How does
one discover their true purpose in life?
How do
you know that you even have a purpose?
How do
you know you’re not just BS-ing yourself?
Of course
you have a purpose. You’ve just been conditioned to ignore the internal
screaming occurring within yourself, and then label that as being “normal”.
taught to label emotional states like complacency, apathy, and depression
as “normal”. That’s just the way life is, kids. Sorry you can’t cope with how
boring and unfulfilling it is to be a human consumer in the 21st century. Go
play with your digital toys or something!
But what
if you want to unveil your purpose once and for all?
What if
you want to take a peak behind the curtain that is the very social conditioning
keeping you separated from your truth?
Doing so
will avail you of immense personal power, focus, drive, and clarity. These
tools are very useful for people who are sick of the default program of
society, and wish to make their own lives on their own terms.
The first
step is to begin the process of consciously disassociating your thinking with
disempowering thoughts. This is easier said than done, of course; but with time
you will become proficient in this practice.
This is
just a warm up, however. It’s similar to stretching before the gym. The real magic lies in what
happens next:
How to
Figure Out Your Life Purpose in 10 Minutes
A few
quick pointers before we get started:
The more
honest you are, the better your results are going to be here.
You gain
nothing by looking for answers, finding a worthy exercise to help you sort out those answers, and then
lying to yourself to prevent temporary emotional discomfort.
exactly why you are where you are if you’re reading this article! Take that in
stride and use it to your advantage here!
Ok, here
we go:
1. Grab a blank piece of paper
and/or open up your favorite word processor.
2. At the top of the page, write
“My Purpose Is…”
3. Begin writing down answers as
they arrive. Any and all answers. Do not resist ANYTHING here. This is
imperative! You need to write down everything that comes to mind. This is the
entire reason for this exercise;
it will free up the mental RAM needed for clear thinking (for once)!
4. Repeat step 3 until the answer
which makes you begin to cry appears.
just realized your purpose.
is The Secret
That’s it
and that’s all.
doesn’t matter if you’re a lawyer, cell phone salesman, or CEO.
This exercise
will work for you if you keep at it.
For some
people, they’ll keep going and going well over 10, 15, even 30 minutes. This is
highly suggested. You might find yourself cycling through 100 or more answers
before anything remotely interesting comes up. It might take you a thousand or
more. The numbers and time spent are not the point; articulating your mind and
clearing out the garbage which presently fills it is the point!
To some
this exercise will make perfect sense, and be exactly what they needed.
others, it will be a stupid exercise that showed them nothing.
If you
need a little more correlation on this process, check out my complimentary
article Why Purpose is Imperative to Happiness.
Again, 10
minutes is just a suggestion. That’s the minimal amount of time it will take
you to start getting a mental flow going in the right direction. Your mind
needs to warm up just like any other muscle. Do this for an hour, and your
clarity will be much higher than if you stop at the 10 minute mark.
Now, for
some, there may come a point where you’re just sitting there listing things,
and nothing’s coming up. You’ll feel tempted to say “screw this”, and go do
something else instead. This is completely normal and is NOT to be resisted. If
you feel like getting up, that simply means you’re not ready to face yourself
yet. While this might sound like a bad thing, it’s actually still a HUGE step
in the right direction.
reason this is a step in the right direction is because even though you reached
a temporary personal limit, you committed to pushing yourself to try this
exercise. You dove in. Even though you didn’t complete it, you took on a
daunting new self-growth exercise and ran with it until it pushed you too far.
my friend, you’re growing as a human being.
answers might come close to making you cry, such as by providing a small surge
or emotional response. Hang on to those answers if you can; highlight them, use
an asterisk to mark them, whatever. You can still use and incorporate that
information later on!
If you
truly feel you don’t have a purpose (or that humans in general have no
purpose), then start with “I don’t have a purpose” at the top of the sheet and
go from there. I’m serious. You’ll be surprised at how your subconscious mind
could care less what your conscious mind chooses for an ideology. It’s going to
unload the universe onto your hard disk (brain) whether you like it or not.
The more
you simply accept this, the more you can work with it and use it to your
advantage rather than your detriment.
The less
you resist this, the more you’re going to get out of it. Most people are stuck
because their entire experience is based on resisting what the truth of reality
is trying to show them.
your purpose makes it a hell of a lot easier to not only move through
resistance, but also discern which types of things are actually obstacles, and
which are all smoke and no fire.
exercise is a fast and simple way to begin articulating your own destiny as an
individual, empowered human being.
the list and allowing your emotional intelligence to guide you is the easy part.
The real
challenge comes in consciously committing to living by your purpose, and
refusing to die with it in you. I will argue that this is what your true,
over-hanging purpose is; to figure out your purpose, and then live it!
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