Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Good communication is not rocket science. It's also not 'painting by numbers' where people have to learn a set of techniques. It's not enough to learn some skills. The key to good communication is not just having good communication skills, but also having self-awareness. Why do you react and behave the way you do? What motivates your actions?
A cardinal problem at the root of conflict between people is the belief that the other person "makes you feel xyz". Eleanor Roosevelt already stated "Nobody can make you feel anything without your consent!" That leads us to the...
Golden Rule No. 1: It's not about you!
What someone else says or does to your is never about you! Don't take what another person says personally! You only run the risk to become defensive and the situation will most likely escalate into a conflict. People only communicate from their own history and their own needs. What can you do? Look for the deeper, underlying meaning of the communication. What is the other person's need?
Mastering rule no. 1 is certainly not easy. To be self-aware enough and detached enough to not be offended, defensive, or reactive when accused by someone (i.e. "you make me angry")takes knowing yourself very well. It means that you need the skill to reflect on your actions, the other person's actions, and on the dynamics created amongst them.
Golden Rule No. 2: Listen - Listen - Listen!
Many people think that communicating is mostly about telling other people about yourself. They talk and talk about themselves. Being in love with their own voice, they don't notice that they may come across as a self-obsessed person. What they totally overlook is that the most important part in communicating is listening. Listening is not just waiting for your turn to speak. By listen actively you show the other person you care. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give another person. It is one of the most healing and soothing experiences you can provide.
Do you struggle with listening skills? One of the best listening skills is "Active Listening". When you go to my website you will find examples about how to listen actively.
Golden Rule No. 3: Don't treat an assumption as a fact!
People often have an idea about what they think is going on for the other person and don't think for a moment to check their assumption out. For example "He doesn't ring, that means he doesn't love me. If he would love me, he would know how important it is for me that he rings". Well, sometimes somebody not ringing just means they didn't ring. You have to check it out with the other person. Don't act upon the story you have made up in your head. We usually call that a 'Fairy Tale'.
Rule no. 3 is certainly not easy to master. Most people are convinced that their evaluation of an incident is right. On top of that they are usually so insecure and have such low self-esteem that they can't bear not to be right. So they end up in a "Yes you have - no I haven't - yes you have - no I haven't" conversation that leads to nothing but frustration.
Golden Rule No. 4: Be clear when you ask for something.
George Bernhard Shaw said "The problem with communication is that people believe it has already happened". Indeed, a person may say "I need much more support from you" and thinks they have been perfectly clear about their request. Yet support could mean a million things to a million people. It's great to communicate a need (i.e. support, connection, peace, warmth, space).For the other person to know how you would like to be supported for example, you will have to request a specific action "could you go with me to the dentist?" Remember, the other person is not a mind-reader.
I am convinced that half of the problems between couples or friends are based on people expecting the partner to know what they mean. It's almost as if they want to go back to the time of being a 3 months old infant whose mother intuits all the time what it is the baby needs. They forget that it's easy to do for new mothers considering the needs of the baby being limited to food, rest, warmth, and caring touch. Guessing adult needs in similar ways is impossible!
Golden Rule No. 5: Focus on what you want!
Be mindful of how you express your wishes and your requests. A mistake often made is that people express their wishes in negative forms and then expect the other person to know what they want. "I don't want you to use this phone". It's like going into a restaurant and ordering "I don't want spaghetti". Well, you better express what you want and not what you don't want if you don't want to go home hungry.
It is surprising how often people talk about the things they don't want rather than saying what it is they want. How about you do a small private research project and observe for a week or two how often you or someone else focuses on what they don't want?
Golden Rule No. 6: Making "I-statements!"
You've heard it all! Making "I-statements" is the bread-and-butter of communication skills. Yet it is astounding how many people don't follow that rule. When they share their experiences they rather use the non-committal 'you' and thereby communicate their experience from a once-removed position. Making "I-statements" is far more intimate and both you and the person you communicate with will be more connected to what you chose to share.
Making "I-statements" is far more difficult than people normally think. Consider the following statement: "You can't get by on the benefit" and then try on for size "I can't get by on the benefit". A very, very different kettle of fish.
Golden Rule No. 7: Learn about yourself!
When we communicate with another person we cannot not be influenced by our personal experiences. If you want to relate to the person that is standing in front of you, you need to know which of your feelings and perceptions belong to that person and to the here and now, and which of them belongs to people and experiences from your past. If you struggle more often with communication issues, it might be a good idea to see a counselor or psychotherapist to help you to understand the link between your current reactions and your past experiences.
