Saturday, December 29, 2012

RECRUITMENT: Try this before the year is over!

Phonersis Consulting is recruiting office manager, HR Officer, HR Consultant, Business Development Executive. Send CV with preferred job option to

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Did you know that there are two major things that can stimulate creative thinking? But first I wanted to discuss what stimulates creativity.
The first is intensely desired goals, and the second is pressing problems. Your creative capacities need something to hone in on and your job is to provide it.
A Continual Stimulus for Ideas
Intensely desired goals, clearly defined with detailed plans for their accomplishment act as a continual stimulus for ideas to achieve them.
To trigger your imagination, write out a clear description of your ideal end result or goal. Be clear about the goal, be flexible about the process. Think about it, visualize it as realized over and over. Project your mind forward to the picture of the realized goal and then look back to the present.
Think on paper. Make a plan and then work on the plan, updating it, changing it, adding to it as you think of new ways to work toward the goal. The more clearly defined and keenly desired your goals, the more of your natural creativity will be released for goal attainment.
The Proper Approach to Problems
The second stimulant to creativity is pressing problems. The key to idea generation when you face a problem is to approach the problem confidently, expectantly, with the attitude that there exists a logical, practical solution just waiting to be found.
The most creative people have a relaxed attitude of confident expectancy that causes their minds to function in original and imaginative ways.
Define your problems clearly in writing. Accurate diagnosis is half the cure. Sometimes you will find that you are dealing with a "cluster problem," one that is made up of several smaller problems. Your job is to sort them out and then go to work on each one separately.
In many cluster problems, there is a core issue surrounded by a lot of symptoms. Creative thinking requires that you separate the core issue, and then focus on resolving that before worrying about the smaller problems.
I've created a special report for you called "Unlocking Your Creativity" that consists of my 10-step method to thinking systematically and opening the flood gates to your creativity.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


“And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that evil-merodach king of Babylon in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison, And spake kindly unto him, and set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon,  And changed his prison garments: and he did continually eat bread before him all the days of his life.  And for his diet, there was a continual diet given him of the king of Babylon, every day a portion until the day of his death, all the days of his life”. -  Jeremiah 52:31-34.

To all readers and visitors to this web site I want to share with you the significance of the Christmas day, it is a special day Jesus Christ was born into this world to deliver mankind from his sinful way. I have studied the weather pattern over the years of that particular day the firmaments bear witness to this unique day across all countries and tribes. There is a glory over the surface of the earth while some are having snow, others fog, or harmattan haze.

In the text above King Jehoiachin of Judah was delivered on a Christmas day (in the twelfth month in the five and twentieth day of the month) hundred of years before Jesus was born. Seven significant events will happen in your life on this particular glorious day.

1.  Your head will be lifted. You may have been experiencing downward trend in your life, marriage, business and workplace, you will no longer be the tail but the head. God is about changing your situation for the better because Jesus came into the world this same day to deliver you. Everyone that sees you as nobody will begin to see you as somebody very special your head will no longer be bowed but be lifted high.

2.  You will be brought out of prison. Some people have been bounded without freedom under bondage of their task masters for quite sometime, you will be set free now just like those that set up Daniel into the lion’s pit, your prisoners will replace you in the prison while you will be set free, Jesus will liberate you and grant you permanent freedom.

3.  You will be spoken kindly of. People have used their tongue to describe you negative. God will change their tongue and they will begin to speak well of you, they have said you are useless, good for nothing, cannot make it, never do well, under achiever all this negative qualities they describe you with they will no longer see you that way any more. A change for the better in you they will begin to see and speak of.

4.  Your throne above the throne of the kings. You are meant to be a king because the son of a king is also a king, but you reign like a slave, God will dethrone everyone sitting on your throne and enthrone where you belong, to rule and reign in Christ Jesus.

5.  Your garment will be changed. The garment you put on which has become a filthy rag casting aspersions at you. The way you dress is the way you will be addressed, you were addressed badly everywhere you turn to, today your garment or robe will change and as a king a sign of royalty is the kings garment. God is removing your present garment and replacing it with a new one.

