Over the years, I've written a great deal about setting and
achieving goals. The consensus seems to be that high
achievers "always" have a clear set of written goals, but I
don't happen to think that's true, and it may surprise you
that I don't believe setting goals is always a good thing.
Make no mistake, in most cases setting goals IS a good
thing. I have a variety of personal goals and I review them
frequently, discuss them with my coach and my
advisors, and I re-affirm them every morning. In general, I
believe most people will benefit from thoughtfully
selecting a handful of important goals, writing them down,
and going after them.
Here are the major advantages of written goals:
1. They force us to choose. Too often, we want too many
things and scatter our time and attention among all of
them. Selecting a small number of specific goals helps set
your priorities.
2. They focus our efforts. By defining exactly what you
are going to achieve and writing it down, vague desires or
wishes become concrete action plans.
3. Goals attract allies. When people know where we are
going, it's easier for them to help us. There is great
synergy, power and enthusiasm in a shared goal.
Most people, most of the time, will benefit from carefully
defining their goals, writing them down, developing an
action plan and following through.
There are, however, risks to setting goals and for some
people, setting goals can be a dangerous thing. Here are
the major weaknesses of written goals:
1. By focusing our attention on the future, goals can rob
us of the present. Some people get so caught up in their
vision, that they forget to "smell the roses" each day.
John Lennon observed that "life is what happens while you
are making other plans." Don't let your dreams get in the
way of celebrating the present. Live each day and be
2. Goals can prevent us from seeing even bigger, easier or
more vital opportunities. Like blinders on a horse, we can
become fixated on our goals and miss opportunities all
around us. Some people are so determined, so ambitious and
so disciplined that they forget to consider the
3. Goals can become excuses. Some people set exciting
goals, then use their future achievements as an excuse to
avoid doing what they can and should do today. I've seen
teenagers so caught up the dream of becoming a "rock star"
that they forget to study. Some adults fall into a similar
Should you have written goals? Almost certainly. Carefully
selected, well-defined goals are the path to achievement,
fulfillment and satisfaction. But some areas of life should
not be "goal oriented". When it comes to personal
integrity, or spending time with loved ones, or celebrating
the miracles of daily life, these are not "goals," they are
simply choices to be affirmed and practiced every single
day. Starting now!
Have written goals, but never confuse your future
achievements with real life. Real life happens today. It
happens with the people around you, it happens right here,
right now. Ready or not, this is your life, and it is meant
to be lived to the full. Use goals; live life. Never
confuse the two.
achieving goals. The consensus seems to be that high
achievers "always" have a clear set of written goals, but I
don't happen to think that's true, and it may surprise you
that I don't believe setting goals is always a good thing.
Make no mistake, in most cases setting goals IS a good
thing. I have a variety of personal goals and I review them
frequently, discuss them with my coach and my
advisors, and I re-affirm them every morning. In general, I
believe most people will benefit from thoughtfully
selecting a handful of important goals, writing them down,
and going after them.
Here are the major advantages of written goals:
1. They force us to choose. Too often, we want too many
things and scatter our time and attention among all of
them. Selecting a small number of specific goals helps set
your priorities.
2. They focus our efforts. By defining exactly what you
are going to achieve and writing it down, vague desires or
wishes become concrete action plans.
3. Goals attract allies. When people know where we are
going, it's easier for them to help us. There is great
synergy, power and enthusiasm in a shared goal.
Most people, most of the time, will benefit from carefully
defining their goals, writing them down, developing an
action plan and following through.
There are, however, risks to setting goals and for some
people, setting goals can be a dangerous thing. Here are
the major weaknesses of written goals:
1. By focusing our attention on the future, goals can rob
us of the present. Some people get so caught up in their
vision, that they forget to "smell the roses" each day.
John Lennon observed that "life is what happens while you
are making other plans." Don't let your dreams get in the
way of celebrating the present. Live each day and be
2. Goals can prevent us from seeing even bigger, easier or
more vital opportunities. Like blinders on a horse, we can
become fixated on our goals and miss opportunities all
around us. Some people are so determined, so ambitious and
so disciplined that they forget to consider the
3. Goals can become excuses. Some people set exciting
goals, then use their future achievements as an excuse to
avoid doing what they can and should do today. I've seen
teenagers so caught up the dream of becoming a "rock star"
that they forget to study. Some adults fall into a similar
Should you have written goals? Almost certainly. Carefully
selected, well-defined goals are the path to achievement,
fulfillment and satisfaction. But some areas of life should
not be "goal oriented". When it comes to personal
integrity, or spending time with loved ones, or celebrating
the miracles of daily life, these are not "goals," they are
simply choices to be affirmed and practiced every single
day. Starting now!
Have written goals, but never confuse your future
achievements with real life. Real life happens today. It
happens with the people around you, it happens right here,
right now. Ready or not, this is your life, and it is meant
to be lived to the full. Use goals; live life. Never
confuse the two.
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