Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Who is your mentor? Who shows you the ropes, teaches you
the tricks and shows you the way?
This week I had several people contact me about coaching in
2017, which is a very good thing. But, I also had
conversations with people who "don't need a coach" and
don't have any mentors. I noticed they didn't seem to make
as much money or achieve as many of their goals in 2016. Is
that you?
Over and over again, I'm struck that the real winners in
life always learn from those who went ahead of them.
Winners ALWAYS have mentors! They learn from the experts
and benefit from the success of others.
Sometimes they have a personal coach, and I think that's a
good thing! But often they have informal relationships with
experts who are willing to teach them. Sometimes, mentoring
comes in the form of a Master Mind group or team.
One of my most valuable sources of information are the
seminars, workshops and lectures I attend every year. I
remember hearing a colleague say he wouldn't attend anymore
seminars 'because they cut the budget and (his employer)
won't pay for it anymore." How terribly short-sighted!
The cost of workshops is nothing! The cost of travel,
tuition and hotels is NOTHING if you learn one new idea or
avoid one mistake. The chance to rub shoulders with the
best and brightest in your field is priceless! In 2017,
"just do it!"
Double (or triple!) your budget for books and seminars, for
coaching and teaching. Call the most successful people you
know and buy them lunch. Take them to the best restaurant
you can afford, and pick their brains. Hire a coach.  Are
there seminars you "might" attend next year? Register now!
Make it a Christmas present or use any excuse you have to,
but make sure you get the "helping hand" you need to make
2017 your best year ever!

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