6.  You will continually eat bread. You may be lacking a daily bread but the great provider is already here to provide the bread you will eat all the days of your life. Every lack will be turned to abundance in your life because Jesus was born on this day like no other day.

7.  You will be given a continual diet all the days until death. A diet is a food with all essential ingredients needed for growth and development. You might having lacking the essential nutrients needed for you to succeed and become great God is going to provide to you this day those nourishments needed by you for life.

Monday, December 24, 2012


For the past few years, there have been dozens of books,
seminars and websites dedicated to the topic of happiness.
I've studied happiness and several of my MasterMind partners
have encouraged me to write my own book or lead a class on
it. So far I've resisted.
The research suggests "happiness" is a rather elusive thing.
At the level of scientific research and psychology, it seems
most people have a "set point" for happiness and things
that can be measured by science don't respond very well to
simple interventions. In many ways, promising folks that
they can dramatically increase their happiness by reading a
book or following a program is not usually true.
But there is good news! My experience and my reading suggest
that while it may be difficult to increase your over-all
level of "happiness," being HAPPY is pretty easy! Who would
have thought that little distinction could be so important!?
I've joked for years that I may not know much about living a
"great life," but I do know some things about having a
"great day!" And I've always figured that if I have several
thousand great DAYS in a row, one after another, that may be
pretty darn close to living a great life.
Something like that seems to go on with happiness, too.
Being happy for 10,000 days in a row seems pretty darn close
to being a happy person and living a happy life!
Helping someone find joy and satisfaction, and feel happy at
the end of the day turns out to be pretty simple. I think we
can actually do that in a pretty significant way!
Here are some suggestions:
First, list 20 things that make you happy. Don't stop until
you have at least 20 specific items! List all the things
that make you giggle, smile, chuckle, celebrate or feel
good. List the things that make you proud, relaxed,
satisfied, or confirm that you are loved by others. Don't
stop until you have a list of 20 things that make you happy!
You'll need that list! Then . . .
1. Do five of those things every single day. Give a hug.
Get a hug. Kiss a child, read a book, play a practical joke,
or sing in the shower. Eat a cookie, exercise or meditate.
Whatever makes you happy, do five of them every day. Without
fail. Sure, it takes some discipline, but you're worth it! 
2. Be productive every day. Do some actual work -- not just
"effort" or "trying" or that "busy" stuff. Do some
productive, meaningful work every day. Get things done. If
it's related to your career and makes you money, great! If
it's cleaning the house or watching your daughter's soccer
game, fantastic! Do something productive, important, and
meaningful. Make a difference. Every day.
3. Do a good deed. Give someone a hand, or make a phone
call. Send a thoughtful card or an encouraging email. Help
an old lady cross the street or help a child with their
homework. Give of yourself in a way that makes the world a
better place for someone else.
4. Laugh out loud. Life's a crazy, ridiculous affair and
there is certainly much to laugh about. If nothing else,
just look in the mirror! Tell a joke or hear one. And don't
just chuckle politely. Be insane! Be daring and actually
laugh. Put your whole body into it. If you need help with
this, get a puppy, or a kitten -- or a get around a child!
Laugh out loud! I think you'll enjoy it.
5. Be grateful. Everyday, write a few entries in your
gratitude journal. Before bed, take a moment to notice what
went right, what you're grateful for, the good luck or
blessing or joy that touched you during the day. Write it
down in a notebook so you can keep track. Master the
"attitude of gratitude." You'll be happy you did.
Whatever goals you have already set for 2013, add one more:
"I will be measurably and demonstrably happy on a minimum of
364 days in 2013." (Give yourself some slack -- allow one
day to be cranky, if you wish.) I can't make any promises
about that elusive thing called "happiness," but if you make
it a goal and take the steps to be happy for 364 days in
2013, I think you'll like the results.
Happy Christmas, everyone!

Friday, December 21, 2012


Because of you, your family will not know poverty you will go in and out of your house in peace....

Violence and crying
of sorrow shall not be heard in your camp...

Because you are God's Idea and God cannot fail, you shall not
fail this year...
Favour shall overwhelm your
You shall not
struggle to be recognized...

gift shall announce you...
You are entitled to
daily fruitfulness...

darkness in your life shall give way to the light of God...

All your lack will give way to

rejected shall become the selected...