Master these Golden Rules and you will become a master of communication in no time!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Most business leaders love what they do and focus on their
professional skills. That’s a great beginning, but it does
NOT necessarily lead to business (or professional) success.
Being a skilled physician, sales manager or attorney is not
enough unless the world knows about you, knows how to find
you, and is willing to hire you. Here are four keys that can
help with that process:
1. Specialize until you are the best! Being good is rarely
good enough. Go beyond very good to extreme proficiency!
Choose a specialty that excites you, one you can develop for
a lifetime, and become the BEST at it. Exceptional skill is
costly, necessary, and worth it!
2. Understand and communicate with a precisely chosen
audience. I work with professionals on business
development (my specialty) and my first niche were my
colleagues in the IT field. After that, I found niches
with real estate and insurance professionals. That gave me
one specialty, and three niches where I could effectively
market my services. Who are your best customers?
3. The Law of "Enough." You must communicate with your
target audience until enough of them hire you. Depending on
how persuasive you are, you may need to reach only a few
colleagues. Or, you may need to reach thousands, or even
millions of potential customers. How will you do that?
Advertising works; so does networking. I enjoy writing
and using the Internet. How will you reach "enough" of your
4. Persistence. There are very few over-night wonders, and
the ones we hear about have usually been building their
businesses in the shadows for 20 years. High levels of
success usually require time, energy, effort,
experimentation and adjustment. And, it requires hard work!
In the end, persistence pays!
Invest in yourself--get a coach! Every top athlete,
entertaner, and business leader has a coach (or several of
them) and they depend on the feedback, encouragement, advice
and the support to hone their skills, maintain focus, and
give them the tools they need. Top performers know this! Yet
millions of people still try to compete with the best in
their field by going in alone! Don't do that to yourself! To
be your best, use a personal coach.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


In a competitive marketplace it's important to use every tool in your sales toolbox to help drive more revenue into your business. Testimonials are, by far, one of the most cost-effective tools at your disposal in that regard. Think about all the great ways they can serve you and your business. In good times and in tough times, testimonials are in abundant supply, they cost next to nothing to procure and they have a shelf life that exceeds just about any other marketing collateral out there.
Given these great benefits, you might wonder why they're still underused by many sales people today. I sure do, and it's something I regularly ask of people I meet when conducting sales training sessions: what's your testimonial strategy...and if you don't have one, why not? Over the years, I've listened to a lot of answers to those questions from a range of people in organizations large and small. What I have found at the heart of the problem is that testimonials are often underestimated because incorrect assumptions are made either in the process of collecting them or in how they are used to promote a business.
There are six big myths about testimonials. Let's review them now...
1. "They can't be all that effective or everyone would be using them"
This is one of the biggest mistakes anyone in sales can make, to assume that success is about doing what everyone else is doing. In fact, success hinges on being choosy about whose business habits you should emulate. Never mind what the majority of people are doing; pay careful attention to what the top 20% of sales performers are up to. Regular collection and distribution of testimonials is right up there among the list of activities that top salespeople have in common. They rely on testimonials because they really do work, and they work because they are persistent in how they solicit them, publish them and leverage them in their selling strategy.
2. "I shouldn't have to ask my customers for testimonials"
This is another common mistake that takes root from an incorrect assumption, namely that salespeople should wait for their satisfied customers to make the first move and offer up glowing testimonials. That's not to say that this never happens in business--hey it sure is a great shot in the arm when someone offers one that's unsolicited--but the reality is that testimonials simply aren't going to come knocking on your door. You have to go looking for them. You have to ask. And you have to persistent about it. If you're ambitious and keen to become part of the top-20% of sales performers in your organization, you need to make this an integral part of your job. No excuses.
3. "Asking for testimonials will make me look like I'm fishing for compliments"
Let's consider this one a half-myth. I say this because it's true that when you ask for a testimonial you're essentially asking customers to say something positive about you and about your business. The myth is that there's something wrong with doing this. Come on, let's face facts. When it comes to your business and your personal success as a salesperson, it's not the time to be modest! You work hard to provide your customers with your very best, both in terms of sales professionalism and in after-sales service. Your best customers call on you again and again...and they do so for a reason. So why wouldn't you want to ask them for some insight to learn more about what it is specifically that you do that keeps them coming back?
