Monday, February 27, 2017


Bruce Thieleman, gave some great advice. He 
said to stay at the top of my game and fulfill my
potential, I would need to read at least two books a week.
Every week, for the rest of my life!
Unfortunately, I haven't kept up with his pace, but I do
love reading and I particularly enjoy biographies of
notable people.
This week, I read the first volume of Edmund Morris'
biography of Theodore Roosevelt. It's fairly massive, but
it's great reading! TR's trips to the badlands are as
exciting as any western, and with our own political
turmoil, his time in the New York legislature, his run for
Mayor of New York and his years as Governor are
particularly apropos. If  you love biographies, this is a
superb work.
Most important for IMPACT, however, are the lessons we can
learn from the most influential people in history.
As Tony Robbins and others have said, success leaves clues.
We can learn the tools and skills, the tactics and traits
of high achievers, and if we apply them to our own lives,
good things happen! There's no mystery about this.
If we copy the habits and patterns of "average" people, we
get average results. Almost everyone knows someone (in your
family, a neighbor or friend) who refuses to develop their
natural talents. This type of failure (what else would you
call it?) is all around us. Every day, we see talented
people who permit one or more unfortunate habits to hold
them back. Here's a hint: Don't copy them!
Fortunately, we also know people who passionately pursue
every ounce of talent, opportunity and potential they have.
They do things differently. They have habits and attitudes
and behaviors that create the results they desire. Here's a
hint: Copy THESE people!
So, what have I observed about TR? Obviously, many, many
things—enough to fill a massive biography! But here are
just a few:
1.  Enormous self-discipline. As a skinny, sickly child who
nearly died many times, when his father told him he must
build his body, he launched himself into an exercise
routine that would shame most Olympic athletes. Later, his
work and writing schedule amazed even his publishers. His
ability to master the intricacies of politics confounded
his adversaries. The man knew how to focus.
2.  Applied energy. Whether he was herding cattle, running
for election, or playing with his children, people marveled
at his ability to get things done. He got up early, he
worked hard, he loved what he was doing and his passion
drove him forward. Winners have the same 24-hour day, but
they use their time and energy differently. The get more
and better results.
3.  Quick, practical intelligence. TR had the ability to
see through the confusion of daily life and find real
solutions. When faced with family challenges or political
opponents, or the thousands of details that confuse and
confound most of us, he would pause, consider his primary
objective, and cut through the clutter. To use a modern
clich, he "kept his eyes on the prize." For him, there was
always a solution and he was determined to find it.
4.  Gusto and love of life. Call it what you will, TR's
sheer enthusiasm often carried the day. His most common
expression was a rollicking, hugely exaggerated shout of
"DEEEElighted!" He loved people. He loved challenges and
problems. He loved to laugh and he loved his work. He loved
life and was not shy about it. People enjoyed being around
him (even when they opposed him) and his passion and joy
opened doors that would not have been available to others.
Obviously, we shouldn't try to be anyone but ourselves.
Each of us is unique and our highest and best is to be
precisely and fully who we are. But we can learn from
others. Unfortunately, too often we learn accidentally and
bad habits too easily find room in our lives. But we can
also learn intentionally from the most successful and
inspiring people we can find. Choose your models wisely.
Your life depends on it.

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