People shall hear your
testimonies and follow you to God...

everything you do, you will succeed...

By the time this 2012ends, you will look

back with joy;
and ahead with great expectations...

You will take charge of your life as you master your time

You will discover how to maximize your time and add value to it

You will become the
star of your family
and the
hope of your generation...

Because you know where you are going,

the whole world will step aside and follow you...

May you find favour with God and men...

May you grow in wisdom and stature...

May you walk in dominion over every circumstance and situation...

For the remaining part of the year 2012, never forget to:

Act as if it were impossible to fail

Because for people like you and me,
the word failure does not exist

Your success is non-negotiable...

This will be the greatest year of your life and the beginning of unprecedented success in your life!

Those who laughed at you before shall come to laugh with you...

However bad it has been with you till this point, you shall from henceforth enter into the rest and;

God shall take you to the place of your
greatness and destiny.

You shall have
visions that are clear,
virtues that are right
victory that is certain...

You are
blessed beyond curse, raised above terror and established beyond oppression...

You shall not lack
counsel and ideas...

You shall have
eyes that see, ears that hear and a heart that understands...

In place of
breakdown you shall have breakthrough; in confusion, you shall be enlightened; and in weakness, you shall be strengthened...

There shall be for you
beauty in place of ashes, the oil of gladness in place of spirit of heaviness...

Every closed door against your
goodness, greatness and destiny shall open of their own accord...

You shall be
instructed and illuminated within by the Spirit of God...

You shall do the right thing at the right time...

You shall rise above every obstacle and be carried on the wings of eagle...

God will remember you for good...

You shall fulfill and not frustrate destiny...

Christ shall continually dwell in you...


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Everyone knows that the Invitational Close is a simple, yet low-key, classy, and powerful way to conclude the transaction. But how do you do it well?
The Invitational Close is preceded by a Trial Close such as: "Mr. Prospect, do you have any questions or concerns that I haven't covered up to now?" Or, "Mr. Prospect, does this make sense to you, so far?"
Probe for Lingering Objections
You ask these questions to be doubly sure that the prospect has no final objections lurking in the back of his mind that would block the closing of the sales process. You then invite the customer to make a buying decision by saying, "If you like what I've shown you, why don't you give it a try?"
Invite the Customer to Buy
Inviting the customer to buy is very powerful. This is a gentle way of nudging the customer into taking action. "Why don't you give it a try?" If you are selling services, you can ask, "Why don't you give us a try?" If you want to be more bold and direct, you can simply ask, "Why don't you take it?"
Change Your Wording
One of my seminar graduates doubled his sales by changing his words in the endgame of selling. After his sales presentation he would ask the prospect if he had any additional questions or concerns. If the prospect said "no," he would then ask, "Well, if you like it, why don't you take it?"
He was amazed to find that many prospects could not think of a good reason not to go ahead with his offering immediately. Both his closing ratio and his income soared.
Action Exercises
Here is something you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
The next time you complete your sales presentation, simply issue an invitation to the customer to make a decision. "Why don't you give it a try?"
You may be surprised at your success.

