Friday, December 29, 2017


Salespeople are different based on their values. A higher order value always takes precedence over a lower order value. If you place one value higher than another, and you have to choose between doing one thing or doing another, you will always select the action that is consistent with your higher value. Once you are clear about your order of values, decision making becomes much easier. Think about it. What are your real values?
More importantly, how can you determine what your values really are? Simple.
Just observe your behaviors, especially the things you do when you are under pressure. Your values are always expressed in your actions. It is not what you say, or wish, or hope, or intend that expresses your true values. It is only what you do.
If you want to know what your values are at this moment, you can examine your recent past and notice the choices you made when you could have gone one way or another. Your choices and your subsequent actions demonstrated to yourself and others what was of greatest value and importance to you.

Compare Different People

Here is an example. Imagine you have two people who have the same three values. The values are family, health and career success. The only difference between these two people is the order of importance that they placed on these values, their priorities. The first person, Bill, says that, "My family comes first, my health is second and career success is third."
Tom, on the other hand, has the same values, but he says, "Career success comes first for me, then my family, and then my health."

Determine the Difference

Would there be a difference in character and personality between these two people? Would there be a small difference or a large difference? Which of these two people would you like to get to know and become friends with? Would you be able to tell these two people apart in conversation? Which one do you think you would like and trust more?

Values Set People Apart

The answers to these questions are clear. The person with the higher values in a better order of priority will invariably be a better person than the person whose values are in a different order. Your choice of values determines the quality of your character. When you select values such as integrity, love, courage, honesty, excellence or responsibility, and you live your life consistent with those values, every hour of every day, you actually become a superior person. It is your values that determine the kind of person you really are.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, think about how you behave, how you choose, whenever you are under pressure. Remember, it is only what you do, your actions, that tell who you really are.
Second, observe how other people around you behave when they are forced to choose. You will only be compatible with people whose values are similar to yours. What are they?

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


People set goals in January and are determined to
achieve them in THE NEW YEAR! They have decided that 2018 will be
their best year, ever! And I'm very proud of them!
I reminded them that March marked the end of the first
quarter. We are 25% of the way through the year and for many
goals -- from annual income and sales, to fitness and any
other goal that has a relatively linear progression -- you
should be 25% of the way there! So, how are you doing?
Are you 25% of the way to your most important goals for the
year? Have you lost weight or enjoyed time with the family
like you promised? Have you earned the income, made the
sales, read the books or attended the workshops you put on
"the list" back in January? I hope so!
My point is to encourage you to CELEBRATE, if you are on-
track! Staying true to your plan and keeping your
commitments in the dreary weeks of winter is not easy. If
you are on-time and on-budget and on-course, you deserve a
huge pat on the back! Here's to you!
Unfortunately, most people are behind schedule, off-track
and many have abandoned the goals they set in January. Time
has passed. They've been busy. Stuff happens. We get
interrupted, reality sets in and old patterns persist.
Whatever the cause, our goals are not achieved and life does
not change.
I'm not trying to be pessimistic and I'm certainly not
judging anyone! This is simply how life is much of the time.
The key is to acknowledge it, look it in the face and do
something about it.
As a coach, part of my job is to observe WHAT happens,
understand WHY it happens, and find SOLUTIONS so we can
change our "usual" results and achieve something
extraordinary. Here are a few of the themes I observe:

1. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while
expecting a different result." This old saying contains
tremendous truth. Many people set goals but don't design and
institute new patterns in order to get new results. They
have goals--many are passionate about them--but they are
unable or unwilling or have simply never considered changing
their lifestyle, their schedule, or their environment to
make new results possible.
2. Habits are powerful. The human brain loves patterns. We
tend to live our lives in familiar ways. This is a good
thing! It helps us make sense of a complex world! But, it
also limits us. Until we change our thinking, our behavior
and our relationships, the odds of achieving our goals are
very slim. To achieve your goals, you must think
differently! You must behave -- do things, use your time --
differently. Create and use powerful, positive new habits.
3. Human beings can do amazing things! Inside each of us is
enormous untapped potential. Climbing mountains, building
great enterprises, running for office or creating great art
is not (primarily) the result of rare, unusual talent. More
often, it is the result of a passionate commitment to
achievement. If others have done it, so can you.
4. Get around and learn from winners. This is absolutely
essential! We tend to live like our "reference population,"
our friends and co-workers. We do what they do. We spend our
money, use our time, and solve our problems the way our
friends do. This is "normal." The key is to CHANGE YOUR
REFERENCE POPULATION! Get around and learn from people who
don't live the way you currently do, but who, instead, live
the way you desire to live. Trust me, it'll "rub off on

