Monday, May 9, 2016


We all have things we want. We desire health and long life,
wealth, perhaps a measure of fame or recognition, loving
relationships and so forth, and I want to talk about the
gap between these goals and the results we see in our
Too many of us are making too little progress on our goals.
There is a gap between our vision of the future and the
results in our daily lives. The great frustration is that
we know this is NOT true for everyone. Some people get
amazing results! Some people move from goal to goal,
climbing the ladder of success in every area of life. How
do they do it?
After 30 years of coaching, I know the difference is not
talent, education, Socio-Economic Status or any of the
thousand other distinctions our society tries to make. The
key difference is the SYSTEM each of us builds in our
lives! The difference is what we actually DO every day.
Highly effective people understand the distinction between
an effective Personal Eco-System™ (PE) and the Global
Environment (GE) around them. They design a private
universe in which they flourish, with systems and
environments that support and relentlessly, automatically
pull them toward their most important goals.
Each of us do better in some situations than others. Some
of us love a cluttered desk and busy office. Others need
neatness and silence. Some work best in a group, others
prefer to work alone.
Highly successful people use these personal preferences to
their advantage. They invest time and thought in their
Personal Eco-System™. For me, a clean desk helps me avoid
distractions. In contrast, Mary's office is a mess, which
simply means she prefers having lots of projects in plain
sight. We're different and each of us does our best work in
a different setting. Where do you do your best work?
Beyond their Personal Eco-System™, high achievers
understand they live in a world that is constantly inviting
us to do what other people want rather than the things that
take us to our goals. The Global Environment (GE) around us
constantly tempts us away from our goals.
We are tempted to watch television, to go out, to spend too
much, to eat too much, or attend pointless meetings. We are
encouraged, even "required" to spend time on things that
directly undermine our success. Successful people
understand the Global Environment around them and take
steps to limit its impact on their lives and their results.
They turn off the television. Sometimes, they turn off
their phones. They say a polite "No" to most invitations.
They leave their credit cards at home.
Here's one small example: instead of listening to the radio
on their morning commute, high achievers might listen to
Mozart or their favorite audio book. Here's a another
example. One of my clients is a partner in a law firm and
when they re-modeled, instead of making every office the
same, they gave each staff person time and a budget to
design their own workspace. Productivity soared!
Understand that the world "out there" (the Global
Environment) is designed to make you do what other people
want you to do. In contrast, successful people design
Personal Eco-Systems™ that encourage, motivate and focus
them on their own most important goals. You can do this,
Do you think Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton live and work
in environments that confuse, distract or undermine them? I
don't think so!
To bridge the gap between your goals and your daily
results, design a Personal Eco-System (PE) that works to
your advantage. The world "out there" does not care about
your success! So create a micro-universe in your home and
office that is focused entirely on the goals you want to
achieve. I think you'll like the results.

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