Monday, December 17, 2012


About 100 years ago, Mark Twain observed that "the
difference between the right word and almost the right word
is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug,"
and that applies to the tools we use every day.
High achievers invest in themselves, their business and
their future. They have a great coach, a strong support
team, and the best tools. And, what intrigues me, is how
little it costs to have the best. In fact, it doesn’t cost
at all -- it pays amazing dividends!
What exactly are these high-quality tools?
Some professions need to impress clients with fancy offices
or elaborate equipment, but far more often the winners in
life invest in tools that are amazingly simple and
sometimes, they're free! Here are some examples:
1. A notebook of written goals. Winners use a notebook,
ring-binder or similar document to identify their most
important objectives. They know where they are going. They
know their outcomes in advance. They have a plan. And they
document their progress, day by day. And all for the cost of
pen and paper!
2. A calendar. Personally, I prefer year-at-a-glance wall
calendars so I can color-code important dates far ahead of
time. I color in birthdays and anniversaries, vacations and
family times. I use a different color for business trips and
similar commitments. It lets me see the ebb-and-flow of the
year and plan accordingly. It keeps me focused and motivated
on a daily basis.
3. A daily plan. I use little 3x5 cards. My assistant uses
her electronic planner, and there are lots of systems on the
market, but the key is to plan each day in advance,
selecting your priorities and doing the most important
things first. High achievers plan each day the night before,
or first thing in the morning. They know the value of a day,
and never leave it to chance.
4. A support team. Whether you have a business partner, a
professional coach, or a master-mind group, winners have
advisors to keep them on track and focused. President
Roosevelt called it his "kitchen cabinet" (separate from his
official Cabinet officers) and they helped him set his
5. Thinking time. High achievers schedule time to plan, to
review, to brain-storm and review, to meditate or journal.
High achievers have a system to maintain perspective and
chart their course. At least once a week, stop everything.
Get a cup of tea or coffee, your notebook, and SIT STILL!
Spend an hour thinking about your life and how to make it
better. I think you'll like the results.
6. Great equipment. Mainly, I'm talking about your personal
computer, but the principle applies to any equipment you use
on a regular basis. Winners own and use good tools! Clean up
your office. Get a new desk chair or lamp or some good
music. Tools and surroundings that keep you focused and make
you productive are absolutely critical. Insist on the best!
I'll close with another personal story. My preferred form of
exercise has always been walking and jogging, and I still
remember over 30 years ago when I bought my first pair of
specialized running shoes. I had no idea shoes could make
such a difference! Instantly, my legs stopped aching, I ran
further and faster, and I was astonished! In the store they
seemed outrageously expensive; that first morning, I knew
they were a bargain! Good tools make all the difference.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Did you know that highly creative people tend to have fluid, flexible, adaptive minds? Here are three statements that creative people can make easily and which you learn by regular practice.
Admit It When You Are Wrong
The first is simply, "I was wrong." Many people are so concerned with being right that all their mental energy is consumed by stonewalling, bluffing, blaming and denying. If you̢۪re wrong, admit it and get on to the solution or the next step.
Face Up to Mistakes
Second, non-creative people think that it is a sign of weakness to say, "I made a mistake." On the contrary, it is actually a sign of mental maturity, personal strength and individual character. Remember, everybody makes mistakes every single day.
Be Flexible With New Information
The third statement that creative people use easily is, "I changed my mind." It is amazing how many uncomfortable situations people get into and stay in because they are unwilling or afraid to admit that they've changed their minds.
Be Willing to Cut Your Losses
If you get new information or if you find that you feel differently about a previous decision, accept that you have changed your mind and don't let anyone or anything back you into a corner. If a decision does not serve your best interests as you see them now, have the ego-strength and the courage to "cut your losses," to change your mind and then get on to better things.
Action Exercises
Here are two ways you can break out of narrow thinking patterns and become more creative.
First, be willing to admit that you are not perfect, you make mistakes, you are wrong on a regular basis. This is a mark of intelligence and courage.
Second, with new information, be willing to change your mind. Most of what you know about your business today will change completely in the coming years so be the first to recognize it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