4. "People often don't make good on their promise because they don't really want to write that testimonial"
This is classic negative thinking. It starts from the false premise that when someone doesn't follow through on a promise it's because they don't really want to do what you've asked them to do. As a result your self-esteem takes a hit needlessly. In fact, there's really only one reason why people don't give you that testimonial even though earlier they said they would...and that's because they don't have time. Time management is a struggle even for the best of us out there and many, to be frank, find themselves at a loss for what to write even though verbally they sing your praises regularly. It's vital that you not lose sight of this when it happens--and it will. Your customers really do like you: it's just that not everyone knows how to express it. This is where Engage Selling's newest product, TestimonialDirector, can really help make a difference in your business, helping to dramatically increase your sales while freeing your time with automatic collection, management and publication of targeted testimonials.
5. "Testimonials are just too much work"
There's no denying that a little bit of effort goes into regularly asking for testimonials and publishing them so that others can read all the great praise about your work. However, are they worth the effort? You bet they are. Obtaining a testimonial can be as easy as picking up the phone and calling one of your favorite clients and simply asking them for one. Do that often enough and be persistent about it and before long, you will have amassed a considerable arsenal of word-of-mouth recommendations that you can use in your marketing sales letters, brochures, corporate website, newsletters...the list of possibilities is endless. The payoff for your efforts can be lucrative and ongoing. If you can convert one potential lead into a sale on the strength of what others have to say about your product or services, you can sure that there are exponentially more potential customers out there who will be just as receptive to the power of word-of-mouth.
6. "People are wary of taking the word of a stranger"
Nothing could be further from the truth! Human beings are social creatures and we're hardwired to pay careful attention to what others do and say. Consider the results of a 2007 Neilsen study, which found that roughly four of every five consumers perceive recommendations by fellow consumers as the most credible form of advertising.{source} Testimonials give your readers both an emotion-based and fact-based green light, motivating them to buy from you. Therefore, the more often you seek out great recommendations about your work, the most often you will have the opportunity to sell more to more people in less time.
Tackle these six testimonial myths in your own organization and develop a testimonial procurement strategy. Make this a priority for the year. Not only can it translate into skyrocketing sales, you'll get a great feeling inside knowing how much all your customers really do enjoy working with you.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Absolutely no one can overestimate the power of the mind and its role in our success! It is imperative to keep our minds right and on the right track if we are to achieve balanced success in our career, finances, health, emotions, relationships and spiritual lives.
The analogy I would like to use here is one of a radio station. For example, there may be a "Success" station. But the only way you can hear a radio station is to be tuned into it. Even a little off and you can't get the full effect.
The same is true with our mind and success. If our minds and our thoughts get sidetracked, our success will get sidetracked. As our minds stay tuned to "success" our bodies will then carry out our success and we will begin to experience abundance!
So here are some ways to keep tuned into success!
Use your innate ability to decide and choose.
One of the things that separates us from the animals is that we live not by instinct, but by choice. Constantly flexing that muscle of choice builds it up and keeps us on track for success. It is like working out. They more we do, the stronger we get. The more "fit" we get. Want to keep your mind tuned for success? Keep it healthy by making good choices and decisions on a regular basis. For example, do you have a bad habit? Then flex your mind muscle and choose to change - today. If you choose to stay the same way (and those are the only two alternatives) you will have just chosen to tune your mind to a different station than "success."
Put good stuff into your brain.
There are lots of things that want to work their way into our minds (and eventually work themselves out again in our actions). There will be lots that we just get from walking around all day. But what about what we put in on purpose? We can choose to put good stuff in on a regular basis. Do you take time each day to put good things into your mind, to tune into success? Here are two things to consider when you are choosing what to put into your mind: First, is it positive? Will it build you up or tear you down? Will it make you a better person, or lesser? Will you grow from it or not? Will it tune you to success or not? Secondly, Will it move you toward your goals in the areas of your life that you want to see success and abundance in?
Keep the junk out.
Like I mentioned above, there will always be junk floating around, like a fellow employee who gripes all the time. But what surprises me is how many people who want success, actually willfully choose to put junk into their minds and then expect to be tuned into success. Here are some thoughts on this: First, evaluate everything that you put into your mind. Evaluate what you read, listen to and watch. We live in a fast-paced world and we have little time. Why then would we spend our precious time putting junk into our minds? Does what you read, listen to and watch move you toward your goals or away from them?
