Monday, November 12, 2012


We constantly hear that we live in the information age and
that what you know and who you know are the twin paths to
success. I believe that, and yet I’m constantly amazed at
how little people invest in up-grading their skills.
I try to practice what I preach and so far this year, I've
spent time at three different conferences to learn more.
We’ve looked at best practices for marketing, for attracting
traffic to our websites, and for cross-promoting each other.
There's always plenty of networking and fun, but the key is
to learn more about building our businesses by getting
better at what we do.
Periodically I hear frightening accounts of how few books
the average person reads, or how few classes they take after
they leave school. I remember once hearing a friend say that
if her employer wanted her to get more education,
"they’ll have to pay me for it." What a tragic attitude!
The keys to success are being able to do more, and do it
quicker and better than your competition, and most of the
time that means KNOWING more than the next person. It means
knowing more about language and culture, knowing more about
your industry, and having better contacts. It means learning
how to learn, and using that knowledge to your advantage.
As Brian Tracy has said for years, read the books. Attend
the seminars. Take the classes and expand your world. Jim
Rohn puts it this way: "Work harder on yourself than you do
on your job." Obviously, learn more about your work and
career, but also expand your vocabulary. Study history and
culture, language and the arts. I love Buckminster Fuller's
observation that, "You cannot learn less!"
To make more, you’ve got to know more than your
competitors. This week, sign up for at least one seminar.
Check a book out of the library. Plant the seeds for a
brighter future.

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