Tuesday, July 7, 2015


When we were growing up, whenever the family was on a long
drive, my siblings and I delighted in pestering our folks
with the question, "Are we there yet?" I think kids the
world over have discovered the power of that question.
It also has a business application. Last week was June
30th, the half-way point in the year. I know, it's hard to
believe. Summer is here and we want to slow down, relax and
enjoy the wonders of vacation. And, I do hope each and
every one of you has plenty of time to enjoy summer!
But I assume you also have specific goals for the year. You
have sales targets, right? You have revenue projections and
some personal growth objectives, don't you? You may have
some fitness goals or objectives for family time or
personal finances. You hopefully have a variety of written
goals for the year.
Now, in the midst of summer, is the time to spend a quiet
hour reviewing your progress, assessing your efforts and
(if appropriate) revising your estimates. If you are doing
well, pat yourself on the back and re-commit to continuing
the things that are working for you.
And, if you are not satisfied with your progress or the
results you are getting, then resolve to do something about
Take time during the long, lazy days of summer to think
about your goals. Relax and take time to plan and imagine
and set your targets for the rest of the year. The year is
half over. Are you half-way there? If not, do something
about it!

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