It is a simple question, really. At least most of the time. And here is my soapbox. Eleven years ago, my wife suggested we give away our television. I was shocked to say the least, but decided to give it a try. Now I am the anti-tv fanatic in our house! I have more time than anyone I know and I don't have to spend a lot of energy filtering my mind to tune it to success. Just a thought. Just a thought.
Eat right and exercise.
That's right. The way we eat and the amount of exercise we get goes a long way toward our mind's ability to tune into success. Put the right foods into your body and the brain responds. Exercise on a regular basis and the body releases chemicals that literally ignite your brain for success!
Hope these thoughts help you to get going and keep your mind tuned into success. Put them into practice and soon you'll be dialed into success and abundance.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I hear it all the time from budding business owners I work with. They tell me they tried direct mail, or they tried asking for referrals, or they tried promotions – and they worked but then for whatever reason they didn’t try again.
Do you know the real “secret” to sales success?
Here’s a hint – it’s not the latest… social media craze, nor is it the newest WordPress “widget”.
The answer is really simple.
It’s consistency. Plain and simple. Doing what works, over and over, just like brushing your teeth prevents cavities – if you do it every day.
You see, marketing is the lifeblood of your business. And just as you need to eat to survive, you need to market more than once to get results it.
Think of it this way: If you only ate once a year, how healthy would you be?
Being hungry would be the least of your worries.
Now, think of it in terms of your business. If you only marketed your business once a year, how long will you remain in business?
Studies have shown that people need to be exposed to a marketing message at least 5 to 7 times before they make a buying decision. So make sure you work to get your marketing message to your market frequently.
So if you give up too early, you could be leaving a lot of money you deserve on the table.
I’m sure that’s not something you want to do.
The last thing you want in your business is a famished bank account. And that’s exactly what happens when you stop marketing.
Giving up on your marketing simply should be an option. You’ll never know when someone is ready to buy. So make sure to cover all your bases.
Market your business when things aren’t going so well, and when things ARE going well.
You’ll be happy you did.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Times are tough, and as a result, morale can suffer. So what can the leaders of an organization do to help team members feel more confident and at ease? Below are a few simple tips to improve teamwork and morale -- especially in a recession (or depression):
1. Give Sincere Compliments
When times are tough, we can easily be distracted (sometimes just trying to stay above water). That is the time that your team members need reassurance, and a sincere compliment can go a long way in helping your team feel more comfortable. Remember that the team member doesn't have to be perfect -- just improving.
Most managers and leaders follow the "If you don't hear anything from me, assume that you are doing a good job" model. There are a few problems with this model, though. The biggest problem is that if your team only hears from you when they make mistakes, they will begin to avoid you and withhold important information -- "If I share this information with my boss and it is good news, he won't give me credit, and if it's bad news, he'll hold be accountable, so I'll just keep it to myself." There is no incentive to share information. Another big problem is that a criticism only approach will stunt the growth of your team members. When a team member takes a risk, has a success and gets praised, then his/her confidence will grow. However, if that risk is likely to lead to criticism, then the team member will likely avoid the risk. So as Dale Carnegie said, "Be lavish in your praise."
2. Share Information
People fear the unknown a lot more than reality in most cases. If your team knows what's wrong, they can often help you fix it. Often, leaders will try to protect the team by keeping negative information to himself/herself, which just makes the team wonder what you are hiding. Fear causes people to react aggressively, so share information, and your team will help you.
Let's say that you walk into your kitchen really late at night, and it's pitch black. You hear a rustling sound in the corner. It could be the wind from a window left open, it could be a rodent, or it could be a burglar. Since you are not sure exactly what made the sound, you'll likely prepare for the worst and grab a golf club before you turn on the light. You flip on the light and a little teenie-tiny mouse darts across the counter. You start swinging the golf club to no avail. A mouse in the kitchen is pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as an intruder. Because the cause was unknown, you weren't able to prepare for it well. The fear that we have when we don't have enough information will cause us to make improper decisions and make mistakes, so it's best to share information with your team and let them help create a solution. Just like in this example, once you know what the problem is, the solution to the problem is fair easy to create.
