Friday, October 22, 2021


Happiness can seem illusive sometimes, especially during hard times. But there’s a surprisingly accessible pathway to contentment, joy and positivity: gratitude. Studies demonstrate gratitude is associated with all kinds of goodies like life satisfaction, health, wellbeing and happiness.

It’s logical there should be so much data on happiness. After all, almost every society across the globe values it as a fundamental part of the human experience and in the U.S., we even identify happiness in our constitution as an inalienable right. Scientists have also investigated gratitude because of the strong connections to mental health and physical wellbeing. But the real magic is that the two are also positively related to each other. Both gratitude and happiness also have genetic components. Your choices matter, and interestingly, they may also be in your DNA. 

Ironically, seeking happiness itself can actually make you less happy. This is likely because running after happiness focuses you on what you don’t have—always pursuing something that reminds you it’s not already in your possession. On the other hand, when you cultivate gratitude, it tends to result in greater happiness. Here’s why:

#1 Relationships

Studies at the University of Montana found when people expressed more gratitude they tended to also report greater levels of happiness. This was significantly based on the way gratitude affected human relationships. People tend to feel more positively about themselves and others when they express gratitude and hear expressions of gratitude. This has to do with the positive social meanings we ascribe to gratitude. In fact, the University of New South Whales found when people heard someone express gratitude, they were more likely to conclude they could form a meaningful relationship with the person.

#2 Experiences And Materialism

Gratitude and happiness are also related in terms of how we spend our time and money. Researchers at Cornell University looked at 1,200 examples of online feedback and found when people completed positive reviews about experiences, they were more likely to express happiness—more so than when they completed reviews about purchases. Appreciating experiences requires deeper processing to reflect on and relive the event, and when events are positive this can in turn cement happiness. In addition, we typically enjoy experiences with others, and the time together, investment in the relationship and dynamics of sharing all contribute toward happiness.

Gratitude and happiness were also related to each other in terms of materialism. In particular, a study at Baylor University found when people were more focused on owning and acquiring more things, they were less happy. This was likely because of the inherent focus on what they didn’t already have. Whereas those who were less materialistic were more grateful and more happy because they felt they had enough and were more satisfied overall.

The ancients also saw the relevance of gratitude in terms of possessions. As the philosopher Epicurus said, "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not. Remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."

#3 Giving Back And Giving Voice

Interestingly the Cornell University study also found when people considered their positive experiences, they were more likely to be inspired to take future altruistic action—contributing toward others’ happiness. Gratitude inspires happiness, but it also inspires the intention to contribute to happiness in the community.

The expression of gratitude—giving voice to it—also tends to predict greater happiness. A study at Kent State found when the more people expressed their gratitude—consciously thinking about and writing down what they appreciated—the more likely they were to also report feelings of happiness.

#4 A Genetic Component

Perhaps most interesting is the recent research proving a genetic component of both gratitude and happiness. Author Jonathan Haidt reports that happiness is partially the result of a genetic predisposition—in addition to situations and choices. New research from the University of Arkansas also finds a marker for gratitude, and when people have the “gratitude gene”, they report being more grateful for their marriage partner. They also say they trust their partner more, are more forgiving and more satisfied with their marriages. While marriage was the evidence of the gene in this study, of course it applies to multiple relationships. Your choices matter to your gratitude and happiness, but there’s also a gene for that.

Cultivating Gratitude

But in addition to your genes, your choices and actions also matter to your happiness and wellbeing. You can cultivate gratitude and happiness by consciously focusing on being appreciative for what you have. In addition, the more you express gratitude—through reminding yourself of all you can appreciate, by writing down what you’re grateful for or by sharing your thanks with someone else—the more happiness you’ll feel. Gratitude contributes to more gratitude as well as greater happiness.

In Sum

Chasing happiness is unlikely to bring you joy, but focusing on others, contributing to the community and connecting with loved ones during memorable experiences all create significant positive feelings. Being happy doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. Happiness ebbs and flows. But being as consciously and continuously grateful as possible gives you a pathway toward more positivity and contentment.

*This article was originally published on April 25, 2021.

 - Tracy Brower, PhD, author of The Secrets to Happiness at Work

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