Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The power of synergy, joint-ventures and collaboration
always amazes me.
In designing and negotiating the details for a new project,
this week I spent hours on the phone with a national
expert, asking about her best material, reading her
reports, and thinking about my business and what she can
teach me. Even if no the venture goes nowhere and we never
make a dime, my profits are already enormous--and they are
totally tax free since so far they are not measured in
dollars and cents!
By putting our heads together, we are smarter, more
efficient and more effective than either of us are by
ourselves. We have sharpened our focus, and honed our
skills. We will share our best material with our customers,
but the PROCESS of creating is, quite honestly, my greatest
benefit. And, that can never be lost, taxed or taken away.
Most small business owners completely miss the power of
joint-ventures. They see their colleagues mostly as
competitors. They want to keep their business knowledge a
secret, and tend to view others with suspicion, and that is
a shame, and a waste. It limits your success.
Who can you collaborate with? Who has a system, a product
or an idea you can bring to your audience for mutual
benefit? Who can you partner with on a special project? Who
would you like to hang out with, learn from, or introduce
to your customers?
Take a moment. Write down three names. Then, make the
calls! You can't possibly know where it will lead until you
explore the possibilities. Make the calls!

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