3. Set a Goal
A shared goal can help the team work together toward a common result. A number of small successes can improve morale dramatically. The goal doesn't have to be anything Earth-shattering. In fact, it might be something as simple as earning an additional 1000 Facebook Fans this month or having all of the cash registers balance for an entire week. Whatever the goal, though, it needs to be something that everyone has a stake in. Once the goal is reached and a reward is given, all who participated will feel a sense of accomplishment.
4. Brain-Storm
Challenges are often opportunities in disguise. When challenges develop, get your team together and brain-storm solutions. One big idea can open up additional revenue streams.
If your team is experiencing challenges in a down economy, there is a good chance that your competitors are experiencing them as well, so the team who overcomes the most challenges will have a competitive advantage now and an increased advantage as the economy turns around. 20-minute or 30-minute brain-storming sessions from time to time can help harness the creativity of your team, solve problems, and increase morale all at the same time. In these sessions, spend just a minute or so talking about the problem. Then quickly move to what the CAUSES of the problem might be. the more causes that you can identify, the more creative (and clear) your solutions will be. Once the team understands what has caused the problem, possible solutions will flow. Then you just have to pick which of the possible solutions is most likely to lead to success.
Regardless of whether the solution creates the new iPad or not, the process will be great for morale -- especially if the solution is implemented and leads to a successful outcome.
Get your team working toward a common goal by praising them and working on tough challenges together. Your team culture will grow, and you will be way ahead of the game when things turn around.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Achieving your own happiness is the best measure of how well you are living your life and enjoying your relationships. Did you know that you can learn how to be happier and more fulfilled in everything you do? Here's how...
Everyone is Different
Happiness in life is like a smorgasbord. If 100 people went to a smorgasbord and each put food on their plate in the quantity and mix that each felt would be most pleasing to him, every plate would be different. Even a husband and wife would go up to the smorgasbord and come back with plates that looked completely different. Happiness is the same way. Each person requires a particular combination of those ingredients to feel the very best about himself or herself.
Listen to Your Heart
And your mix is changing continually. If you went to the same smorgasbord every day for a year, you probably would come back with a different plateful of food each time. Each day-sometimes each hour-only you can tell what it takes to make you happy. Therefore, the only way to judge whether a job, a relationship, an investment, or any decision, is right for you is to get in touch with your feelings and listen to your heart.
Be True to Yourself
You’re true to yourself only when you follow your inner light, when you listen to what Ralph Waldo Emerson called the “still, small voice within.” You’re being the very best person you can be only when you have the courage and the fortitude to allow your definition of happiness, whatever it may be, to be the guiding light of every part of your life.
There Are No Limits
A very important point on the subject of happiness is whether or not you feel that you “deserve” to be happy.
Accept the notion that you deserve all the happiness you can honestly attain through the application of your talents and abilities. The more you like and respect yourself, the more deserving you will feel of the good things in life. And the more deserving you feel, the more likely you will attain and hold on to the happiness you are working toward.
Make Happiness Your Key Measure
You should make happiness the organizing principle of your life. Compare every possible action and decision you make against your standard of happiness to see whether that action would make you happier or unhappier. Soon, you will discover that almost all of the problems in your life come from choices that you have made - or are currently making - that do not contribute to your happiness.
Pay the Price
Of course, there are countless times when you will have to do little things that don’t make you happy along the way toward those larger things that make you very happy indeed. We call this paying the price of success in advance. You must pay your dues. Sometimes these interim steps don’t make you happy directly, but the happiness you achieve from attaining your goal will be so great that it totally overwhelms the temporary inconveniences and dissatisfactions you have to endure in order to get there.
Action Exercises
Here are 3 steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, accept that you deserve all the joy and happiness you can possibly achieve through your own efforts.
Second, make your own happiness the chief organizing principle of your life and judge everything against that standard.
Third, be willing to work hard and pay the price for the satisfaction and rewards you desire. Always go the extra mile and your success will be assured.
To your happiness.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Almost every TIPS subscriber knows the value of defining and
writing down your most important goals. In business,
however, I often find that we fail to break our goals into
small enough chunks. We have 5-year plans and yearly goals
or objectives, but we don't break them down into monthly
targets and daily activities.
As a wise man once told me, "A goal without a plan is just a
If your goals are important, get a calendar and break them
down into specific targets. An obvious example is that if
you wish to save $5000 this year, commit to depositing $417
in your savings account each (and every) month.
Many of my professional clients have goals to improve their
services, attract more clients, and increase revenues, but
they fail to break these goals into specific action steps.
