Thursday, August 29, 2019


We live in a world of constant change and constant
competition. Everyday, someone is working to reduce costs,
increase performance, and take your customers away from
you. This is the truth, and it doesn't just apply to big
business or the "other guy". It applies to your business,
every single day.
Most of us know and believe this, and yet most businesses,
especially small businesses and professional practices,
take no practical action to enhance their productivity.
That is a recipe for disaster!
Day by day, every business leader has the responsibility to
enhance productivity, increase the value of your products,
and serve your customers better, faster, cheaper and with
greater attention than anyone else on earth.
Here are a couple of systems for doing this:
1. Re-invest at least three percent of gross revenue in
research and development. Every month, set aside three
percent to improve performance, buy new equipment or up-
grade your skills. Some industries must invest more, but
at a minimum, set aside three percent. You can't afford
not to.
2. Use the "1% Solution". Every day, strive to be just
slightly better at your work. Answer the phone a bit
faster and more cheerfully. Be a touch more thorough in
your sales presentations. Up-grade your email or follow-up
just slightly faster than you did yesterday.
Every business can improve by at least one percent! That's
hardly difficult or even challenging. The key is to think
in terms of constant and never-ending improvement. Strive
to be a bit better. It doesn't have to be dramatic and it
doesn't have to cost a lot, but the drive for excellence
requires your constant attention and intention. If you
don't do it, someone, somewhere, certainly is.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Do you know what Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft all have in common?
Hint: It’s probably not what you’re thinking…
I know it’s hard to believe, but all 4 of these companies started in a garage.
They are now worth more than $25 billion each 
There’s a lesson to be learned from these world-famous companies.
No matter how or where you start your business... your passion, drive, and determination are the true markers of success.
If some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and visionaries can make their dreams come true from a garage... then so can you.
So, do you have a business you’re ready to TRANSFORM (or start from the ground up)?
Here are 3 tips to help build your brand and take your business to new heights:
1) Stay focused. As you’re building your business, focus on one step at a time rather than trying to do everything at once. Set SMART Goals to keep yourself on track.
2) Learn from your mistakes. When you’re first starting out, you’re bound to make mistakes, but here’s the key: don’t get discouraged. Just ask yourself what you could have done better, and then apply that lesson in future endeavors.
3) Learn about your competitors. Visit their websites and social media pages and find out what specific products and services they offer, as well as what their customers are saying about them. Use this information to make your business better and stand out from the competition.

Monday, August 26, 2019


Because my work involves considerable travel,
the tax authorities have questioned my travel expenses over recent years. 
I'm told this is a common area for entrepreneurs and professionals
to "cook the books", so the IRS often looks at it very
closely. Fortunately, we seem to be well prepared.
In working with an Accountant, however, I'm told it is
actually rare for small business owners to have adequate
records and details. That astonished me, because keeping
good financial records is essential. For review, here are
a few items to double-check to be sure you're doing it
1. Have a separate bank account, credit card and
accounting system for your business and NEVER mix personal
expenses with your business. Never buy a business computer
and a vacation trip with the same credit card. Never
deposit a business payment to your personal checking
account. These steps cost very little and could save you
heartache and money down the road.
2. Keep every business receipt. You may not always list
it in the right account, and your Accountant or the tax
folks might quibble about whether it's a business expense,
but with a receipt you have hope. Without it, you got
3. Never, ever, cheat or cut corners. It just isn't worth
it. In recent weeks I've heard unbelievable stories of
professional and business owners who should clearly know
better, thinking they could either hide income or use a
business expense for personal gain. Statistically, you
might get away with it, but at what cost?
4. Hire and use a great Accountant! Over the years, I've
griped about how much we spend on legal and accounting
advice. Now I know why. Mine has made this thing easy.
Following her advice over the years let us do it right, so
now the stress is minimal. What a bargain!
It's very easy to go into business, and running a business
is easy if you have great systems to track your finances
automatically, effortlessly, and accurately. Those systems
don't "cost", they truly pay off in wonderful ways. Follow
the basics. Trust me, there'll come a day when you'll be
delighted you did!

