Wednesday, December 27, 2017


People set goals in January and are determined to
achieve them in THE NEW YEAR! They have decided that 2018 will be
their best year, ever! And I'm very proud of them!
I reminded them that March marked the end of the first
quarter. We are 25% of the way through the year and for many
goals -- from annual income and sales, to fitness and any
other goal that has a relatively linear progression -- you
should be 25% of the way there! So, how are you doing?
Are you 25% of the way to your most important goals for the
year? Have you lost weight or enjoyed time with the family
like you promised? Have you earned the income, made the
sales, read the books or attended the workshops you put on
"the list" back in January? I hope so!
My point is to encourage you to CELEBRATE, if you are on-
track! Staying true to your plan and keeping your
commitments in the dreary weeks of winter is not easy. If
you are on-time and on-budget and on-course, you deserve a
huge pat on the back! Here's to you!
Unfortunately, most people are behind schedule, off-track
and many have abandoned the goals they set in January. Time
has passed. They've been busy. Stuff happens. We get
interrupted, reality sets in and old patterns persist.
Whatever the cause, our goals are not achieved and life does
not change.
I'm not trying to be pessimistic and I'm certainly not
judging anyone! This is simply how life is much of the time.
The key is to acknowledge it, look it in the face and do
something about it.
As a coach, part of my job is to observe WHAT happens,
understand WHY it happens, and find SOLUTIONS so we can
change our "usual" results and achieve something
extraordinary. Here are a few of the themes I observe:

1. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while
expecting a different result." This old saying contains
tremendous truth. Many people set goals but don't design and
institute new patterns in order to get new results. They
have goals--many are passionate about them--but they are
unable or unwilling or have simply never considered changing
their lifestyle, their schedule, or their environment to
make new results possible.
2. Habits are powerful. The human brain loves patterns. We
tend to live our lives in familiar ways. This is a good
thing! It helps us make sense of a complex world! But, it
also limits us. Until we change our thinking, our behavior
and our relationships, the odds of achieving our goals are
very slim. To achieve your goals, you must think
differently! You must behave -- do things, use your time --
differently. Create and use powerful, positive new habits.
3. Human beings can do amazing things! Inside each of us is
enormous untapped potential. Climbing mountains, building
great enterprises, running for office or creating great art
is not (primarily) the result of rare, unusual talent. More
often, it is the result of a passionate commitment to
achievement. If others have done it, so can you.
4. Get around and learn from winners. This is absolutely
essential! We tend to live like our "reference population,"
our friends and co-workers. We do what they do. We spend our
money, use our time, and solve our problems the way our
friends do. This is "normal." The key is to CHANGE YOUR
REFERENCE POPULATION! Get around and learn from people who
don't live the way you currently do, but who, instead, live
the way you desire to live. Trust me, it'll "rub off on

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