Monday, December 3, 2012


Over the years, I've consistently encouraged you to have
clear, measurable goals. Only you can decide what you want
for your life. Only you can decide what makes you happy and
gives you the life you truly want.
And having selected your goals, only you can devise the
perfect strategy for their achievement. The perfect strategy
for you, in your situation, won't be the same as anyone
else's strategy. You have obstacles that no one else has,
but you also have talents, skills and opportunities that
give you a totally "unfair advantage" in the quest for a
GREAT life!
And once you have the goals clearly defined and your perfect
strategy mapped in detail, all that's left is the simple
matter of daily execution. And of course, that's the easy
Sure, it's also where most people fail. Everyone can
visualize a great dream, and most can figure out at least a
reasonable strategy. But doing the small, daily actions is
where they get distracted. They change their minds, or get
frustrated and give up.
But not you! Set a clearly-defined, precisely measured
target. Develop a simple, elegant strategy, and then, "work
your plan." Do your daily chores. Make a list, "check it
twice," and get to work. You know this stuff!
So let's walk through a specific illustration.
One goal I recommend for most everyone in 2013 is a goal for
Personal Development.
Twelve months from now you want to be "better" than you are
now. You want to know more, or be kinder, wiser, richer,
stronger, healthier. . . BETTER than you are today. So, how
are you going to do that?
Step 1: Precisely Define the Goal
What does "better" look like for you? Will you learn a new
language, or be a better parent or lover? Will you manage
your time or money better? Will you be healthier or learn a
new hobby?
The temptation is to say Yes to several of these, but of
course that's silly. You can only do so much with the time,
energy and resources available.
So, which goal will you choose? And how much of it? What's
the budget? How will you measure success? Be clear. Be
specific. Move from a dream to a measurable, concrete,
action-able GOAL to be "better" than you are today. Twelve
months from today you will be BETTER. But how much better?
And how will you measure it?
Step 2: Develop an Effective Strategy
How, exactly, will you master this new skill or ability?
Will you sign up for classes? Work on it by yourself? Will
you join a team, get a coach, practice every morning before
How will you measure your progress? Is there a way to keep
score? Financial goals are nice because you just calculate
your Net Worth every month and plot the numbers. But how
will you measure your skills as a parent or your progress
toward being an effective leader? Be smart about this.
There's a way to measure just about anything, but you may
have to be creative.
And -- a critical question -- what will you have to give up
to make room for your new goal? A goal to read 12 books in
12 months may mean watching less sports or fewer movies.
More time with the kids may mean less time on the golf
course. Every goal requires that we pay a price, and success
requires that you pay the price in full. Be clear about
this. You cannot do it all!
Step 3: Do the Work
I'm a huge fan of constant learning, particularly through
reading, watching documentaries and attending seminars. That
means actually sitting down to read. An hour or more, every
day. It means registering for the seminars, spending the
money, packing a suitcase, showing up and taking notes. You
have to do the work!
Achievement means going for that run, whether it's raining
or not. It means going to class or helping the kids with
their homework five nights a week. Do the work!
Let me close with an example. I challenge you to read every
single day for 365 days in 2013. I love reading, and this
may not suit everyone, but it's helped me and I believe it's
worth your consideration. How do you set yourself up for
Step 1: Decide what you want to know more about -- history
or selling, parenting or politics or some inspirational
biographies. You decide, but be specific. Research and list
books on your topic. Decide whether you'll measure progress
by the number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or
Step 2: Develop an Effective Strategy -- I quit work about
four in the afternoon and read until dinner. I have a list
of books I plan to read, focused on topics I want to study.
I buy the books in advance and stack them in the living room
where I see them every day and they remind me to stay focused.
(Note: This took some negotiation with Mary. Your solution may
vary!) You'll need a strategy that's designed to work in your
Step 3: Read! Every day. Stop. Sit down. Read. Do not get
distracted. Do not procrastinate, do not run errands or
answer the phone. Just read. Until dinner.
Everyone knows about goal-setting, but few leverage it for
their own success. Don't let that be you! Set specific,
measurable goals that have meaning and make sense, goals
that excite you. Develop your strategy, then work your plan.
Choose your goals wisely. Then focus intensely. And stay
with it.
It's what successful people do. It's what successful people
have always done.

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