Monday, June 23, 2014


There are two essential questions that every responsible
adult must answer. The first is, "What do I want for my
life?" And the second is, "How will I get it?"
Failure to decide what you want and how you'll get it leads
to a life of restless frustration. Sometimes, it's a sense
of having "missed the boat" or "not knowing." For others,
it can be a painful sense that "this is not the life I
imagined for myself." Some people struggle with depression
because they've never figured out what they want or an
effective strategy for getting it.
My hope is that this describes very few of my readers,
because you are people of action! But it is good to
remember the basics. We all become distracted, confused or
"lose ourselves" (an awful thing!) in the busy-ness of
daily life.
So, What do you want? And, what is your plan for getting
it? These questions, and your thoughtful answers, have
never been more urgent. Or more personal.
Let's begin with a brief excursion down Memory Lane, way
back to America in the 1950's and early 60's. We had
problems, but it was a Golden Age. The economy was booming.
The GI Bill gave more people access to education, housing,
and affluence than ever before. Everybody had a car, a
television, and many had air conditioning for the first
time. General Motors encouraged us to "See the USA in your
Chevrolet." In the 1950's, everyone "Liked Ike." In the
1960's, John Glenn was our hero. And everyone had an
opinion about the Beatles.
Millions of Americans defined their lives by the television
shows we watched. "Ozzie and Harriet" and "Father Knows
Best," the antics of Beaver Cleaver, the impossible heroics
of Lassie and the slapstick of Lucy were shared experiences
that told us who we were as a nation, and as individuals.
Obviously, I'm generalizing and ignoring problems that lay
just below the surface, problems that led to upheaval a few
years later. But I hope you get my point.
Millions of Americans knew what they wanted by looking at
"Life" magazine or the "Saturday Evening Post," with its
Normal Rockwell covers. And the way to get what you wanted
was to get an education, get a job, work hard and not rock
the boat. Easy as that!
But in 2014, that world is long gone. Millennials have no
idea what I'm talking about, while many people of color and
those with a slightly different point of view spent that
"Golden Age" as outsiders looking in.
Today, in a sense, we are all outsiders. True, we have
more opportunities and wider choices, but we must also
define ourselves by ourselves and for ourselves. The old
assumptions and unifying values are gone forever.
So, What do you want for your life? What are your values
and priorities? What will you spend the next few years of
your life working to obtain, learn, or experience? As a
unique individual with a myriad of options, where are you
going in life?
And, how will you get there?
I'm interested in the goals and methods of my readers.
In the 1950's, climbing the ladder of
affluence was a virtually universal goal. Once, continuous
Personal Development through books, audio programs and
seminars was a shared, life-long aspiration of millions.
Marriage, kids, a career and a home in the suburbs was the
universal "American Dream."
In 2014, these things remain part of the vision for many
people. But the definition of "success" and the
opportunities to live our life any way we desire are more
varied and individualistic.
So, I'm asking you to share your goals and your strategies
with me. Whether it's a brief, one-sentence email, or a
longer statement of intentions, I'd like to know.
What do you want for the next 5 years? What are your
aspirations and imaginations? What are your goals and
dreams for the life you want a few years from now? What will
bring you joy and abundance, fulfillment and success? I'd
love to hear from you!
And second, tell me about your plans and methods, your
strategies or techniques for staying focused, making
progress and reaching your goals. I want to know "how"
you plan to "get there."

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