Monday, February 22, 2016


One of my mentors gave me an essential life
lesson. He said "we rarely get what we deserve in life, but
we always get what we've earned."
At the time, I didn't believe him. I thought life ought to
give us what we deserve! I felt that hard work, honesty and
fairness ought to be rewarded with a just and fair result.
And secondly, I felt I had "earned" far more than I was
being paid and I was not at all happy to hear what he had
to say.
Years later, however, I am convinced he was
Life is not always fair, but the law of "cause and effect"
is reliable. In life, our results DO reflect our actions.
I believe that every human being fully deserves a rich and
happy life. We deserve to be healthy, to do work we enjoy,
and to be well rewarded. Being human is the only
requirement to deserve a "World Class Life." But it doesn't
always work out that way.
Recently, a friend put it this way. I think he is doing
very well. He's healthy, has a great family, and he makes a
ton of money. His life looks pretty good to me! But he
wants to grow his business and achieve more, so he decided
to take action. Here's how he described it.
He named a mutual acquaintance of ours who runs a huge
business and is making far more money than the two of us
combined. Rather than be jealous or frustrated, my friend
said, "He obviously uses his time differently than I do, so
I've made arrangements to spend a few days with him. I want
to pick his brain and see what he does differently than
The difference in results is NOT luck or talent. The
difference is NOT in family history, education or the
economy. The difference in results is "in how he uses his
You can use your time differently! If you do different
things, you will get different results. That's a pretty
simple truth, but how many of us really leverage it to our
Simple question: "What do you DO with your time that would
help me get more and better results?"
The answer involved hiring the right people, effective
communication and strong leadership skills, and a couple
months later the "differences" are showing up in
measurable, tangible results. Doing different things may
not be "easy" but it is "simple!"
You can do this!
Life is not fair, but it is predictable. People who get
better results simply do things differently than people who
get mediocre, less satisfying results. If you do the right
things, you will absolutely get better results.
Winners invest in themselves. Winners hang out with
winners. They read and study, they experiment, they learn
new techniques, they attend the conferences and they keep
on trying until they get the results they desire. You can,

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