Monday, December 25, 2017


First, Merry Christmas!
Second, to the thousands of readers who don't celebrate Christmas, my very best wishes for peace, joy, health, happiness and abundance in the months ahead! If you celebrate a different holiday, celebrate it with joy! And, if you would, please light a candle or send good thoughts on my behalf.
I've never sent a special holiday TIPS before, but this year it seems like the right thing to do. So, here we go! (Sometimes you just gotta play a hunch and see what happens!)
The world seems especially cranky this year. I don't know why, exactly. And, maybe I'm just getting old and cranky myself, and rather than admit that it's just me, I'd rather blame "the world" for being irritable and easily upset. If it's just me, please send prayers and all the positive energy you can! I obviously need it!
But if our world does seem more anxious, more stressed and more divided, I hope you'll join me in pausing for a moment. Let's all take a deep breath, shake out the tension and perhaps share a smile with someone. (Oh, heck, be daring! Why not go all-in and actually offer a hug to someone! What can it hurt???)
I don't pretend to have answers for the dozens of wars around the world. Sometimes I'm not even sure I have suggestions. Not to mention the "political" wars that are less bloody, but seem almost as divisive and certainly as noisy. And then there are all the folks with real worries about their family, their jobs, their homes and their health. When you add it up, our small planet is carrying quite a load!
As I say, I don't pretend to have the answers, but I do celebrate Christmas. And I do it partly for selfish reasons—I love the fellowship, the traditions, the food, the family, the lights and of course, the music. But, I also celebrate this holiday for more important reasons.
There's a wonderful story about some Americans and Germans stumbling across each other during the Battle of the Bulge, on Christmas Eve, 1944. In one of the most ferocious battles of the war, they found a way to share a warm hut, enjoy some food and good music, and not kill each other. What a thought!
So here's my request. (Actually I have two of them.) Over the next few days, look for a way to do something kind or nice or friendly for someone, for no particular reason. Let someone else have the parking spot, or put a coin in someone's expired parking meter. Open a door for someone. Help someone with their packages or shovel someone's side-walk. Send a check to your favorite charity. Whatever feels right and makes sense, have fun with it.
My second request is similar, but more selfish. Do something kind or nice for yourself, for no particular reason. You carry enough stress! You do for others, now do something selfish and wonderful for yourself. Take a nap. Rent a good movie and watch it with a friend. Buy flowers for yourself. Or, here's a good one, bake cookies and eat the first few while they're warm and before anyone else gets home!
There are many reasons to celebrate Christmas, but this year, in particular, I'd like to see our celebrations include a few moments of kindness and generosity toward ourselves and toward others. Wouldn't it be interesting if by just being nice and having a little fun, we could actually create a bit of "peace on earth, goodwill toward all?" I think that would be pretty cool!
Blessings to each of you!

