Of all the questions I get from readers, the two that come
up the most are about "procrastination" and the desire for
"motivation." What strikes me is how goal-oriented and
ambitious TIPS subscribers are!
But, from your emails about procrastination and motivation,
I'm also struck by how quick some of you are to be critical
of your own performance! That seems like such a waste!
Observe what is real, of course! Learn from your own
behavior, obviously. If you see things you want to change,
take action! But to be harsh with yourself for
procrastination or lack of motivation? I don't see the
advantage in that. It seems like wasted energy.
Especially since I see procrastination and motivation as
opposite sides of the same coin. When I lack motivation for
a project, I tend to procrastinate. But when I'm full of
enthusiasm, energy and determination, procrastination
rarely even occurs to me. And my clients seem to be the
same way.
And motivation is entirely a "do it to yourself" project.
One of the best things I've ever heard about motivation
came from the late Zig Ziglar. Zig was a genius and was
deeply loved by millions of people. His words and ideas
transformed thousands of lives. And truer words have never
been uttered than his famous quip that, "People say
motivation doesn't last. Well neither do showers. That's
why I recommend both every day!"
Motivation comes from knowing exactly what we're trying to
accomplish, and why. When we are absolutely clear about the
results we want to achieve and have a precise, detailed
list of the advantages that will come to us and our loved
ones from achieving them, procrastination doesn't stand a
Ask any kid who wants to stay up past her bedtime. Ask any
teenager eager to get their driver's license. Ask a young
man hoping to impress the love of his life, or a young
mother how much "interest" she has in being the best mother
she can be! Procrastination is NOT a problem! Their goal is
clear, and their reasons are powerful!
When you are clear about exactly what you want to learn or
do, and are also clear about your reasons, motivation will
keep you up all night long. Ask the college student
cramming for finals!
One of my personal mentors, Jim Rohn, often observed that
"when you have enough reasons, you can achieve any goal."
The key is clarity about the outcome, and precision about
the "why." And those two things are entirely, and only, up
to you.
What are your goals for this summer? What, exactly, will
you learn or build, buy or sell, read, do, or achieve by
September? How will you measure success? Who are your
cheerleaders? Who's on your MasterMind team?
Answering those questions tells you WHAT you are striving
for and who will help you along the way. They give you a
clear picture of success, and benchmarks to measure your
The next steps to building motivation and eliminating
procrastination are your REASONS for achieving your goal.
And reasons are intensely personal. One person wants to hit
a sales record to win the prize, while someone else needs
the income, and the "new guy" just wants to keep her job.
Whatever your REASONS, they are the drivers behind
motivation. With enough, and big enough REASONS, motivation
will never be a problem!
Here are some practical suggestions:
1. Re-write, and then re-read, your goals every single
day. Be specific. Keep them measurable. Every single
2. List your REASONS for achieving your goals, every
single day. This is essential. Vague reasons ("it would be
nice") kill motivation! How will you and your family
benefit? How will success fulfill your values, and your
life? Write it all down.
3. Value your "cheerleaders." We all need enthusiastic
people who love us and care about our results. Family,
friends, co-workers, coaches and even folks you've never
met will benefit from your achievement. Let them know how
to hold you accountable and cheer you forward!
4. Read and listen to inspirational stories, every single
day. Buy and listen to the classic talks by Ziglar and
Rohn. They are timeless and never get old. Read
biographies--if others have done it, so can you!
The dog days of summer can make us lazy and rob us of
motivation. Don't let that happen! This is your life! You
will never have a second chance to make today, this week,
or this summer absolutely fantastic! Get up early, start
strong, focus on your goals and keep going all day long.
There is no substitute.
up the most are about "procrastination" and the desire for
"motivation." What strikes me is how goal-oriented and
ambitious TIPS subscribers are!
But, from your emails about procrastination and motivation,
I'm also struck by how quick some of you are to be critical
of your own performance! That seems like such a waste!
Observe what is real, of course! Learn from your own
behavior, obviously. If you see things you want to change,
take action! But to be harsh with yourself for
procrastination or lack of motivation? I don't see the
advantage in that. It seems like wasted energy.
Especially since I see procrastination and motivation as
opposite sides of the same coin. When I lack motivation for
a project, I tend to procrastinate. But when I'm full of
enthusiasm, energy and determination, procrastination
rarely even occurs to me. And my clients seem to be the
same way.
And motivation is entirely a "do it to yourself" project.
One of the best things I've ever heard about motivation
came from the late Zig Ziglar. Zig was a genius and was
deeply loved by millions of people. His words and ideas
transformed thousands of lives. And truer words have never
been uttered than his famous quip that, "People say
motivation doesn't last. Well neither do showers. That's
why I recommend both every day!"
Motivation comes from knowing exactly what we're trying to
accomplish, and why. When we are absolutely clear about the
results we want to achieve and have a precise, detailed
list of the advantages that will come to us and our loved
ones from achieving them, procrastination doesn't stand a
Ask any kid who wants to stay up past her bedtime. Ask any
teenager eager to get their driver's license. Ask a young
man hoping to impress the love of his life, or a young
mother how much "interest" she has in being the best mother
she can be! Procrastination is NOT a problem! Their goal is
clear, and their reasons are powerful!
When you are clear about exactly what you want to learn or
do, and are also clear about your reasons, motivation will
keep you up all night long. Ask the college student
cramming for finals!
One of my personal mentors, Jim Rohn, often observed that
"when you have enough reasons, you can achieve any goal."
The key is clarity about the outcome, and precision about
the "why." And those two things are entirely, and only, up
to you.
What are your goals for this summer? What, exactly, will
you learn or build, buy or sell, read, do, or achieve by
September? How will you measure success? Who are your
cheerleaders? Who's on your MasterMind team?
Answering those questions tells you WHAT you are striving
for and who will help you along the way. They give you a
clear picture of success, and benchmarks to measure your
The next steps to building motivation and eliminating
procrastination are your REASONS for achieving your goal.
And reasons are intensely personal. One person wants to hit
a sales record to win the prize, while someone else needs
the income, and the "new guy" just wants to keep her job.
Whatever your REASONS, they are the drivers behind
motivation. With enough, and big enough REASONS, motivation
will never be a problem!
Here are some practical suggestions:
1. Re-write, and then re-read, your goals every single
day. Be specific. Keep them measurable. Every single
2. List your REASONS for achieving your goals, every
single day. This is essential. Vague reasons ("it would be
nice") kill motivation! How will you and your family
benefit? How will success fulfill your values, and your
life? Write it all down.
3. Value your "cheerleaders." We all need enthusiastic
people who love us and care about our results. Family,
friends, co-workers, coaches and even folks you've never
met will benefit from your achievement. Let them know how
to hold you accountable and cheer you forward!
4. Read and listen to inspirational stories, every single
day. Buy and listen to the classic talks by Ziglar and
Rohn. They are timeless and never get old. Read
biographies--if others have done it, so can you!
The dog days of summer can make us lazy and rob us of
motivation. Don't let that happen! This is your life! You
will never have a second chance to make today, this week,
or this summer absolutely fantastic! Get up early, start
strong, focus on your goals and keep going all day long.
There is no substitute.
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