Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Dan Hinson has been my computer guru for years and this
week we installed some new machines and up-graded our
network, and he was fantastic! Dan has been around
computers for a long, long time and I suspect he could
easily charge more than he does.
Every time we call, he shows up on time, works very hard,
and always does more than we ask--he answers all my, "Oh,
and what about?" requests without hesitation and usually,
without charge.
What makes this noteworthy is that Dan has never done a
lick of advertising. He is a member of the Chamber of
Commerce and attends their breakfast on Friday mornings,
but that's all the marketing he’s ever done. A weekly
breakfast with friends, strong word of mouth, and great
service have built his business.
In contrast, too often I see people showing up a day late
or being a little bit greedy about price, and they wonder
why their sales don't grow.
Dan cares about people. When he attends a Chamber meeting,
he remembers people's names, he says hello, and he
contributes to the organization. He greets people at the
door, volunteers for committees and does the little extras
like setting up chairs or starting the coffee. People
appreciate these things, and when they need computer
services, guess who they call?
There is no mystery here. This is not rocket science! It's
about "putting in before you take out." How does Dan's
commitment to service work out? Here’s part of the answer:
He tells me he’s not taking new customers because he has
all the work he can handle, and he won’t let work distract
him from time with his bride of 37 years! Way to go, Dan!

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