Friday, July 19, 2019


We recently celebrated World Productivity Day 
But here's the secret sauce to success...
Every day should be productivity day.
I'm sure you've caught yourself saying "I can't get anything done at work."
75% of the time in any work environment there are never-ending distractions, interruptions, telephone calls, etc.
All successful people have learned productivity techniques that help them overcome these distractions and stay focused.
These techniques are what ultimately put them in the top 10% of their career field.
I can teach you these same simple success tips to boost your productivity and rapidly increase the quality of your life.
Here are 3 simple productivity hacks to start doing right now:
  1. Always think on paper. Write down your to-do list and your goals first, and then prioritize from there.
  2. Don't check your email first thing in the morning, as it can distract you for hours from higher priority tasks.
  3. Eat that Frog. Get your most important task done first, the one you are most likely to procrastinate, before anything else.
So, what results do you see after making these changes?
What other productivity techniques are you currently using?

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