Friday, December 22, 2017


Christmas is portrayed as a happy holiday, but the reality for many is just the opposite. Instead of joy, there are stress, debt, and guilt. Unfortunately, for most families Christmas is the most stressful period of the year. Endless interactions with friends and relatives, last-minute shopping, great expenditures, and the pressure of holiday preparations undermine the delight and fabulous atmosphere of the holiday. If this sounds like your usual holiday season, you can take steps to ensure that this Christmas will be the happiest.
1. Start today
If the stress of last-minute shopping is what keeps you from being happy during the holidays, starting making purchases right now may work better. Try to do your shopping throughout the year so that you don’t have to brave the stores when the crowds are awful. If you plan it right, you won’t even have to brave Christmas traffic. Apart from shopping, your to-do list should also include gifts, food, decoration ideas and expenses and even a seating plan. When making a guest list keep their e-mail addresses and phone numbers handy so that you can easier contact them before Christmas Eve.
2. Focus on activities, not gifts
Enjoy the Christmas spirit with your family instead of worrying about material things. While gifts can be nice, the real memories come from sledding with the kids, taking a drive around town or caroling with friends, understanding the reason for the season..
Spend some time surfing the Internet and you’ll find hundreds of great ideas to get your children involved in free festive activities. Everything that is done together, from making Christmas crafts to playing games and puzzles, is always appreciated. Having fun together should be high on the priority list. Don’t forget to grab a camera to capture those moments of joy and delight.
3. Skip some of the parties
You don’t have to attend every party on the block. Pick a couple that you can’t miss and politely decline the rest of the invitations. You shouldn’t have to pack your schedule with more than you can really do comfortably. This way you’ll have more time to spend with your family and eliminate excess stress. However, if you want to meet your friends, colleagues and neighbors, consider hosting a big party and gather together all the people you want to share Christmas cheer with.
4. Share your blessings
Nothing brings greater joy than making other people happy. Whether you invite someone with no family over for dinner or take a food basket to a needy family, you’ll find that you get much more from it than they do.
By sharing with those in need you show a great example of helpfulness and generosity for your kids. Declutter your home and I bet you’ll find a lot of new yet unnecessary things like unworn clothes, toys or accessories. While you don’t need these items, someone may need them. It will make you happy to help others, so go ahead and start sharing.
5. Budget carefully and stick to it
Spending too much over the holidays can cause even more stress. It also results in guilt after the holiday is over, when you realize you probably didn’t need to spend so much.
In short, a budget can help you save money and feel better about it. While planning your budget you should pay special attention to not so visible yet great money wasters like overseas telephone charges, postage, unplanned purchases and extras. This will enable you to compute your Christmas budget more realistically and avoid splurging. Define the limit that you can spend on each category and always keep your eyes open for ongoing expenditures. If your expenditures seem to exceed the limit, consider free and low-cost ways to celebrate this Christmas.
6. Play more games
Playing games is not for kids only. Fun Christmas games are the perfect icebreaker to help your guests come in contact with each other and feel comfortable.
Board games used to be a staple of holiday gatherings. It’s still a lot of fun to break out the Monopoly board when you have friends pop by. Christmas party can be a good opportunity to try something new like Ticket to Ride, Bookchase or Pandemic. Not only is playing games an enjoyable way to spend an evening, it’s also budget friendly.
7. Skip the gifts
When it comes to gift giving, it can be challenging to pick the right thing for each person, not to mention expensive. Instead of trying to make everyone happy, why not suggest that your family skip gifts for the adults this year?
If desired, the money could be put toward a charity or you can just completely eliminate the whole tradition. Many families do this and find it much easier. The children will still receive gifts, of course. Doing a Kris Kringle is also a good way to save money this Christmas. Prepare the box filled up with the names of your guests and let your guests buy a present only for the person whose name they drew out of the pile.
8. Make it handmade
If you can’t bring yourself to completely eliminate the gifts, you might want to try making each gift more meaningful. Presents that have been created by your own hands are extra special and will be much appreciated.
You don’t have to be very skillful or seasoned to make a nice greeting card, a small stuffed toy or a bracelet. The Internet is full of simple and amazing ideas and tutorials even for beginners. Stock up on the DIY supplies and rejoice your friends and family with unique handmade presents.
9. Take time to relax
It’s easy to find yourself running all over the place during the holidays, but relaxation is the key to happiness during the holiday season. Even on Christmas Eve, when most mommies and wives are busy with meal, gifts and last preparations, you should carve out some time to sit back and indulge yourself.
Take time to sip your hot chocolate and enjoy life a little. You’ll be back to work soon enough, so make the most of your time off. If you need some extra hands don’t hesitate to invite your family or friends to help you with cooking and serving and use this time to take fragrant bath and dress up. Christmas hustle and bustle are great, but from time to time you should slow down and enjoy the present moment.
10. Teach your children to enjoy Christmas without money
You may feel that Christmas is better with fewer presents and more fun, but what about the kids? Teach them from a young age to appreciate the season and the reason for it and they will be more than happy to celebrate with activities instead of mountains of gifts. Incorporating several unique family traditions into your celebration will make the holiday utterly breathtaking for your kids. Even simple activities like festive cooking or decorating your home and Christmas tree can become so precious family traditions. This way you’ll teach your children that family time and memories are something most valuable ever.
Christmas should be a time of family togetherness and happiness. It doesn’t just happen, though, you have to make the holidays cheerful and bright. Luckily, there are lots of ways to reduce stress during this holiday season by following simple strategies and tips. Take action to make this your best year yet. How are you going to celebrate this Christmas?