Saturday, August 24, 2019


Almost every week, a professional just starting out, or
an entrepreneur with a small company will consult 
about "specializing". Some guru has convinced them that
in order to grow their business, they have to identify a
specific product and market that as their "specialty".
Well. There is both truth a grain of truth, and a gross
over-simplification in that advice.
In most cases a small business need not put "all their eggs
in one basket" and sell only one service or provide only
one (or a few) products. In fact, the huge advantage of a
small business is it's ability to provide personal service,
custom solutions, and innovation, far easier, faster and
cheaper than a large company.
In a small business, the owner can respond personally and
find the perfect solution for a customer with an unusual
request or a special need. Never under-estimate that
tremendous advantage!
The grain of truth in the "you must specialize" motto is
that to grow your business you MUST focus on what you do
best. Some products or services, or some aspects of the
business simply "suit" or fascinate you more than others.
Talents show up in different ways. Even things like the
location of your business, or the gender, age and training
of your staff will create certain strengths, while also
creating a parallel set of weaknesses.
To build your business, focus on what you do best.
Specialize and advertise the things you enjoy most, or that
you feel passionate about. Make a virtue of your natural
advantages and specialize in those things.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Every day clients tell me about their problems, often in great detail, and I've noticed patterns that show up over and over. For many people, life’s problems are viewed as "not enough money" or "not enough time". For couples, the problems are often around "communication" or "parenting" or sex. They think if they only had more money or more time or better sex or a better job, things would be wonderful. But it doesn’t work that way, because these things are not the BIG PROBLEM. From my experience, I suggest life's really big problems are:
1. Tunnel Vision. The tendency to focus only on the immediate crisis or sore spot. Under stress, things look worse or more complex than they really are. The solution: Perspective. Ask if it will matter in 6 months. Ask what else is going on? How did I create this situation and, in an ideal world, what would I like to do about it?
2. Fear. The anxiety or terror that things will go badly, that we will fail or be embarrassed. The solution: Humor and Curiosity. Modern life has very few saber-tooth tigers. The situation is rarely life or death. Ask, What's the worst that can happen? What's the best? What can I learn? What would I do if I had no fear?
3. Confusion. The sense of being lost or unclear about our direction. The sense that we don't know our own priorities anymore. The solution: Responsible Choices. Choose your values and priorities and set your own path. Your life is yours. Check your moral compass, pick a direction and do something extraordinary!
4. Guilt. The belief that we have hurt or failed or sinned and deserve punishment. Guilt is either accurate, because sometimes we do behave badly, or it is false and simply an illusion. The solution: If we have transgressed, we must make restitution, ask forgiveness, learn from our error and move on. If it is false guilt, set it down as an unnecessary and irrational burden.
5. Shame. The belief that we are worth-less than others, that we have a terrible, incurable flaw. It is not that we have done something wrong (guilt), but that we are bad or wrong. The solution: Clear, rational thinking. Everyone has behaved badly, but no one was created badly! Any flaws only serve to make you stronger, more heroic or more compassionate toward others.
6. Loneliness. The belief that no one loves us, that no one cares and we must desperately cling to anyone who finds us attractive or acceptable. This creates dependency, not intimacy. The solution: Accurate Self-Assessment. Not everyone will love you, but many people will if they meet you, get to know you, and spend time working/playing along side you.
7. Resentment. Holding anger and refusing to move beyond real or imagined mistreatment in the past. Some people spend their whole lives as "victims", nurturing a terrible event in their past. The solution: Let go! Life is not fair and people do not always behave well or kindly. Use your trauma to make you wise, kind, gentle, and strong. Holding anger will not work.
8. Self-Doubt. The repeated, endless questioning of your own abilities, opinions or actions. The inability to take a stand, to act boldly, or to follow-through. The solution: Action! Think clearly, then take action and follow-through. Start small, but do it! You are the world's expert on your life! Use your wisdom to live well.
9. Stubbornness. The refusal or inability to re-assess a situation, change your mind, or admit you were wrong. The solution: Wisdom and Humility. Only a fool stays on a course that is headed for disaster! Search for new and better information, remain flexible, open and creative. When the situation changes, adjust accordingly and set a new course.

10. Addiction. Humans become addicted to drugs, but we also become addicted to our jobs, our opinions or our lifestyle. We can be addicted to people and need them rather than love them. 
The solution: Take a vacation! Periodically, walk in someone else's shoes. Break your habits, re-arrange your schedule, delegate those things that only you can do "right". Use habits and traditions to set you free, don't let habits enslave you!

Monday, August 19, 2019


Organizational skills and time management are essential to your success. Time management is a choice, how you decide to spend your time is very much up to your own discretion. We kill time by procrastinating and doing unproductive activities to ignore what is really at hand. Killing time may work for a few minutes, but it adds up when things need to get done. You can increase your productivity and move closer toward your goals just by managing what you are doing and when you are doing it. The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to improve your personal time management and increase productivity immediately.

Why Do We Kill Time?

