Wednesday, November 21, 2012


A good leader has an intense desire to lead; they possess the mentality of a role model who has a clear vision of a better future and steadfast ambition. A good leader inspires their team to peak performance and motivates others to achieve their goals. They have a clear picture of the kind of future they want to create, and they have the ability to communicate this vision to others in an exciting and inspiring way. There are three laws of leadership you must learn in order to become an inspiring leader and an excellent role model for your team.

The Law of Superb Execution

The Law of Superb Execution states that a good leader must commit to achieving peak performance. A good leader knows that excellence is a journey, not a destination. They constantly strive to be better in their key result areas and become a role model of excellence for everyone who reports to them. They are ruthless about weeding out incompetence and poor performance. Leaders demand quality work and insist that people do their jobs well. The leader sets the standard of excellence. No one, or no part of the organization, can be any better than the standard that a good leader represents and enforces. For this reason, leaders are committed to personal excellence and achieving peak performance in everything they do.
People are most inspired when they feel they are working for an organization in which excellence is expected and they have a role model to look up to. The very best way to motivate and inspire others is for you to announce your commitment to peak performance in your field or industry. Then, continually benchmark your performance and the performance of your organization against the very “best in class” in your business.
Leaders identify their core competencies, the vital tasks they do that are responsible for them being in business. They continually look for ways to upgrade these core competencies to assure that they maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace. A good leader or role model thinks ahead and identifies the core competencies that will be required for peak performance. They then develop plans to acquire those core competencies well before they will be needed to compete effectively in the marketplace of tomorrow.

The Law of Integrity

The Law of Integrity states that peak performance comes to you when you choose to live your life consistent with your highest values and your deepest convictions. Great business leadership is characterized by honesty, truthfulness, and straight dealing with every person, under all circumstances. This Law of Integrity requires that you be impeccably honest with yourself and others. Integrity lies at the core of leadership, at the heart of the leader.
Perhaps the most important thing you do as a good leader is to be an excellent role model. Lead by example. Walk the talk. Always carry yourself as though everyone is watching, even when no one is watching. A good leader is an excellent role model because they are completely reliable. People can take them at their word and trust that they will do what they say. A trusted role model makes promises carefully, and always keeps their word.
A key mark of integrity in human relations is consistency, both internal and external. The best leaders are consistent from one day to the next, from one situation to the next. Because of this internal consistency, these leaders are trusted. People know what to expect. There are no surprises.

The Law of Ambition

The Law of Ambition states that since a good leader has an intense desire to lead; he has a clear vision of a better future, which he is determined to realize. Vision is the one common quality that separates leaders from non leaders. A good leader or role model has a clear picture of the kind of future they want to create, and they have the ability to communicate this vision to others in an exciting and inspiring way.
Leaders have the ability to visualize, to see the big picture and then to inspire others to work together to make it a reality. The true leader sees leadership as a tool he or she can use to bring about a result that is bigger and more important than any single individual. A true leader can inspire and motivate others to peak performance.
You become a good leader when you set a goal, make a plan, and then throw your whole heart into making it a reality. You become a leader when you develop an inspiring vision for yourself and others.
A good leader or role model can explain clearly to other people what it is they are trying to accomplish, why they are trying to accomplish it, and how they are going to bring it about. They are excited about what they are doing, and as a result, they get other people excited as well. Leaders have goals, plans, and strategies that they are working to implement every day. They are in a hurry. They have a lot to do and they feel that they have too little time.
Perhaps the most important part of The Law of Ambition is clarity on the part of the leader. A good leader or role model has a clear vision, clear values, a clear vision, and clear, written goals, plans, and strategies for his or her department or organization. Most of all, leaders want to lead, to be in charge, to be responsible, to encourage others to peak performance. They are willing to endure the risks and the sacrifices that are required to make a real difference in their worlds.

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