Monday, August 18, 2014


I've talked a lot about goals this summer, and I'm
encouraging every reader to set (and achieve!) a
specific, measurable, powerful set of goals this fall. Do
not let this year wind down or peter out! You can transform
your life, your relationships, career, health, even your
income in a few short months with the right skills and
clear, specific, focused actions. Let's make sure 2014 goes
out with a celebration worthy of us!
But, most folks do not know how to set and achieve powerful
goals. And surprisingly, this is true even for people who
have read the books, attended the seminars, or set and
achieved goals in the past.
Recently, I've had extended conversations with two clients
about "how" to set goals. Both of these people are talented
leaders in the business world. Both have achieved great
things in the past. But in both cases, my request to set
specific, action-oriented goals for the fall was met with
requests for help in doing that.
So, let's begin with two clarifications.
First, some people have a very difficult time setting goals
the way it is usually taught. Goal-setting tends to be a
"left brain" or "linear" planning process. It's organized
and systematic, and that does not fit everyone's thinking
process or lifestyle. For these people, over the years I've
developed the phrase, "Direction and Momentum are more
important than Goals!"
If your pattern is more global or "holistic," that's great!
Just translate what follows into your preferred language or
personal style. No problem!
Second, goals are inherently "future oriented." They
challenge us to change the way we are into something "new
and improved" in the future. And not everyone wants you to
change! But let's be clear. Life is about change. And,
don't forget--transforming how you think, live and work
won't keep you from returning to the way you live now. You
can always do that! Goal-achievement is about giving yourself
more options and better alternatives.
With that said, I see goal-setting as a four-step process:
1.  What do you really, truly want? Be specific and write
it all down. What do you want? More of this, less of that?
What would be good or exciting or healthy or make you
happy? List it all. What, specifically and exactly, do you
want to change in the next three months?
2.  Why do you want it? In terms of achievement, reasons
are far more important than the "what." When you want
something passionately, even desperately, you are half-way
to obtaining it. Knowing how a specific goal will make life
better for you or your loved ones is essential. A goal
without a solid, exciting "why" is, in most cases, a waste
of time and effort.
3.  Prioritize. Many people have noted, "You can have
anything you want in life, but not everything you wish
for." Most people cannot focus on more than two or three
important goals at a time. So whittle your list down! Pick
the one, two or three things that have the most, or the
most powerful, REASONS and make a commitment to focus on
those few items.
4.  You need a plan! "A goal without a plan is just a
pipedream." You'll need a schedule and a budget. You'll
need time and skills, energy and tools. You'll need the
cooperation of people in your life, and a strong sense of
personal discipline. You'll need to practice your Italian
every morning at 6:00 AM. You'll need to make those extra
sales calls every Monday. Or, the new rule is, "dessert
happens only on the weekends."
There are some other items that may prove helpful. You may
need to consciously decide to eliminate or stop some things
you do now. You may need to clear time and space and energy
to work on your new goals. I highly recommend a MasterMind
team, a partner or a coach, to assist you. In some cases,
you may need to explain to friends or loved ones that your
priorities have changed and ask them to support you.
But the four items above are the core. What do you want,
and why do you want it? What, exactly, are your priorities
and what's your plan or schedule? That's about all there is
to goal-setting. When you have these four things, you are
on your way! Set your goals for the rest of the year!
Let's make this year's Thanksgiving worth celebrating!

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