Wednesday, December 30, 2015


New Year's weekend seems the perfect time to remind you
that in business, you've got to make some noise! Recently,
I talked with two people who have become experts in
marketing. One has attended all the "boot camps," read the
books and taken seminars from the best marketing gurus
around. The other told me her personal library of marketing
and business books, videos and seminars cost over $100,000
in the past ten years.
Unfortunately, neither of them has applied what they know
and their businesses have not grown.
These are classic examples of "analysis paralysis." They
have studied their market and learned the techniques. They
know how to write sales letters and they know the latest in
online marketing techniques. They know about using
endorsements, graphics and colors, about "reversing risk"
and identifying their target demographics.
What they don't know is how to make noise.
They haven't taken action! One business leader recently
told me her greatest fear is "making a mistake!" Like, get
over it already!
If you're in business, you're going to make mistakes. (I
suspect that's true in life; I know it's true in business.)
The key to building your business is taking action. Of
course it's good to know what you're doing. Sure, put the
odds in your favor as much as you can. But in the end,
you've got to take a chance and make some noise!
If you want your business to grow in 2016, think about what
you'll do differently. What will you expand or contract?
How much will you spend on advertising? What new products
or services will you offer? Which ones will you cancel?
In the end, growing a business is about taking action. It's
about making the best judgments you can, and then taking
the plunge.

Monday, December 28, 2015


I love the quote from Abraham Lincoln that, "Most people
are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
I know, happiness is a bit mysterious and it is influenced
by forces beyond our control, but the truth remains that we
are mostly in control of our lives. We have tremendous
control over our lives, our choices and our results. Every
day, our actions define and impact our destiny! Our choices
and our attitudes make a difference! That is an enormous,
awesome truth.
Too many people around us (not, thank goodness, my readers)
seem to drift through life. One year is
pretty much a continuation of the previous year. They allow
circumstances, even the weather (!) to influence their
state of mind, their behavior, and ultimately, their
success in life.
But not you!
My readers profoundly understand that they are almost
entirely in charge of their own lives. We choose our
activities, our commitments, our strategies and our
outcomes. They understand that the "little
things" make all the difference.
Sure, the economy and politics, war and peace and "fate"
play a role. We know that. But we choose not to be
controlled by circumstances "out there."
My readers know that in our own little corner of the
world, we are the boss. We decide things and our decisions
impact every aspect of our lives. We choose when to get up,
how hard we work and where we focus our attention. We
decide what to think about. We fill our lives with joy and
pride, we surround ourselves with worthwhile projects. We
practice generosity rather than greed, we give and
contribute, we build rather than tear down. We plant seeds,
make plans, and live our dreams.
Let others worry and pout, but not you. Let others
complain, but not you! Let others live small and
constrained lives, let others see limitation and lack.
As for you and me, the sun comes up every morning and with
it we get another 24 hours of unlimited potential and a
thousand small decisions that make all the difference.
We run our own lives! In many ways, that's a revolutionary,
radical concept. Most people act as if chance or fate, luck
or even their DNA runs the world. We know better. We know a
smile works better than a scowl. We know gratitude creates
a richer world in which to live. We know our power!
We have the power to create love, to build, and to build up
others. We have the power to learn, to invent. And most
importantly, we have the power to choose our attitudes and
to use our time and our energy for worthwhile tasks.

Every year, I choose a motto for the year. Last
year, it was "Forward in Fifteen." In a thousand small
ways, day in and day out, that simple motto motivated
action. Most of those actions were small, even trivial
things that by themselves could be seen as inconsequential.
But in 365 days, they moved us forward. We moved forward on
our health and wealth. We made small investments and took
small steps that, together, made our home more inviting,
more comfortable, and I suspect, more valuable.
Those small choices moved us Forward to learn and laugh.
They caused us to take risks, try things, occasionally to
fail, but we always kept moving forward.
For 2016 we've chosen the motto, Sweet Sixteen. I don't
know what the year will bring, but I suspect it will be
very sweet, indeed. I suspect we'll have about 365 new days
and with them, a thousand new ways to become the people we
want to be and to create the life we've chosen for
I invite you to borrow our motto or to come up with your
own. Create a vision, a sense of optimism, hope and
resilience. I imagine that, like most years, life and
circumstances will throw us some difficulties. There may be
some disappointments, even frustrations or failures. I've
only been on this small planet for 47 years and I'm still
trying to get the hang of it. Sometimes this place confuses
me and my best efforts go astray.
But for the most part, there seem to be rules about "cause
and effect." Things seem reasonably predictable and
If I do my part, if I make smart choices, use my time
wisely, plan thoroughly, get good advice, and don't cheat
or get lazy, things work out.
So, I expect a very Sweet Sixteen. I expect to make some
money, have some fun, learn a few things, and go boldly
where we've never gone before. I invite you to join 
me in making this our Best Year Ever!

