialty) and my first niche were my
colleagues in the IT field. After that, I found niches
with real estate and insurance professionals. That gave me
one specialty, and three niches where I could effectively
market my services. Who are your best customers?
3. The Law of "Enough." You must communicate with your
target audience until enough of them hire you. Depending on
how persuasive you are, you may need to reach only a few
colleagues. Or, you may need to reach thousands, or even
millions of potential customers. How will you do that?
Advertising works; so does networking. I enjoy writing
and using the Internet. How will you reach "enough" of your
4. Persistence. There are very few over-night wonders, and
the ones we hear about have usually been building their
businesses in the shadows for 20 years. High levels of
success usually require time, energy, effort,
experimentation and adjustment. And, it requires hard work!
In the end, persistence pays!
Invest in yourself--get a coach! Every top athlete,
entertaner, and business leader has a coach (or several of
them) and they depend on the feedback, encouragement, advice
and the support to hone their skills, maintain focus, and
give them the tools they need. Top performers know this! Yet
millions of people still try to compete with the best in
their field by going in alone! Don't do that to yourself! To
be your best, use a personal coach.

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