Monday, June 16, 2014


One of the great tragedies is to have a dream but take no
action to make it come true. To die with your dreams still
inside you, waiting for another time, another day, or a
"big break" is among the greatest of failures. Do not wait! 
Literally everything you see and every tool you use, even
the chair you're sitting on, began as nothing but thought.
Someone had an idea for a chair. Henry Ford had an idea
that cars could be in every garage. Your computer began as
an idea and a series of huge, crude devices in the 1940's.
The actual computer you are looking at right now began as
someone's idea that they could manufacture and sell
computers better, faster and cheaper than anyone else.
Everything starts with an idea. It always has, and always
Many people have observed that "ideas are things." Thoughts
and words have the power to move us, to change us, and to
become living, breathing, tangible things! In a sense, our
world is made up of nothing but thoughts and words!
But there is a gap between an idea and its fulfilment.   
Most "things" are actually still-born and never come to
fruition because we fail to span the space between
potential and reality. That gap can only be bridged with
daily action.
How many times have you thought of an invention or process
that could be worth a fortune, done nothing about it, and
then found that a similar product for sale a few months
later? We've all had that experience. Someone got rich off
"your" idea and the difference is that they took specific,
concrete, focused ACTION. Their product is in the store
making them money, and your idea is still…a dream.
Here are some essentials to make your dreams come true:
1.  Plan your days. Every evening, plan the following day.
First thing in the morning, plot your strategy. Leaders
have always done this! This is not new! But only about 4%
of the population does it. Write down your priorities and
choose your daily actions.
2.  Keep a list of big things. On your desk, or on your
bathroom mirror, keep a list of your most important
projects, goals and commitments. Keep it where you see it,
and read it, every day. Keep it current. What we think
about, gets done.
3.  Keep a list of small things. Keep a list of 5-minute
tasks, phone calls or notes that you can do any place, any
time. When waiting for an appointment, make that call. When
you have a minute, send a note or read a few pages. Always
know "what's next" and take action, every single day.
4.  Take magnificent care of yourself! Healthy, happy,
energetic people get the most done. It takes time and
energy to achieve greatness. If you "don't have time", or
are "too tired" or too distracted or too anything, you will
not achieve your dreams. Take care of yourself.
We've all heard the phrase, "Rome wasn't built in a day."
But it did get built. Brick by brick, one day at a time,
with determination and persistence. And 2,000 years later,
we still marvel at what they accomplished!
It is rare to achieve great things over-night because in
general, human beings do not do "big" things. We do little
things. We get up, we go to work. We hug our loved ones, we
make phone calls. We balance the checkbook and fix dinner.
We do little things! Highly successful people simply do the
right little things, at the right time, in the right way,
and they do lots of them.
If you would achieve great things, do little things and
pile them one on top of another, until you reach the stars. 
Start today.

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