For instance, if you think positively, you’ll have positive stuff come into your life. Meanwhile, if you’re focused on the negative, you might be left wondering why things keep going wrong. The power of your mind!
As Albert Einstein stated, “Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
So, how can you start manifesting your reality via your thoughts and imagination?
Like many things, reading and research is excellent place to start. And there are endless books about manifesting. So, which ones are the best books on the manifestation? What law of attraction book should you nose-dive into? In this article, we outline 10 of the best law of attraction books that can help propel forward your personal development.
What Law of Attraction Books Should I Read?
With an infinite number of possibilities, making a selection can prove challenging.
Luckily, we’ve narrowed it down for you. Whether you’re just starting out when it comes to leveraging the law of attraction or you want to learn more about manifesting your dreams, the books below will help you do just that.
Law of Attraction Books for Beginners
The following three books offer a great starting point, especially if this is the first you’ve heard of the law of attraction or manifestation.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle plays into the concept of manifestation by helping you harness your mind for the present moment. Essentially, this book is all about the basics when it comes to controlling your attention and your thoughts.
In fact, this law of attraction book is pretty highly rated. Out of 35,564 ratings on Amazon, it maintains a 4.5/5. With over two million copies sold, many individuals credit this book for helping them get out of tough mentalities and start truly living their life the way they want to.
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
We often hear people say, “Just think more positively!” Yet, this is usually easier said than done. However, The Power of Positive Thinking provides detailed tips and advice regarding exactly how you can do this.
From believing in yourself to breaking through worries and fears that are holding you back, you’re bound to get something out of this read!
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Think of “The Secret” as your basic manual and law of attraction book. No matter where you search for books about manifesting, this one is definitely going to pop up, and for a good reason.
The secret is that like attracts like. But that’s not all; the book also details how you can apply this to your life, as well as provides examples of how this has worked out for others.
Books on Manifestation for Beginners
Now, let’s dig a little deeper. Manifesting things comes down to repeating the same thoughts over and over again to your mind. In turn, this makes your thoughts become a reality. For more on this, you’ll definitely want to check out the following books.
Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
This law of attraction book helps you manifest your wildest desires. An Amazon reviewer even stated, “This is my favorite book I've ever read,” with others calling it “life-changing.”
This book offers a great leeway into the world of manifestation and the law of attraction by presenting the teachings of Abraham, which help you achieve your desires and live the life you want. It touches on relationships, health, finances, career, and more, as well as how these factors are influenced by your thoughts.
Manifest Your Destiny by Wayne W. Dyer
Wayne W. Dyer actually has a few books that touch on the power of the law of attraction. This book is a little different from others though, as it offers up meditational practices and skills to help you create thoughts that streamline into your goals, dreams, and desires.
With previous readings citing it as an easy-read and a must-have book, you can’t go wrong with this one.
Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King
Good Vibes, Good Life is a best-seller, helping you love yourself and find lasting happiness. This read helps you dig deep internally, altering your perception of yourself and helping you find your higher purpose. This is an especially good one if self-care isn’t exactly your strong suit.
The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way by Wayne W. Dyer
Like we said, Wayne W. Dyer is basically the king of the law of attraction books. The Power of Intention connects your intention to your reality.
The book considers intention energy, which explains why negative thinking or intentions can give way to negative energies and positive thinking or intentions give way to positive energies.
Books on Manifesting Your Dreams
Alright, so maybe you’re already in the law of attraction world but you want a little more — specifically in terms of how to use the law of attraction to achieve your goals and dreams. So, what books about manifesting should you read?
Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams by Mike Dooley
Did you know that your potential is truly limitless? Are you fully aware that you are the creator of your own life? Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams helps you understand all of this, guiding you toward more abundant and fulfilling life.
Basically, it puts you in the driver’s seat of your life. Things don’t just happen to you. You make things happen. In essence, this is exactly what you’ll learn through the writings of Mike Dooley.
The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel
One of the first reviews on Amazon states, “study this book religiously and you’ll be the happiest human being.” The Master Key feels good and helps you think good through 24 lessons, making the whole concept ultra-easy to digest. It’s even been rumored that this book is based on the ideas behind Bill Gates leaving Harvard and going on to become successful with Microsoft.
The Source by Dr. Tara Swart
If the woo-woo approach when it comes to mindset isn’t really your thing, maybe a more science-based way about it would help. This is exactly what The Source by Dr. Tara Swart sets out to do.
Written by a neuroscientist, this book really dives into neuroplasticity and how the mind processes information, leading us to take action or behave a certain way. For those that love sound logic, this law of attraction book might be more up your alley!
Where Should You Start?
This really depends on where you’re at in your own personal development journey, as well as your learnings about the law of attraction.
Take your pick from above. The best place you can start is by learning through a law of attraction book that makes sense for you and your life. The next step after that is applying what you learn to your life so that you can truly live your best life.
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