What does "better service" mean in terms of activities this
week? What needs to happen to attract new clients this week?
Who is responsible for the marketing plan? What’s the budget
and what are the expected results?
Without specific benchmarks along the way, we rarely reach
our long-term goals. Have the courage to examine your goals
in terms of daily, weekly and monthly activities, then hold
yourself accountable. Are you taking steps to market your
business? Is your level of customer satisfaction going up?
Are you cutting costs? Are you doing better work? How do you
measure your progress day by day?
The answers to these questions will determine whether or not
you reach your goals, and ultimately, whether or not you
create the business and the life you really want.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


At one point or another, those of us in business are called upon to do some public speaking. The way we present ourselves is important because it is representative of who we are, our competencies, and how people will view our businesses.
In doing speech-coaching I find that most people are initially concerned with adding things to their presentations, such as props or humor, or in developing techniques such as hand gestures.
The truth be known, the majority of people can improve their speaking skills dramatically simply by focusing on eliminating the negatives from their speaking before even thinking about adding anything else.
That said, here are some simple rules to help you improve your speaking skills and give you better presentations, and thus, better results in your business.
1. Keep it simple
Speak naturally
Make eye contact
Don't do crazy things with your hands
2. Be impassioned.
No matter what you speak about, people want to know that you are excited about it. Now, don't fake it, but let you passion for your business or product come through!
3. Balance the format of your information.
Don't try to cram too much into the presentation. Instead, when speaking, cover the basics and leave the details to a handouts that can be read later. Use a powerpoint slide or a few but don't overdo it.
4. Manage the relationships beforehand.
If at all possible, get to know the people who will be listening to you prior to your presentation. This will give them a built-in trust of you and what you have to say.
5. Show, don't tell.
Show them with stories, examples and personal experience. Don't just list facts.
6. Get rid of distracting idiosyncrasies.
Ummms and Ahhhs have got to go. So does jingling coins in your pockets.
7. Know your material.
Nothing beats having the material down pat. If you do, it will cover a multitude of other problems that may arise.
8. Get the audience to participate at varying levels if effective.
You can use different methods, such as taking time to work alone or with a partner, feedback on certain points or questions and answers.
9. Don't misinterpret people's response and get discouraged.
You never know why a person may not be listening or get up and walk out. There are lots of reasons that have nothing to do with you or your speaking. Assume it is something else and keep on going!
10. And perhaps the most important - NEVER go longer than you are allotted!
This is the quickest way to get everyone in the room to forget all the great things you just said. Quit on time!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


It’s quite possible that there’s a mismatch between how your usual audience wants information presented to them and how you’re presenting. And it’s not just you. In a two-year study by Robert B. Miller and Gary A. Williams, close to 80 percent of presentations made by salespeople around the world are focused on Skeptics and Controllers who together represent less than 30 percent of all executive decision-making styles. Virtually no presentations are targeted at Charismatics. Yet that group alone accounts for a quarter of the decision-making population.
What are Charismatics anyway?
The study, which was featured as cover article in the May 2002 Harvard Business Review, found that executives tend to make big decisions in five predictable ways and categorized them into the following decision-making styles: Skeptic, Controller, Follower, Charismatic, and Thinker.
A Charismatic decision-making style is easily enthralled with new ideas and quickly embraces them with gusto. An enthusiastic “This is exactly what we need! Or “OK, I’m in!” early in the presentation is a dead giveaway that you’re presenting to a Charismatic. This may initially sound like a perfect prospect, but a word of caution here: Charismatics are impulsive and that’s where your diligence comes in.
When presenting to this decision-making style:
1. Stick to headlines and bullet points.
Charismatics are passionate about new ideas and have no trouble imagining the exciting possibilities of your proposal. But they don’t have the patience to sit through the messy details. Stay away from long, canned presentations. Focus instead on the bottom line – how your proposal can make their organization more competitive.
2. Address risks up front.
Temper their enthusiasm with implementation concerns, cost issues and other potential downside. But present how you can address those risks as well. It will show the Charismatic that you’ve thought through the scenarios, which adds to
your credibility.
3. Be careful not to get sucked in to their enthusiasm and assume that you have a sale.
Enthusiasm does not equal official commitment. His initial feedback may be favorable but remember that the Charismatic hardly has any patience to go through preliminary details of your proposal. He relies on a strong number-two person to do due diligence. Before you end a meeting with a Charismatic, ask: “Who should I include in my follow up regarding next steps?” Or, “Is there someone I should include in a more detailed discussion of next steps?”