Why, then, do people choose to kill time? This is quite literally letting time pass you by, instead of taking advantage of it. Killing time is a vicious cycle. What starts as a short break browsing online, can turn into hours wasted.
It feeds your lack of action and interrupts your workflow.
When you find yourself in one of these situations, scrolling the internet aimlessly, stop for a second and think about what you aren’t accomplishing. The more you procrastinate, the longer it will take for your task to get done. Sometimes a task seems so daunting you don’t want to get started. You come up with random things to do, wasting your time, instead of knocking this one task out. I've being there, too.

Want To Stop Killing Time?

The more productive you are, the more motivated you will be to get things done and you will manage your time better.
However, don’t confuse being productive with being busy.
Here are 3 helpful tips to stop wasting time and get your tasks accomplished effectively.

1. Get The Hard Stuff Done First

Tackle the hardest thing on your to-do-list, or the thing that is hanging over your head, and get it done. It takes discipline to accomplish the hardest task first, but it is a habit that will increase your levels of performance and productivity. Sometimes you have to ignore how you feel, and just get started. Nobody wants to start a difficult task, but successful people put their heads down and do it.

2. Make a To-Do List

It is also helpful to get your hardest “to-do” out of the way first thing in the morning because this is often when you are most alert. After lunch, midday, you’ll be less motivated to get started on a tough project. Once that’s checked off the list, make a plan for the rest of your day. I recommend listing items in order of urgency or importance. Making a to-do list is an effective way to put your organizational skills to work and prioritize tasks to save time.
What should you complete today?
What things can you put off until later?
Even more specifically, what needs to be done before a certain time today?
Start with that item first, and move down the list until you reach the non-urgent list items. Now that you’ve gotten the ugliest frog out of the way, your list does not seem as difficult to complete.

3. Take Short Breaks

Make sure to set aside time for short mental breaks. I’m talking 10 to 15-minute time blocks. Scheduling a block of time to relax for a moment is not the same as aimlessly scrolling the internet when you could be getting something done. Mental breaks are valuable and actually jumpstart your productivity. Choose something that shifts your mind away from what you are working on for a brief moment. I usually do this by stepping away from whatever I’m doing. Close your eyes and be still for a moment. If that’s not your style, recharge by being social for a couple minutes. Talk to your co-workers about something non-work related. Just make sure not to interrupt their workflow.

Stop Killing Time!

When you kill time, you are killing your opportunities to do more and be more. Successful people make the most of each hour of every day, using every moment to their advantage. Learn to get a handle on what is distracting you from accomplishing your tasks each day.
Remember this:
Effective time management is a habit that can be learned.
It starts with your decision to invest your time into what is important.

Friday, August 16, 2019


#1. Selling is a Numbers Game

Most of you hear this all the time that “selling is just a numbers game“, to get as many No’s as you can to lead you to a prospect who says Yes. I know I was taught that when I first got into my sales career 15 years ago. Now, I will tell you that selling can indeed be a numbers game for you if all you know is “Traditional Selling” Techniques.  If you want to you can, of course, call people over and over again, and go through hundreds of calls a day. You can also chase them down until they listen to you, just so they can come up with an excuse to get rid of you. Where did the “Numbers Game” concept come from? In my opinion, it came from several decades ago after the invention of the telephone. The Sales Manager, in order to make his salespeople feel better about themselves from continually calling prospects and getting rejected, said: “Selling is a Numbers Game”.  He made it up just to make his salespeople feel better. If selling is a numbers game then in their mind it’s normal to get rejected on 95% of their calls. It’s supposed to be how many calls you make and how many contacts you can reach will determine your success in selling right? What if you didn’t have to go through all that work, all those objections, and all that rejection just to make a few sales and barely get by? You see in the “Post Trust Era” with trust being at its lowest point then it’s ever been in the marketplace, it’s no longer the quantity of the calls you make, or how many contacts you speak to, it’s about the QUALITY of those conversations and how “deep” you go in each conversation or how deep you get with your questions to bring out their emotions. It’s about how good you are at creating trust. It’s about how good you are at detaching yourself from the expectation of making the sale, so you become open to your potential customer, what their problems are if any, what’s causing those problems and how it’s affecting them, to see if your solution will help them. Now I’m not talking about just having a regular conversation. I’m talking about a very, very skilled conversation, asking the right questions at the right time in the conversation. When you have these conversations in a calm, relaxed conversational voice, rather than the typical enthusiastic, sales pitch voice, you will automatically attract your potential customers to you like a magnet. Why? Because for the first time in a long time, someone, which is you, is genuinely interested in them, and what they are looking for, rather than trying to stuff your solution down their throat.  They feel your Intent, and they start to lean on you and TRUST you as the “Trusted Authority” in your entire market.

