Friday, December 30, 2016


Building a product funnel is a fundamental item for your speaking and writing business. Yet few efforts are more misunderstood in the information business—from Internet Marketers to Professional Speakers—creating the means to effectively sell products online or offline is largely a mystery.
Getting this right can be the difference between having a luncheon featuring beef bourguignon by the green at the Pig & Whistle or packing bologna on white bread in a brown paper bag.
So just what is a product funnel, and how do you use it? Is it some mechanical gadget that baristas use to whip up a mocha Frappuccino? Is it the end piece of a conveyor belt found in a state-of-the-art Amazon warehouse? Hardly. Let’s start with a few basics.
A product funnel is the sequence of exposures or “touches” that your prospective customer goes through before deciding to buy from you. It begins with the initial touch and manages your prospect’s buying relationship with you all the way through product up-sells and special offers.
Whether you’re using advertising, email marketing, social networks, live events or a combination of media, your customers learn your “music” through repetition—like a song on the radio. Typically, you find a set of marketing vehicles that works for you and repeat their use until your prospects absorb enough information to make buying decisions.
The magic number here is seven—that’s how many exposures it takes to cross what I call The Trust Gap.It takes seven to fifteen exposures for a prospect to become a buyer, building trust and rapport with each contact.
You don’t need to be a professional master buyer to bring home the sales. All it takes is a few simple efforts to get the job done. Once you set up your sales funnel and drive traffic to your products, they will practically sell themselves.
The Attraction Factor
In January 2009, Pepsi made waves when the company opted not to advertise during the Super Bowl, choosing instead to channel its mega ad budget into social media marketing. This was a stunning development in the world of advertising, and it heralded a new era. It meant that, for the moment, the playing field was level. It also meant the death of “salesy” sales tactics.
Pepsi didn’t exactly create this new paradigm, it merely tapped into events already unfolding. The writing was on the wall. People no longer wanted to be sold to. They wanted sincere product recommendations from their friends, and they wanted to try before they buy. The era of the online review and the product giveaway was born.
Before the 2009 Super Bowl, only savvy marketers were giving away a free report or eCourse to attract new subscribers to their mailing list. After Pepsi’s landmark decision, this tactic became the new norm. Freemiums were no longer the fodder of Internet Marketing geeks who slaved away during the wee hours. The “freemium offer” was now mainstream.
Building the Perfect Blend
The Giveaway: The purpose of giving away something of value—such as a book chapter or an audio file—is to build trust and rapport. As Dale Carnegie so aptly put it during the early part of the last century, people want to do business with those they know, like, and trust. Getting the giveaway item right takes skill and effort, and makes a material difference in your campaign. Give this aspect of your campaign some effort! Click here to see a sample of a giveaway offer for a book launch campaign.
The List: Giving something away for free does not work without a list to tell people about your offer. Adding followers, names, and email addresses to your lists allow you to create multiple exposures to your efforts. If you are new to this business, then know that building an email list is the “gold standard” of lists. Social media lists can be more cost effective to build versus email…just remember that attention spans are micro-short.
The Product: From the initial contact through repeated exposures, you can encourage your prospect to check out your well-crafted sales page for your entry level product. Let’s say you’re offering a limited time discount on your book to celebrate its launch. You can mention this several times over the course of your email series and include a link to the product page, or what insiders call a “squeeze page.” When brainstorming your product line, consider the 12 product formats common to speakers and authors.
The Up-Sell: Once your prospect clicks through the link and opts to buy, you can offer them a second product to purchase while they are in the buying mood. This up-sell tactic doesn’t have to be limited to a single product. It could be a bundle of products, a set or system, a special coaching session, a webinar—even an upcoming conference.
The Follow Up: Once your prospect makes it to your list of customers, you can market to them in a whole new way. You can offer additional discounts, build excitement over new product launches, keep in touch about your latest endeavors, or otherwise leverage the attention of the audience you’ve built.
Using product up-sells as part of your sales funnel is the surest way to double or triple your income from your marketing investment. Understanding your sales funnel as the key to your money-making endeavors can unlock the door to prosperity for you. Walking through that door is up to you.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Who is your mentor? Who shows you the ropes, teaches you
the tricks and shows you the way?
This week I had several people contact me about coaching in
2017, which is a very good thing. But, I also had
conversations with people who "don't need a coach" and
don't have any mentors. I noticed they didn't seem to make
as much money or achieve as many of their goals in 2016. Is
that you?
Over and over again, I'm struck that the real winners in
life always learn from those who went ahead of them.
Winners ALWAYS have mentors! They learn from the experts
and benefit from the success of others.
Sometimes they have a personal coach, and I think that's a
good thing! But often they have informal relationships with
experts who are willing to teach them. Sometimes, mentoring
comes in the form of a Master Mind group or team.
One of my most valuable sources of information are the
seminars, workshops and lectures I attend every year. I
remember hearing a colleague say he wouldn't attend anymore
seminars 'because they cut the budget and (his employer)
won't pay for it anymore." How terribly short-sighted!
The cost of workshops is nothing! The cost of travel,
tuition and hotels is NOTHING if you learn one new idea or
avoid one mistake. The chance to rub shoulders with the
best and brightest in your field is priceless! In 2017,
"just do it!"
Double (or triple!) your budget for books and seminars, for
coaching and teaching. Call the most successful people you
know and buy them lunch. Take them to the best restaurant
you can afford, and pick their brains. Hire a coach.  Are
there seminars you "might" attend next year? Register now!
Make it a Christmas present or use any excuse you have to,
but make sure you get the "helping hand" you need to make
2017 your best year ever!

