Friday, October 15, 2021


There has never been a better time for lead generation online, especially when done right, using LinkedIn for businesses.

Before the internet and before being able to affordably access millions of people at your fingertips, companies really had to get creative. At a recent Traffic and Conversion Conference, Richard Branson reflected on how easy it is now with social media. When he was starting his businesses, he had to be creative in very different ways in order to get any traction. 

Today, if you want to stand out and cut through that noise, you have the resources you need at your fingertips. However, knowing where to start - and where to focus your efforts - is key.

For most businesses, “Operation Be Everywhere” may not be feasible. Being everywhere takes a lot of resources. While you might not be in a position to be everywhere at once, you can focus your efforts on the most relevant platforms.

There are three places we recommend you dominate before you move on to other channels:

  1. Ads (LinkedIn / Facebook / etc.)
  2. Email
  3. SDR

These three channels are the backbones of our multi-channel outbound sales development strategy. However, in this blog post, we’ll be focusing on LinkedIn specifically - and why it represents one of the biggest missed opportunities for businesses today.

Why Use LinkedIn For Business

You can find pretty much any business on LinkedIn, and what’s better, you can connect with pretty much anybody. That opportunity alone is enormous. If experience working with hundreds of businesses tells us anything, we’re seeing that most companies aren’t taking advantage of LinkedIn as they could be.

LinkedIn can be used as an excellent lead generation and sales development tool, but we’ve found that most businesses aren’t using it as well as they could be. One part of our multi-channel approach to lead generation is using LinkedIn to individually target hand-picked prospects and build real business relationships with them using LinkedIn messaging, groups, and sharing content. We have that down to a science.

However, there is another way to use LinkedIn to generate leads and get them to book appointments with your sales team, one that is entirely underused, especially by businesses with a reported revenue of $2MM and above. 

When we saw how underutilized this was, we were literally blown away because it represents a HUGE opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

Check this out…

According to insights from LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator tool, ONLY 1% of companies on LinkedIn doing significant revenue ($2mm+) are utilizing LinkedIn ads to generate leads.


There are 120,000 companies on LinkedIn doing $2MM+ in revenue, and just over 1200 are running ads; which means only 1% of these companies are taking advantage of paid media on LinkedIn right now.

Right now competition is LOW.

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