Monday, May 25, 2020


Goal: Develop a reputation for being a hard, hard worker.
a. The average work week in America is 32 hours.
b. The average person wastes 50% of the workday in idle chit-chatting with co-workers, extended coffee breaks and luncheons, personal business,  reading the newspaper and surfing the internet.
c. Rule: Work all the time you work!
d. Start one hour earlier, and immediately get to work.
e. Work harder, through your lunch hour, all day long; don’t waste time.
f.  Work one hour later; be the last to leave. Use this time to wrap up all your work and plan your next day. Three extra hours of work will translate into 6-8 hours  of productivity.
g. Ask; what is the most valuable use of my time right now? Whatever your answer,  work on that every hour of every day.
h. If you get distracted, or interrupted, repeat over and over, “Back to work! Back to work! Back to work!”
“The harder you work, the luckier you get.”  –Thomas Jefferson

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