Monday, December 26, 2016


This is the time when almost everyone celebrates. Some of
us celebrate Hanukkah, others Solstice or Christmas or one
of the other traditions, and almost everyone celebrates the
New Year. Whatever tradition you follow, this is a time for
reflection, renewal, affirmation and joy.
I understand that on his deathbed, Goethe's last words
were, "More light!" and on these dark winter mornings, I
The combination of our traditional celebrations and the
start of a New Year make this a natural time to review the
past and preview the future. After all, even the sun is
coming back! (My apologies to our readers in the
Southern Hemisphere--your time will come in June!)
Through the year, we work. We are busy and have so much
"stuff" to do that it is easy to lose our way. It's easy to
take loved ones for granted and neglect our values in the
rush to get through the day. I often think the best gift of
the holidays is time to slow down, decorate our homes,
share with loved ones, eat cookies and remember our roots.
Too much of life is distracted by the rush and noise of
daily living. We lose our way and forget our most important
goals and priorities. When that happens, we often criticize
ourselves and when that  happens, I usually encourage
clients to “Stop that!” I think the self-criticism is a
waste of time, and it can become a way to avoid starting
again and moving in the direction you truly want to go.
I'm no sailor or pilot, but I love the reality that ships
and planes are off-course almost the entire time they are
traveling to their destination. Wind and currents and human
failures and a thousand "little things" constantly toss
them off-course.
Isn't that how life really is? We have a destination, of
course. We have values and desires, and we know our
ultimate goals, but much of the time we are tossed by the
winds and currents of life. We are swamped with a project
at work, or an illness at home. We get caught up in a hobby
or forget to say "I love you" as much as we should. That's
not "good," of course, but I think it is real life. We are
simply ships and planes, doing the best we can and being
tossed around a bit.
The difference is that sailors and pilots are never
surprised or discouraged or "lost" because a gust of wind
knocks them off-course. They simply adjust and keep right
on going and (this is important) almost every ship and
plane eventually finds the right harbor or lands at the
right airport. We should learn from that.
This holiday season, take time to review and affirm your
course in life. Take time to shop and do all the "stuff"
you have to do--that part is important--but in the midst of
the hoopla, sit down with a pen and paper to review and
remember your roots, your loved ones and your values.
Take a moment to review and re-affirm your goals and chart
a new course. If you've gotten a bit distracted, so what?
If you've been tossed and blown away from your major goals,
note that fact, plot a solution and get back to work. A New
Year is about to begin, and the sun is coming back! Start
over, start again. Even nature says it's a time for new