Monday, August 20, 2018


Sometimes it takes a while but I have learned a few things,
and when I remember to use them, they make life better. 
Over the years, we do begin to figure things out, and 
knowing the "rules" sure makes life easier!
Which leads to my first Big Truth: we just have to learn
some things for ourselves. I've read lots of books, studied
with smart people, and been given great advice.
Unfortunately, in the eagerness of youth, I chose to ignore
most of it. It takes time to figure life out and other
people's advice doesn't always fit, and that's ok. Give
yourself some time and a bit of slack. You don't have to
get the hang of this all at once.
Second, some lessons have to be learned more than once. If
only I had a nickel for everytime I've made a mistake,
learned from it, then done the same thing all over again!
(I take some comfort in noticing that other people do this,
too.) Humans are smart, but we aren't as smart as we think
we are. And, we have short memories. Fortunately, we're
allowed more than one mistake! Get over it.
Third, flexibility is more important than power. People who
are hopeful, cheerful, and creative also tend to be
optimistic and happy. Too often, strong-willed people are
just stubborn. I'd rather be optimistic, eager and creative
than "determined." I finally learned this truth: "If at
first you don't succeed, try, try again - then move on."
Fourth, curiosity is more valuable than talent. Talented
people take offense at this, but little kids taught me this
one. The eager kids with the big eyes and restless
questions always seem to figure stuff out. The bright kids
usually get better grades, but they don't have as many
adventures or good stories to tell. In life, go for the
Fifth, doing stuff is more important than knowing stuff. I
loved school , so I obviously believe that knowing 
stuff is important, but life must be LIVED, not studied.
People who take risks, try things, build or invent stuff, 
make mistakes, and create memories are the people 
who live the "good life". Get in the game!
Sixth, people are more important than things. Sure, all you
wise folks are going, "Duh!", but this one takes a while
for most of us to really absorb. As kids, we want new toys,
as adults we need new cars, or whatever. It's not until
later that we realize memories and success come from
people. Adventure and delight and joy come from our
relationships with people. Stuff just clutters up our
attics and our lives.
Seventh, opportunity is more fun than success. We need a
challenge, we need to grow, stretch, look over the horizon,
and explore the next frontier. Every level of success is a
foundation for the "next big thing." Highly successful,
creative and energetic people enjoy life's big challenges;
the rest of us just sit with our problems.
And finally, what we contribute is more meaningful than
what we get. This may be consistent with some great
religious or spiritual tradition, but mostly it's just
practical. Creating and building is simply more rewarding
than consuming and throwing stuff away. Leaving footprints
that others can follow, being kind or generous, mentoring,
or opening a door for someone, is simply more fun than
collecting stuff.
There are lots of collections of life lessons and "rules"
for making life work out well. My guess is that we all have
to find our own path, find our own rules, and word them in
our own way so that they truly work for us. The key is to
find the principles, the "rules" that DO work for you.

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