Wednesday, April 6, 2016


In the game of golf, like the game of life, it's not what
you intend, or how much you hope or wish or even how hard
you try that matters. In the end, only results really
count. The pros understand that getting the ball in the
hole is what matters.
The point is to focus on success. We are often told to
improve our weaknesses, and there is some wisdom in that.
You don't want to go through life handicapped by a weakness
you could easily repair.
But far more often, your biggest chance for improvement,
for excellence and ultimate success is to focus on and
emphasize your strengths. Professional golfers know that to
win, they must make those short, easy putts. It's not
dramatic. It's not sexy and it doesn't take a lot of
strength or charisma, but it wins tournaments and creates
millionaires and heroes. 
While the amateurs are quickly hitting dozens of random
putts across the green, hoping that one will go in the
hole, the professionals are usually off to the side,
quietly putting the ball into the hole, over and over
again. They plan to win and they think clearly about what
it takes. They practice with purpose and precision. They
practice, and they prepare to win. 
Life is a lot like that. Winners don't always have a lot of
flash or showmanship. They simply prepare and practice
winning. They hit short, simple putts that hit the target,
every time. Go with your strengths. Set yourself up for
success and get used to the feeling. Practice winning the
small "putts" of life so when the time comes, you'll be
prepared and ready for life's bigger opportunities.

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