Monday, April 27, 2020


Stop Thinking About What It Is You Fear
For thirty days you must take control of your mind. It will think about only what you permit it to think about. All you have to do is know where you’re going.
Do what experts since the dawn of recorded history have told you, you must do: pay the price by becoming the person you want to become. It’s not nearly as difficult as living unsuccessfully. Take your thirty day test, then repeat it... then repeat it again.
Each time, it will become more a part of you until you’ll wonder how you could have ever lived any other way.
Start today. You have nothing to lose—but you have a whole life to win.
Ask these thought-provoking questions prior to discussing the issue:
1. What are goals you have had in the past that you achieved? How did you achieve them?
2. What are goals you have had in the past that you did not achieve? Why did you not achieve them?
1.   What is Success?
 ● Are there ways that you are currently conforming to society’s expectations?
 ● How has the pressure to conform to another’s definition of success prevented you from chasing your own dreams?
 ● What is your personal definition of success? 
2.   The Secret Is…
 ● Think about someone you know who always seems to succeed. What type of mindset or attitude does this person have?
 ● What do you spend your time thinking about? Are most of your thoughts positive or negative in tone?
 ● Are your thoughts centred more on your own actions and feelings or on the actions and feelings of others? 
3.  Believe and Succeed
 ● How often has fear prevented you from pursuing a goal?
 ● What negative messages do you find yourself dwelling on?
 ● Think about something you would like to achieve and define it as a measurable, specific goal.
4.  You’re in the Driver’s Seat
 ● Do you control your thinking or does your thinking tend to control you?
 ● Would you describe your life now as “an exciting adventure”? Why or why not?
● Think about how the law of cause and effect has played out in your own life. What are two examples – one good, one bad?
5. The Price of Success
 ● What price are you willing to pay for success?
 ● Think about a goal you would like to achieve. What fears do you think would arise when trying to accomplish it?
 ● If you need to call on motivation and inspiration to help with a goal, what book do you look to for help? (Or, is there a book you’d like to read?)
6. Start Today
 ● In what ways can you be of more service to others in your workplace? Family? Community?
 ● Visualize and write down a clear description the person you want to become.

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