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Did you know that one hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years?
Think about it. You've gone as far as you can with what you now know. Any progress you make from this moment onward will require that you learn and practice something new.

Commit to Lifelong Learning

One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. They look upon themselves as self-made people, as “works in progress.” They never become complacent or satisfied. They are always striving toward ever greater heights of knowledge and understanding.

Get to the Top in Five Years

Earl Nightingale said many years ago that one hour per day of study in your chosen field was all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do.

Read Everything You Can

Read all you can about your field. Subscribe to the executive book clubs and book summaries. Build your own library of important books in your field. Never be cheap about your education.
In fact, if you make a decision today to invest 3% of your annual income back into yourself, back into your own personal and professional development, you will probably never have to worry about money again.

Go Through 50 Books Per Year

If you read one hour per day in your field, that will translate into about one book per week. One book per week translates into about 50 books per year. 50 books per year will translate into about 500 books over the next ten years.

Join the Top 1% of Money Earners

If you read only one book per month, that will put you into the top 1% of income earners in our society. But if you read one book per week, 50 books per year, that will make you one of the best educated, smartest, most capable and highest paid people in your field. Regular reading will transform your life completely.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into practice.
First, ask the successful people around you for their best book recommendations. Whatever advice they give you, immediately go out and buy those books, take them home and begin reading for one hour every morning before you start work.
Second, when you read, underline and take notes when you find important ideas that you can use. Implement them immediately. Take action of some kind on good ideas. You will be amazed at the change in your career.

