Thursday, November 7, 2019


Social media takes time. There’s no way around it,
but when you’ve got it covered and you’re posting consistently, there are so many opportunities.
Just think about this...
For a business who is either just getting started or who have not spent the time they know they should in order to grow their audience, it’ll look something like this...
Let’s say that you have 200 LinkedIn connections in your market, 200 Facebook fans, and 200 Twitter followers.
And let’s say you post daily…
That’s 600 opportunities to reach your audience every day. The total for a full month, worst case, that’s actually 18,000 potential touchpoints just with your current audience every single month.
Remember, it takes an average of 10 touch points before your prospects will even remember who you are. You have to stay in front of them over and over again to get them to take action.
Now what if you already have an audience, say with about 600 followers, or 10,000 followers on each of those three platforms?
You can see how your visibility, your reach, and your influence increases exponentially! Like a smart financial investment, it actually compounds over time… because of the larger your following, the more potential you have.
I mean, think about it…
Before social media, this type of top-of-mind exposure was just not possible.
We now have channels to stay in front of our prospects every single day. You just need to decide whether or not you’re going to take advantage of it.

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