Monday, March 24, 2014


Every business contains a wealth of undiscovered and unused
assets, and often the value of a personal coach is in
helping the owner utilize those assets in a whole new way.
Traditionally, this is known as leveraging your assets,
but in simple terms it means understanding the hidden value
of things you may be taking for granted every day. A while
back, I was able to share some of the excitement of my time
at a Jim Rohn weekend event. Lots of people wanted access
to his wisdom and ideas but weren't able to attend the
Conference. By doing a teleclass and sharing my notes and
experiences, they got a taste of the event in a practical,
cost-effective way.
Your database of customers and clients, or even your list
of competitors, is an incredibly valuable asset!  Could you
build a network, expand the sense of community and provide
value to these people? Find the answer, and watch your
business explode!
Or, another example from a recent client. A Chiropractor
routinely closed her office each evening and the building
sat empty. By allowing other professionals (her colleagues
and her "competition") to use the building for workshops
and seminars, she earned a small amount of rent, but more
importantly, those people were advertising her location and
building her reputation in the community. That synergy was
extremely profitable!
What assets are you sitting on? What tools, knowledge or
skills are not being shared with the world and not being
used to expand your profits and enhance your community?
Find those hidden assets and put them to work!

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