Monday, December 18, 2017


Money is one of the most emotional subjects on the planet. In fact, many people feel comfortable sharing intimate details about their sex lives than sharing details about their finances. Some people find it easy to make money, while others struggle. It’s  not because they are more intelligent, necessarily work harder nor have better luck, it’s simply because they think and act differently they have a better relationship with money. Trying to live a rich life, when you have a poor relationship with money is like trying to drive a car with one foot for the clutch, brakes and accelerator. No matter how hard you try, you never seem to get anywhere. Let me take you back in history. A thousand years ago, shells were used in exchange for food or labor but as trade became more complex, shells were replaced with precious metals. Then IOU’s-coins and pieces of paper.
Governments printed these monies and places valued on them. From an inherent standpoint, compared to precious metal or even agricultural produce, money is not valuable. What is valuable is the value we place on money. At birth, our mind is a clean slate, programmed genetically to do certain things. This includes the basics of movement and communication. A young child does not know enough to rely on his sense of reasoning. His critical faculties just cannot take him there. He does not possess the ability to question, judge, analyze, criticize and more importantly compare. That is why it’s so convenient for him to believe in Santa Claus or Father Christmas, Barney and Superman, until he grows up and fully takes control of his mind.
Until we take control of our minds, our beliefs about ourselves and the world come from the continued messages we hear in the first years of our lives. What we are told again and again particularly at times of emotional intensity has the most powerful effect. This is where many people get wrong notions about money.
‘Money corrupts’, ‘Money is evil’, There is not enough money to go around’, ‘You must always work hard before you can make money’ – are just a few of these misguided notions. If you believe you always have to work hard before you can make money. Then you will look only for jobs that require a lot of effort. If you are always paranoid and believe people will always rip you off, you will miss good money opportunities and in the end someone actually will rip you off I mean. If you believe you deserve to make money, you will indeed end up making money. However, first, you need to overhaul your money mind set. Many of us have inherited a mixed bag of positive and negative beliefs about money, one of which is resenting people who earned their wealth. People who did not have to sacrifice their family time, health or morally deficient things to make money at all costs. For what use will all the money be if you had no time to spend it. If you don’t have health, you don’t have anything. If you give up your family for wealth, you are the poorest person on the face of the earth.
But there are people who attained a wealthy status not falling prey to all these things. You need to give up your resentment towards these people who have more money than you. Find out how they did it.
  1. Lose that ‘the-rich-only-get-richer-and-if-i-must-win-others-must-lose’ nonsense. The simple fact is if you dislike those who have a legal claim to their wealth; it will be difficult being one of them.
  2. Money is not a measure of personal value. Wealthy people make themselves and all those around them better with money. Catering for your loved ones, parents, siblings whenever they have a financial need is nothing special. Do not beat your chest that you have ‘arrived’ in that regard. You are simply fulfilling your family responsibilities. Provide for those who are not part of your family tree. Give to those you do not expect a return. That my dear friend is WEALTH.
  3. Avoid committing yourself to a future lifestyle based on your current income. Avoid debt. If you want to avoid the debt trap, keep your fixed expenses as low as possible. Do not make financial commitments to income you have not earned yet. Many people want to get out of debt. Once they save money by not spending, they go out to reward themselves by what…you guessed it shopping or buying ‘an-in-between present’ they don’t need – putting themselves right back where they started. If you must get out of debt, you must realize getting out of debt and not spending is the wrong goal. Same thing as wanting to lose weight and not eating at all. What you should do in both cases is reduce just how much you eat and spend and be disciplined about it.

Friday, December 15, 2017


Number one, set a specific goal and visualize it as a reality. Play the picture of your goal as already realized on the screen of your mind over and over again. Number two, look for a problem you can solve with a product or service that is high quality and good value.

All successful businesses are based on products or services that are high quality and good value. Number three, start small and learn your business thoroughly. Be patient. Invest time rather than a lot of money.

Bootstrap Your Way To Success

One of the best ways to build a business is to start off on a bootstrap. This means that you start off with very little money and you grow your business with the money that you earn in the business, rather than outside financing, borrowing, loans from friends and so on.

Test, Test, Test

Number four, test every major move before you invest in it. Test, test, test. Don't plunge into a business. Move ahead carefully, one step at a time.
Number five, expand on the basis of your successes, out of your profits, as you move along. In other words, only expand your business on money that you've earned in the business, not on borrowed capital.

Pick Your People Carefully

Number six, carefully select the people to help you expand and grow. The biggest mistakes you'll ever make will be in picking the wrong people to work with, so be very, very careful in picking the people you're going to work with in your business.

Use Financial Leverage

And number seven, use financial leverage. Financial leverage is business borrowing, lines of credit from the bank, which are based on the cash flow from your successful business.
The whole aim of starting a business is to develop a consistent, predictable source of cash flow in excess of cost and expenses and then to hold to the money. Banks will lend you all the money that you can service as debt with your cash flow.

Start Off Part Time

One final thing that you can do, and I've recommended that many people do this over the years, is if you're starting off with no money, go to work part-time for a business in a field that interests you. It's a great form of on-the-job training. Work evenings or work weekends. Or work on your holidays if you like.
Sometimes a business that looks big from the outside will look terrible once you start working for it. But sometimes when you start working for a business, you start to get a great understanding of how it works and you get insights on how you can improve it.