Stay on top of things and follow up with his key lieutenant until the final decision has been made.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


"What's wrong with my marketing?"
A very common question when clients aren't coming in as quickly as we'd like. My response is well, let's look at what is working. While exploring what's not working can be very helpful, focusing on the positive is far more productive to begin with. What we focus on expands and so looking for what is working means more of the same.
So here are 3 important questions to ask yourself to uncover valuable clues on how to improve your marketing.
1. Where did your last few clients come from?
Look over the past year and examine where your clients came from. Were they referrals? Did they find you through social media? Or through your website? At a networking meeting? Through an advert? Did they hear you speak? Or was it a casual meeting like at a party? Perhaps you cold called?
Once you remind yourself of the source, go over the trail of events that led them to becoming your client. Do this for all of them and notice if there any patterns. If so, then these would be very good places to concentrate your marketing energies right now.
I know from my own research that the majority of my clients have come from direct referrals or indirectly to my E-zine, and then on to work with me. That's why I spend time every week, writing the article, sorting out the photos, creating the introduction, and so on. It is a proven marketing tool for me and is exactly why sending out a newsletter/e-zine is one of the first things I recommend to all my clients.
2. How did you get your best clients?
So we know how it feels when clients come to us easily and effortlessly, no quibbling about fees, turn up on time, do the work, and are happy with the outcome. And then there are those that want us to jump through hoops to get their business and keep them.
Once again, it's about looking at your best clients and look at where they came from and what you did to retain them as a client. Is there a pattern that you can repeat? It might not be so much about where they came from, but what your attitude was when they became a client.
I have a client who when she first started out used to speak to everybody and anybody about what she did, she wanted to help the whole world and she probably would if she could which is great, but what happened in reality was that she brought on new clients after spending hours persuading them that it was in their best interests, reducing her fees so that they would work with her, throwing in extra bonuses galore, even taking deposits from them, and then finding they either cancelled the appointments or just didn't show up. After experiencing it one too many times, she made the decision that she was only going to work with clients who really WANTED to work with her and no more reducing the fees, and now she gets to work with just those clients.
3. What marketing activities feel most comfortable and natural to you?
With so many marketing tools and strategies available to us today, it is easy to get into overwhelm. My advice is always to go for those that feel most natural to you. It's no good trying to follow the latest fad if it has you tied up in knots and feeling frustrated because that frustration is going to be felt by your potential clients on the other end of it and more than likely push them away. So choose just a handful of marketing strategies that you actually have a DESIRE to do.
I have another client who is great on a one to one basis and a very good writer too. She was worried about not getting out there and networking, public speaking and doing the social scene. Once she realized and accepted that it was perfectly OK for her to base her marketing plan around these 2 skills, she relaxed and hey presto, started attracting in the clients she desired.
So if you're looking for facts on what's working for your business, go through these 3 questions now. You might be surprised at what turns up and for a guess, it might not be quite as complicated to market as you are perhaps feeling. Follow the trail and whatever works for you, do it again! And again! And again! Until it doesn't - it's what's called in marketing jargon, rinse and repeat!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Every business contains a wealth of undiscovered and unused
assets, and often the value of a coach is in helping the
owner or manager utilize those assets in a whole new way, or
for the first time.
In the past few weeks, I've experienced one small example in
a very personal way. I read Janet Switzer’s book, "Instant
Income" about leveraging assets I've ignored or failed to
recognize in the past, and decided to try one of her
suggestions. With a simple email and a few phone calls, I
quickly made an extra thousand bucks! Not a fortune, but a
few extra dollars in my pocket. A small thing?
Perhaps, but your database of customers and clients, even
your list of competitors, are incredibly valuable assets!
How can you expand the sense of community and provide value
to these people? Find the answer, and watch your business
Or, another example from a recent client. A Chiropractor
routinely closed her office each evening and the building
sat empty. By allowing other professionals to use the
building for workshops and seminars, she earned a small
amount of rent, but more importantly, those people were
advertising her location and building her reputation in the
community. The synergy proved extremely profitable!
What assets are you sitting on? What tools, knowledge or
skills are you not using to expand your profits and enhance
your community? Find those hidden assets and put them to