Monday, April 23, 2018


In his seminars, Brian Tracy often asks the audience to
raise their hands if they are self-employed. At first,
about half the audience typically raises their hands, and
he asks the question again and again until, eventually,
everyone gets the "trick." We are ALL "self-employed."
It doesn't matter who signs your paycheck or what it says
on your taxes, at the end of the day each of us works for
our selves, to achieve our own personal goals.
Now, here's a scary question: What if everyone worked
exactly as hard as you do? What if every police officer,
every airline pilot, every accountant and every surgeon
paid just as much attention to detail, put in just as much
effort and cared just as much about their RESULTS as you
do? What kind of world would we have?
Fortunately, most IMPACT readers work very hard, care a great
deal, and can honestly answer, "IT WOULD BE A FANTASTIC
Some of us, however, know there is room for improvement.
Around the margins, especially on our bad days, we do not
work as hard or care as much as we might. Some days we do
not "go the extra mile" or make that extra call. We do not
do the "little things" that make all the difference.
This week, take a hard look at your own performance and
give yourself an honest grade. If you are doing your best,
congratulate yourself and honor that! But if you see a few
things that could be adjusted to give you a slight "edge",
take action! Change them! Over time, it's those "little
things" that make all the difference.

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