Learn What You Need To Learn

Remember this, though, most businesses fail because of managerial incompetence. So take the time to learn what you need to know to succeed. Be patient. The time you invest before you start will pay off over and over again in the months and years ahead.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to implement these formulas for business success:
First, be prepared. The number one reason that people succeed in starting their own businesses is that they have the knowledge and experience, in advance that they need to succeed. Do your homework.
Second, start small. Some people think that they can be successful faster by putting all their money up front at the very beginning. The opposite is true. Start small and grow out of your cash flow from successful operations.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


I lost one of my managers a couple of years ago and I can’t seem to forget him or the legacy he left behind. He was one of my earliest examples of true leadership. I often refer to him as "The Memorable Leader."
I had a family emergency and before I could finish explaining to him the situation. He said, "And you are still standing here talking to me? Why aren't you out the door yet? I'll cover for you." I smiled then went to my desk, took my belongings and left. Thereafter, he had my full commitment.

Here are five qualities of memorable leaders:

  1. Integrity & Authenticity go hand in hand. He was honest with employees even though this trait was sometimes unpopular with top management. He often took the slack for his team. If leadership is not authentic, then what is it?
  2. Humility. True leaders always aim to serve rather than be served. Being humble makes you more approachable to your followers and allows you to create an environment of open communication and more effective feedback.
  3. Empathy plays a critical role in one’s ability to be a successful leader. It sharpens your "people acumen" and allows leaders to develop and maintain relationships with those they lead. Leaders that possess this trait always make time for people. They possess high emotional intelligence (EI).
  4. Communication Skills - Great leaders are able to communicate their vision in such a way that motivates their team. They are great communicators; quick to listen and slow to speak. We never heard of upcoming changes via the grapevine. He always kept us in the loop.
  5. Inspirational- That manager didn't need a title to get us to complete tasks. He had our full support. Words such as "Good work team," "You are the best”, “I trust your judgement” were at the top of his dictionary. Team spirit was high during his reign.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams
Managers are forgotten but true leaders live on in the hearts and minds of followers. Sometimes I can still picture him walking through the office, greeting staff on mornings, and might even give me a little nod or pat on the back. Those were the special moments I still hold dear. It doesn’t take much to create those special moments with your team.
Good bosses are few and far in between, but if and when you get one, really appreciate them.

Monday, December 11, 2017


You may be surprised at how often people sabotage their career paths without realizing it. Even if you think you have a good job and are able to cope with it easily, there might be some mistakes we usually ignore, which are actually highly important. If you want to be better at work and get a promotion, take a look at the mistakes that prevent us from having a successful career to make sure you don`t make them yourself…

1. Too much help

You can`t be the best out of the staff if you always put your own tasks aside to help your colleagues. You`re neither their personal teacher nor a baby sitter. Then why do you have to do someone`s job? Not only do you accomplish those tasks for free, it affects your own success as well.
You don’t want to waste your valuable time and effort to make someone’s life easier. Your boss will most likely promote those who give better results but not the ones who are kind by nature. Sometimes being a bit selfish is useful.

2. Too much routine

Getting stuck in a rut is one of the ways you may be sabotaging your career. Your routine showers you with lots of boring everyday responsibilities and that take a huge part of your energy. It makes you forget about any growth and the only thing you can think about is the end of your work day. Don’t be afraid to get more interesting projects and try to develop yourself all the time. Look for the ways to master some new skills and broaden your knowledge.

3. Setting wrong goals

Do you want to get a promotion? When do you hope to get it? If your answer is “yes I do want but don`t know when,” then you set wrong goals. Aim to reach the greatest success at work you can imagine. I`m serious, there’s nothing impossible that we can’t reach, except eternity, of course. If you want to become a manager or you want to start your own business, what are you waiting for? Set accurate goals and do your best to reach them.

4. Perfectionism

Being a perfectionist is bad for your career as well. Even though you`re working hard to do everything perfectly, too much attention to the details can also bring you troubles. You`ll not get a promotion if you try to idealize each and every task you have. While your colleagues take more difficult tasks, you still do the same work because you can`t leave it until everything is as perfect as you want.

