Monday, June 17, 2019


This week, I want to talk about one of the simplest,
easiest and most powerful tools for ultimate success I've
ever found. It's based on common sense (one of the least
common things around!) and it always works.
A few yeas ago, a therapist named Bill O'Hanlon wrote a
great little book called, "Do One Thing Different." His
point is that to change our lives, we must start somewhere.
To build a mansion, we have to lay the first brick. To
become wealthy, we must save that first $100. To write a
book, we must get that first sentence on a blank page.
In debate and politics, there is a famous strategy called a
"straw man" where I first accuse my opponent of advocating
some silly position, then attack the weakness of that
position in an attempt to make my opponent look just as
silly. The strategy is based on a "big lie" but sadly, if
often works.
And even sadder, we often do it to ourselves! How often do
we hold ourselves back by going through the following
ridiculous process:
(1) To be rich I must have lots of money. 
(2) I don't have
lots of money. 
(3) So obviously, there's no point in trying
to become rich.

We do that all the time. (All human beings do.) We tell
ourselves that since I can't lose 30 pounds by next Friday,
I might as well have ice cream tonight. Or, since I can't
start my own business this week, there's no point in
thinking about it, planning, reading, talking to people or
gathering information. We talk ourselves out of getting
started! We do it all the time, and if it weren't so sad,
it would be silly.
Thomas Edison didn't know how to make a light bulb until he
figured it out, and most people know it took him thousands
of "failures" before he got it right. The Wright brothers
didn't know how to fly until they figured it out. Amelia
Earhart didn't know how to fly until she took lessons,
practiced and figured it out. No one is born knowing how to
walk, ride a bike, drive a car, read a book, make love or
earn a living, but gradually we learn to do all those things.
The key is incremental learning, or in simpler language, "a
journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Whatever you desire, take some step in that direction every
day. Whatever you desire to learn, or build, or do or have
or become, take some step in that direction TODAY. Of
course, it may seem small! Come on, get real! In terms of
the total journey, each individual step IS tiny! That's the
way life is.
When Donald Trump built his first building, he had to apply
for a loan like anyone else. He had to hire his first
contractor, fill out paperwork, apply for a building
permit, do all the "risky" small steps. And here's a
powerful secret: When he builds a tower today, he STILL
has to go through exactly the same steps! Sure, he has
experience and a staff to help him, but the steps are
still the same. Blueprints, permits, paperwork, and details.
Before you go to bed tonight, take one step toward your
dream. Maybe it's as small as writing a note to yourself,
or re-reading your goals. Maybe it's making a phone call,
buying a book on the subject, or driving past the home you
want to own someday. Whatever it is, take one small step
and remember Neil Armstrong's words when he landed on the
moon: "That's one small step for a man, one GIANT LEAP for

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