Nightingale said, "But if he had succeeded? What if he had found his way out of cab driving into successful and prosperous career as a businessman, like Marshall Field or the founder of all the businesses in Chicago? You didn't do him a favour, you kept him from what might have being a wonderful success".
Many friends seems to have a vested interest in keeping us in their company. Any talk on our part to elevate us to a new plateau will start them spouting myths and challenges. That doesn't make them bad friends. But when you get advice, consider the source. What are their qualification for commenting on something you very much want to do? Best of all, don't talk about it! just do it. And if it fails, do it again and again, until you get it right.
The story of success in all fields is the story of persistence, perseverance, doggedness, bullheadedness, stubbornness, and tenaciousness.
Try this: We frequently want reassurance that what we want to try is a good idea. The next time you want to start something new-be it a hobby, a work project, or your own business-don't look for the approval or support of the people who are your friends but are not qualified to give advice in that area. Instead, just start, stay with it, and let them celebrate your success with you down the road.
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