Thursday, May 31, 2012


 Recently, a woman asked "Should I take your ‘Creating a Blueprint for Financial Success' workshop?" It was a great question. She had no debt and was curious if the workshop would benefit her.
My answer was "yes!"
The following story explains the reasons for, "If I have no debt, why should I bother learning about financial success?"
The answer lies within three common financial mistakes:
1. Maintaining the Status Quo
The first mistake is maintaining the status quo. We tend to do the same thing we've always done and complain when we get the same results. Dan Kennedy, consultant to millionaires says the following about predicting personal income:
"In one year's time I can tell you how much money you'll have, if you'll provide me with the following information:
1. The balance in your bank account today.
2. An analysis of how you spend your time in an average week.
3. A list of the books and recordings you've read and listened to in the last month.
4. Some information about the five people you hang out with most.
 For 90% of the population the answer is "The same." In one year's time you will have the same amount of money that you have in your bank account today.
I share this story to inspire you. Whether you have debt or not, do you want to do more than just maintain your current financial state? If so, then it is important to take action and expose yourself to new ideas and concepts. Otherwise, why would you expect your financial situation to be any different one year from now?
2. Inconsistent Actions
People falsely believe that if they've made one really good financial move that they've done enough. For example, they open a retirement account and continue to invest the same amount year after year without re-evaluating, or they start an emergency savings account and put a small one-time lump sum of money in it. I teach people that the secret to making consistent progress lies in taking bite-size steps towards financial success. Consistent action over time creates success.
Focus on Progress Not Perfection. Regardless of your financial situation the important thing is to make consistent progress. As long as you're making progress then you are moving in the right direction.
3. Not Working as a Team
Whether you're in a relationship or not, this concept holds true. You have to work as a team with your spouse. Many couples believe their "systems" work fine. I often hear, "Oh, we're fine! I pay the bills and my wife balances the checkbook."
Well, I'm glad everything is just fine, I think to myself. But how much of your system is based on mutual discussion and working together as a cohesive financial team?
If you aren't working on your finances as a team, you're missing out on a connecting and life-changing process.
For people not in a relationship this concept can also be applied on an individual level, are you working as a "team" with yourself? Are you supportive, positive and taking consistent steps to improve your finances? Notice your internal mindset and belief systems. Do you feel pessimistic or optimistic when it comes to improving your finances? Remember, financial success begins within.
Are you making any of these mistakes? If so, make today the day you change them!

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