Sales Myth #2:  Rejection is just part of Sales

Ask yourself this question: What is the greatest fear you and other salespeople have, that hold you back from making calls, talking with prospects about your products, or services you sell?  Well, of course, it’s the fear of rejection, right? Have you ever considered that if you get anxious about meeting prospects, or cold calling, or calling your leads and it prevents you from talking with them, or you feel the need to get pumped up before you meet your prospective clients, or you drag your feet before making those calls, it could be because it’s the way you are communicating or think you have to communicate that is causing this problem? My question is: “Why do you accept that rejection is just something you have to accept in selling?” You accept it because that’s what you have been told, right?  And you have experienced it yourself. I know I was taught that when I first got into sales. But what if the reason why your prospects rejected you was that you were actually triggering that rejection by the way you were communicating to them? And what if you could learn what those triggers are that are causing you to get rejected so you can eliminate them in your sales conversations? In my experience there are two types of rejections: The first is the flat in your face “I’m not interested” slam the door in your face. The second is the type where someone has looked at your solution and finds it really doesn’t fit into what they are looking for. The second can be disappointing but it doesn’t necessarily feel personal. So let’s take a look at the first one…You have probably been told over and over again that rejection is part of selling and to learn to expect it, to deal with it, to get over it, that you have to have thick skin to succeed in sales.  And you might have even learned how to do that. Well, I will share with you, that I believe that it’s complete NONSENSE. I don’t subscribe to that way of thinking and training, because you can actually eliminate rejection, not by mind games, mental tricks, or by popping in motivational cd’s to pump you up, but by actually diffusing the cause of it.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019


There are four marketing techniques that you can use to approach your market with your products and services. Use these to market your products better than your competition. The better you market to your customers, the greater your success in business and sales. Use these tricks to get ahead of your competitors.

Marketing Technique #1: Create Utility and Usefulness with your Product

The first marketing technique you can use to beat your competition is to create utility, usefulness, and satisfy the needs of your customers to achieve a specific result.  This requires that you offer them something they need and can use to accomplish their other goals. Look at your market today.  What will your customers and potential customers want, need, and be willing to pay for in the months and years ahead? What are the trends in customer demands in your market?  If you can answer this accurately, you can often leapfrog over your competition and dominate a new market even before it emerges.

Marketing Technique #2: Change Your Pricing

A second approach to sales and marketing is by changing your pricing.  By bringing your goods and services into the price range of your customers, you can open up entirely new markets that do not today exist. How could you price your products or services so that more customers could afford to buy them? Many companies have been able to achieve market leadership by focusing on bringing their prices into the affordability range of more customers.  What we have found is that the greater your market share, and the lower your cost of production, the lower is the price that you can charge.

Marketing Technique #3: Emphasize Your Product’s Key Benefit to the Customer

The third strategy in sales and marketing is adapting to the customer’s reality, both social and economic. The ultimate aim of your marketing plan is to make selling unnecessary.  But this is seldom achieved.  The product almost always needs to be sold to the end customer.  As it turns out, each product offers a “key benefit” that is the primary reason why the customer would buy. Each product or service also triggers a “key fear,” which is what holds the customer back from buying the product or service in the first place. Customers are terrified of risk.  They are afraid of paying too much, getting the wrong product, losing their money, and getting stuck with something that is inappropriate for their purposes.  This is the main reason that qualified prospects hold back from buying any product or service, at any price. When you can emphasize the key benefit, the unique added value that a customer will receive by buying your product or service, and at the same time, take away his or her major fear, you can open up an enormous market for what you sell. What is the key benefit that motivates your customer to buy?  If you have different types of customers, what is the key benefit that triggers the buying decision in each of these different kinds of customers? What is the key fear that holds potential customers back from buying your product or service?  What could you do to emphasize the benefit and make it more attractive, while at the same time, minimize or eliminate the fear that causes a customer to hesitate?

Marketing Technique #4: Deliver True Value of Your Product to Your Customer

The fourth approach to marketing plan is for you to deliver what represents “true value” to the customer.  True value is something that can only be identified by working closely with your customers. What represents true value to your customers?  How could you structure your product or service offerings in such a way that people would be more comfortable purchasing them from you rather than from your competitors?


There will always be competition for products and services. It is your job to make sure that you stay ahead of the game and ahead of your competition. By following these tips and listening to your customer needs, you will learn to always come out on top.