Monday, October 13, 2014


The challenge for any business is to get noticed in such a
vast sea of noise and nonsense. In a world of spam and
personalized advertising, how will your business reach new
My own sense is that advertising is less and less
effective. I suspect that most of us are almost immune to
most advertising. I think our brains have become like
television remote controls and we simply turn off, tune out
and insolate ourselves from as many ads as possible.
On the other hand, I'm convinced that positive word-of-
mouth is more trusted and more powerful than ever. We pay
attention when a friend praises their auto mechanic, lawyer
or other professional. How often have you gone to a movie,
tried a new restaurant or even bought a car because someone
insisted they "absolutely love" it? Most of us have done
Rather than spend more and more on more advertising, why
not invest in the customers you already have? Why not work
with people you already know?
Here are two of the most common methods.
First, give great service. Go the extra mile. Do something
above and beyond. Surprise your clients and see what
happens. I think you'll find the investment turns out to be
a bargain.
Second, specifically encourage your clients to make
referrals. If it's ethical in your profession or business,
start a rewards program. Give gift certificates or at least
a thank-you card to every client who refers a friend. It's
easy, it's inexpensive, and it works.

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