5. Lots of stress

You get stressed at work from time to time as we all do when everything goes wrong but actually it`s not a serious problem. Ignoring those stress signs and pretending that you`re fine when it`s not so indeed can ruin your career, not to mention that it can also damage your health. Learn to keep your stress level at bay and control your emotions. If you notice that it’s harder for you to concentrate on your tasks, irritability becomes an ordinary thing and you frequently forget new information, it’s a sure sign to take a break.

6. Choosing a wrong career path

One of the most common mistakes lots of people commit in their lives is choose a wrong career path. If you`re not really interested in your work and you don`t think about a promotion, you`ll never be successful. When you think about money only, it means you don’t like what you do and you believe promotion is all about money, nothing else. Although making more money is essential, you can’t be happy when you hate your job.

7. Overworking

There’s a big difference between working hard and working too much. Many successful people work 2 hours a day and manage to accomplish their tasks on time. Overworking can lead to both physical and emotional health problems and what`s more is that your results become worse when there`s no time to refresh your mind and get enough sleep.

8. Being weak

No offence, but I don’t respect people who give up without trying to improve a situation. Oh, please, don’t think that I’m a super strong man – I had a habit of giving up too soon and I didn’t respect myself for it therefore spent a lot of time and effort to ditch this habit. That was ten years ago when I didn’t know that I could be strong. I was not  taught to be and giving up wasn’t a big deal for me. I don’t blame my parents, though. They did their best to raise me and I’m grateful to them for everything they taught me.
I do want to be successful at work, which is why I never give up when I face difficulties. If you have to accomplish the project you have no idea how to do, let your boss know about it. Hopefully, they will help you. If not, it’s okay to tell the truth instead of looking for excuses.
We often subconsciously sabotage our careers. You think you love your job but then see that time flies and you have the same responsibilities, the same paycheck and the same hope to get a promotion in future. But now I hope you’ve realized what prevents you from being successful at work. Are you subconsciously sabotaging your own success?

Friday, December 8, 2017


You know all about the Law of Attraction, but have you heard of the Raikov Effect?
If you haven’t heard about this Russian success technique, you’re not the only one. In fact, I just recently learned how it came about and you’re going to want to read this...
The story is fascinating.

Back in the 1970s, a Russian neuropsychologist named Vladimir Raikov was experimenting with hypnosis on his Moscow students to have them take on the mindset of another person by simply using their brain.
His technique focused on pretending and acting like geniuses, such as Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Sigmund Freud so that the students could take on their genius-level mindset and access their ways of thinking.
His technique of extracting information and ideas by “pretending” you are someone else astounded researchers and it became known as the Raikov Effect.
The method has been refined throughout the years and today you can use it to tap into the skills and abilities of any genius to enhance the power of your OWN mind.
While I was learning about the Raikov Effect, I noticed how similar it was to the Law of Attraction, where you must visualize yourself and take on the mindset you would have if you achieved your goals — except this method amplifies the Law of Attraction to focus on your creativity and intelligence using someone else who has achieved their goals.
Imagine the thought processes Da Vinci went through to become the world’s most renowned artist or how Einstein used his genius intelligence to formulate unthinkable theories.
What kinds of accomplishments and successes would you achieve?
Imagine no more...

Thursday, December 7, 2017


Did you know that building and maintaining long-term selling relationships is the key behavior and skill of the Top 10% of all money earners in sales? 
If you could take everything we know about communications, put it all in a large pot, boil it and distill it down into its critical essence, it's about the importance of relationships in successful selling.

The Reason for Success

Most of your success in life will depend on your ability to get along well with other people, and on the quality of your relationships. Psychologist Sidney Jourard, found that 85 percent of a person's happiness in life comes from happy interactions with other people. The reverse holds true as well: 85 percent of a person's unhappiness or problems in life comes from difficulties in getting along with others.

Sell to Many People

Anyone can sell to a few people, some of the time.
But only the very best human relations experts can sell to a wide variety of people, and sell to them repeatedly. The only way that you can make the kind of big money that you desire is by selling more easily, and more often, to the prospects you talk to -- then having those prospects open doors to others through testimonials and referrals.
All top salespeople build and maintain high quality business (and personal) relationships with their customers and sell to them repeatedly year after year.

