Wednesday, April 30, 2014


People often stumble over the question of their purpose in
life, but in business there can be no question. There is
absolutely no room for confusion on this issue. The purpose
of any business is precisely this: to serve a well-
satisfied customer.
Sure, you want to make a profit. Of course, you want to
serve your customer in ways that are convenient, satisfying
and (obviously) legal and moral. But the bottom line is
always the same, to serve a customer.
So the first and primary question for any business is: 
What exactly do you do FOR your customers?
Some restaurants provide meals that are fast or
inexpensive, that have particular ethnic or nutritional
styles, or that are conveniently located. No restaurant can
be all things to all people, but every restaurant has one
main purpose. McDonald’s provides predictability and speed.
The Four Seasons provides elegance and memories. Ruth’s
Chris provides fancy steaks. Dominoes delivers pizza in 30
minutes or less.
Recently in North America, we can see this is the cell
phone industry. AT&T emphasizes “more bars” and fewer
dropped calls. That’s how they intend to serve their
customers and distinguish themselves from other providers.
Verizon, on the other hand, has emphasized their network
and service.
Your business has only one primary purpose. When you are
clear about that, and clearly communicate it in every
message you send, your business is likely to grow.
Many businesses are confused about how to do this or,
perhaps even worse, about how to communicate it to
potential customers. You want to be absolutely clear in
your messaging about what, exactly, you can do to make your
customer's lives better, faster, easier or more convenient.
Once again, an outside coach or consultant can help you and
every employee define and communicate your message clearly.
When you do, your profits will soar!

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