Monday, December 21, 2015


This week, millions of people around the world observe
Christmas and almost everyone in our culture will be
reminded of the power of love, hope, and community.
While Christians honor the birth of Jesus, I've long been
struck that every faith celebrates this time of year, and
even atheists celebrate the change of seasons. In the
Northern hemisphere, we refer to it as the Winter Solstice,
while our friends "down under" celebrate their Summer
Whatever we call it, every culture on Earth notices the
transformation. The days get longer (here in the north),
the weather warms up, and in a few weeks, the earth turns
green and life emerges from its winter cocoon. This is
amazing, and it happens every year!
No wonder we look for reasons to sing and dance, to join
together and affirm our love for one another. It's as if
the earth is reminding us that hope and life are renewable,
undefeated, and eternal. It's a miracle!
And I notice, that this season and our celebrations seem to
demand that we get along with each other. Celebrations
require companionship and sharing. There is something very
strange about celebrating alone. Celebration is a SHARED
We gather in houses of worship, and as families, tribes and
communities. We gather to share a meal, to sing around the
piano or to light candles. Despite crowded roads, bad
weather and the stress of flying, millions will travel to
be with loved ones this week. In times of great
celebration, we need to be together.
Last week, I did a presentation on setting sales and profit
goals for 2016 and I focused on the fact that to get paid
well, we must cooperate with other people. Whether in
partnerships, joint ventures, or by providing superior
service over the long-haul, we NEED each other to be
I was struck that we need each other at every possible
level. I need people to produce everything I consume, from
assembling this computer, to providing my food. I need
friends and family for support. I need customers and
clients for income, and I need a entrepreneurs,
entertainers, engineers, cooks and waiters and pilots and
welders and teachers to create the life I take for granted
every day. Without those thousands of people, my world
could not exist.
"We get by with a little help from our friends." And the
nice thing is, we live on a small planet and it turns out
everyone on it is (in one way or another) a partner in
making this place livable, comfortable and healthy.
As my family celebrates Christmas this week, I have a
couple of suggestions to pass along:
1.  In your own tradition and in your own community, give
thanks. Remember the past, pray for one another, hold each
other, and note how rich you truly are!
2.  Join someone in celebrating a tradition or language or
culture different than your own. You may get to try new
foods, learn new songs, find new friends, even make a new
customer! Reach out. Have fun.
3.  In your own way, contribute to peace and joy, faith,
hope and community.  Give a gift, shake a hand. Smile. Buy
someone a meal or pat them on the back. Make a positive

Today, Monday the 21st, will be the Solstice which means
from now on the days get longer and warmer! Starting
today, the sun returns with its warmth, its light and its
promise. With the coming of the sun and a new season, let
this be a time of peace on earth, goodwill towards all. 

Friday, December 18, 2015


In business, there is no success without the proper tools.
Every now and then, this principle comes home in a powerful
way. A mentor of mine shared this, “A while back, Mary and I rented a condo for a
delightful weekend at the beach and everything was perfect
except for one thing--the tools in the kitchen were a
collection of junk, including dull knives that renters
would not bother to steal. I wrote a TIPS about going into
town to buy a sharp, high-quality knife. When it came to
carving the turkey, it made all the difference!
Recently, I had a similar experience with my computer.
Practicing what I've recommended to others, we invested in
new computers and hardware so we'll begin 2016 with faster
and more reliable equipment. Unfortunately, my new desktop
didn't have the "look and feel" I've gotten used to.
Windows has an infinite number of settings and variations,
and the new machine didn't "feel" the way it should.
On Thursday, I had my tech guy come back and make some
changes. He moved some software around, adjusted the
settings and voila! "My" computer was back! It makes all
the difference!
Over and over, as I coach business owners and leaders, I
see them struggling with out-dated procedures, old
equipment, or inadequate skills. They say they "can't
afford" new tools. They "can't afford" to hire a coach,
attend the seminars, up-date their marketing materials or
learn new techniques. They "can't afford" the experts they
need or the tools of their trade. No wonder they are
floundering, failing and (too often) going broke!
Invest in the tools of your trade! Get the equipment to do
your best work. Whether it's a major investment or just a
new laptop, buy good tools! You cannot afford to handicap
yourself with out-dated skills or last-year's attitudes.
Invest in the tools of your trade!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Every year about this time I remind business owners and
CFO's (financial officers) to review their business
deductions for the year. If you use the calendar year as
your tax year (like most of us do), December 31st is a very
important date. And this year, with the potential for major
tax increases starting January 1st (in the U.S.), working
with your tax professional is more important than ever!
Here are two important facts:
1.  Depending on where you live and your tax rate, about
40% (or more!) of everything you make will go to the
Government, and the final accounting for most businesses
comes on December 31st. The more you make, the more your
"partner" will take in taxes.
2.  Conversely, any legitimate business expenses you incur
in the next few weeks are deducted directly from that tax
bill. In the U.S., that means "Uncle Sam" is willing to
chip in and pay for about 40% of whatever you buy for
business purposes! Take advantage of that!
If you need new office equipment, a new computer, or
routine office supplies, take action! It's like getting
"40% off!" If you can pre-pay some regular business
expenses (insurance, rent, supplies or fees) by the end of
December, they come directly off your "bottom line" which
means lower taxes in April.
Now, obviously, the expenses must be for legitimate
business purposes, and there are some limitations. And
obviously you should check with your accountant or tax
advisor for specific advice in your particular situation.
No cheating! (It never pays.) But remember that a few
months from now you will pay taxes on every dollar you make
this year and if you can legally reduce that amount by
stocking up now, that's to your advantage. Think about it!