Monday, November 19, 2018


People ask me how to over-come procrastination to achieve
their goals and create the life they truly want. I believe
there are two essential steps for dealing with
procrastination and taking action to make your dreams come
The situation is familiar: We have a vision or goal, and
know it is within our reach. It may not be simple or easy,
but we KNOW it's possible - if only we would get started.
But we don't. We procrastinate. We plan and dream and talk,
but we don't take the essential actions that move us
forward. Time passes, things don't change and we berate
ourselves in frustration!
That is no way to live your life! Let's look at solutions.
Step One:  Power comes from Purpose!
This week I talked with three people who have big dreams
and wonderful ideas, but they've taken no action. As we
talked, I realized they did not have powerful, passionate
REASONS to succeed. No rational person works long and hard
without a good reason!
They each claimed they had good reasons to pursue their
dreams. Their dreams will make them rich if they succeeded.
Their families support them, and they thought their
"reasons to succeed" were compelling, but they were really
just clich‚s, and clich‚s have no power in them!
Power comes from purpose! The power to get up early, stay
late, and work hard must come from the heart. Powerful
action comes from knowing your purpose, your REASONS for
doing it!
When a teenager wants to make the basketball team, or a
mother wants a doctor for her sick child, or we NEED a
college education, human beings will find a way. But "nice"
goals are not enough. Intellectual arguments are not
The power to over-come procrastination, find solutions and
keep going comes from living your life on PURPOSE! When you
know WHY, you'll find the HOW!
Step Two:  Become a Player!
This is simple: are you an amateur, or a pro? Are you
serious, or are you dabbling? Are you committed, or merely
interested? The answers make all the difference.
Again, I've recently talked with several people who claim
to have a sense of purpose behind their goals, but I don't
think they truly mean it. They "dabble" and leave no tracks
in the sand.
They tell a great story, and they seem committed, but their
actions speak louder than their words. Inside, they know
that dabbling rarely brings major results, and so they
procrastinate. Action that has no weight or substance to it
is hardly worth taking, so they understandably take no real
action at all.
Don't be a lightweight! The ancient general, Hannibal, is
famous for taking his troops through impossible mountains
and is remembered for saying, "We will find a way, or make
one." He found a way!
To over-come procrastination, be a player! Put some weight
and time and money and skill behind your dreams. Take risks
and make stuff happen! Life is not a rehearsal! If you have
dreams, be certain you have enough REASONS to justify the
effort, and if you do, then go all out! Put yourself on the
line! Make the investment. Procrastination cannot survive
in the face of a committed, determined human will!

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