Decide Emotionally, Justify Logically

We are all sensitive to the quality of our relationships with other people. We are primarily emotional and we make most of our decisions on the basis of how we feel inside.
We may carefully consider all of the logical and practical reasons why or why not with regard to buying a product or service, but in the final analysis we tend to go with our gut feeling. We listen to our inner voices. We obey our hearts. We buy on the basis of how we feel about the relationship that we have with the other person. Where there is no relationship, there is no sale.

Focus on the Key Variable

Everything that you ever learned of value in the profession of selling, regarding your product or service, or personality, is only helpful to the degree to which it contributes to the building of high quality relationships with customers.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, become a relationship expert in sales. Focus first on the relationship, above all, and the sale will take care of itself.
Second, take care of your relationships once you have built them. Never take them for granted.

Monday, December 4, 2017


When a new employee starts, we as managers already have their loyalty for hiring them, for giving them a chance. New starters come with enthusiasm, energy and readiness to move mountains.
That loyalty and enthusiasm can fizzle out quickly.
We lose loyalty if we do not understand what it is
Loyalty is "about showing up, being on time, being reliable, doing what you say you’re going to do, being trustworthy, putting in a fair day’s work, respecting the work, respecting the customer, respecting the organization, respecting co-workers, not wasting time, not making work hard for other people, not creating unnecessary work for other people, not being a bottleneck, not faking work." Jason Fried, CEO of Basecamp
It is about telling us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear.
They disagree privately.
They support our decisions publicly.
We lose loyalty if we ask employees for something that they do NOT owe us:
their health, their integrity, their sanity, their peace of mind, and their family: like asking them skip recitals and teachers conferences.
We lose loyalty if we hold them back from advancement
We lose loyalty if we run for cover when they need us most
We lose loyalty if we promote wrong people
We lose loyalty if we do not let them pursue their passion
We lose loyalty if we do not find time to help them despite our own problems
Strong people stand up for themselves.
Strong leaders stand up for others.
Do you agree ?

Friday, December 1, 2017


Did you know that the fear of failure is the single greatest obstacle to success in adult life?
Taken to its extreme, we become totally pre-occupied with not making a mistake, with seeking approval for security above all other considerations. We are essentially paralyzed from moving forward or taking action.
The experience of the fear of failure is in the words of "I can't", "I can't."
We feel it in the front of the body, starting at the solar plexus and moving up to the rapid beating of the heart, rapid breathing and a tight throat. We also experience this fear in the bladder and a feeling of needing to run to the bathroom.

The Fear of Rejection Holds You Back

The second major fear that interferes with performance and inhibits expression, is the fear of rejection. We learn this when our parents make their love conditional upon our behavior. If we do what pleases them, they give us love and approval. If we do something they don't like, they withdraw their love and approval-which w

The Roots of Type A Behavior

As adults, people raised with conditional love become preoccupied with the opinions of others. Many men develop Type A behavior which is characterized by hostility, suspicion and an obsession with performance to some undetermined high standard.
This is expressed in the attitude of "I have to, I have to," and is associated with the feeling that "I have to work harder and accomplish more in order to please the boss" who has become a surrogate parent.

The Most Common Trap

More than 99 percent of adults experience both these fears of failure and rejection. They are caught in an endless cycle trap of, "I can't, but "I have to," "I have to," but "I can't."

The Key to Peak Performance

The antidote to these fears is the development of courage, character and self-esteem. The opposite of fear is actually love, self-love and self-respect. Acting with courage in a fearful situation is simply a technique that boosts our regard for ourselves to such a degree that our fears subside and lose their ability to effect our behavior and our decisions.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence and overcome your fears.
First, realize and accept that you can do anything you put your mind to. Repeat the words, "I can do it! I can do it!" whenever you feel afraid for any reason.
Second, continually think of yourself as a valuable and important person and remember that temporary failure is the way you learn how to succeed.