For most of us, we want the holidays to be fun and exciting. But more often than not, the holiday season evokes tension and stress. By spending more money than our budgets allow, or going overboard by eating the wrong foods, or taking on too many activities...these external stressors are only a piece of the bigger picture. These problems only compound when we are faced with unresolved family issues and budget limitations. And as the holidays approach, these issues may seem larger and more complicated as we confront family members who we typically don't see throughout the year, and often don't really want to see!
Here are 5 tips that will help reduce your holiday stress:
1. Be Prepared. It is important to remember that a mixture of feelings and emotions will undoubtedly be experienced. Preparing for this mixture is a sure bet to avoiding the shock and surprise when a myriad of feelings erupt from sometimes the most seemingly innocent of situations. When we're prepared and use the patterns from past holiday seasons to help us do things differently, we can create a new feeling around the holidays. Even if the stress is only slightly reduced, we have changed something about our lives and our repetitive patterns. The worst feeling is to be stuck doing the same things over and over again that just don't work.
2. Be Realistic. One way to prepare for holiday stress is to be realistic. If you have unresolved issues with your family, they won't magically disappear just because it's the holiday. Wishing for this only sets the stage for disappointment, failure and unhappiness. In fact, the issues are more likely to escalate during the holidays because there's so much pressure to get along, have fun, and be nice. Look at past holidays and learn what's realistic with your family. You don't have to repeat the same unworkable scenario year after year.
3. Nix the Shoulds.
The holiday season creates a lot of "shoulds." "I should see my parents or my siblings because, after all, it is the holiday season." If you feel obligated to see your family during the holiday season, lower your stress by thinking about it in a different way. First of all, remember that you have choices. There is no rule book that says we need to be with our families during the holidays or how long we need to visit with them. If things are simply too stressful with your family, either don't arrange a visit, or limit the time you spend with them.
4. Change Your Reaction.
Our internal feelings and memories of past holidays color how we see the season. Try to look within and see what your beliefs and expectations are about the holidays. Simply make a list of the things that don't work with your family and ask yourself how you usually deal with each one. Then, see if you can think of one way to deal with it a little bit differently. Change your reaction and you'll change the situation. Just by doing this, you have begun to alter an old pattern that doesn't work. This one small transformation can reduce your holiday stress, bringing more peace within yourself and to those around you.
5. Create New and Inexpensive Traditions.
Make a list of things you do every year, noting what each item costs. Get creative and transform your list into new traditions that don't break the bank. For example, as a family, pick out a tree together at Costco, take it home, heat up some apple cider, and play your favorite Christmas CD while decorating the tree together. Instead of purchasing new Christmas decorations, recycle and redecorate your old ornaments. Or make Christmas cookies together and give them away as gifts. There's a lot of ways to create new traditions when our wallets are anything but full.
Remember that it really IS possible to make the holidays about love and connection. Just by thinking about the season a little bit differently and taking some new actions and you will be able to make this a holiday season of fond memories!

Monday, December 10, 2012


For years, there's been a drum-beat on the internet and
among coaches that we should "work less and make more." The
theory is that by being smarter and more efficient, we
should make more sales, and have more profit for every hour
we work.
I like the theory. I’m not sure it's that simple.
The reality is that those who work hardest often seem to
make the most money. Beyond that, it seems to me that the
world actually prefers LOW prices, and that Sam Walton
(founder of Walmart) did alright by lowering prices and
making a bit less on each individual sale.
Obviously, we all want to be efficient, and we all think
we’re just a bit smarter than the next competitor. We are
all looking for an edge, and I suspect that will never
change. But I also think there is an obvious edge we tend to
Customers actually LIKE businesses that go the extra mile!
They PREFER companies that answer their phone. They do
business with people who give SUPERIOR service, and who seem
to care about customer satisfaction. Actually, I like
companies that refuse to merely satisfy me and seem
determined to AMAZE me! And all of that requires hard, hard
Here's an old law of business: focus on the life-time value
of a fanatically loyal customer. Focus on the value of a
customer who sees him- or herself as your partner, rather
than as just a shopper. When your customers refuse to deal
with anyone but you, your fortune is assured. How hard
should you work? About that hard.

Friday, December 7, 2012


There are some things in our lives that we just need to stop doing. They aren't good for us and they mess with our mindset.
I don't know about you, but I have found that some things I have done for so long that I just do them without thinking. Yet, some of those same things are just ruts that we get in and can't get out of. A lot of them are about how we think about things.
Here is a list of 7 things that we could SO do without!
1. Over-thinking things.
How many times do you find yourself fixated on some thought or idea and you've thought about it so much that you have it totally out there like in fantasy world or something or get so worked up about something because you've imagined all sorts of imaginary happenings? Stop thinking so hard. I know this is one area I'm really needing to work on some more because the way I'm made up I tend to think and think and think about things. Thinking about things is good, but only if you keep it balanced. Don't over think things.
2. Stuff my feelings.
There are different ways we all deal with our feelings. One way is we don't express them and just stuff them down inside. While it may be appropriate sometimes to not express our feelings and emotions, always stuffing them down inside without letting them out and expressing them is not healthy in more ways than one. When we stuff different emotions down inside and don't deal with them or express them or handle them, we are asking for trouble. This causes stress to build up, which we all know causes so many illnesses in itself. Without going into a lot of detail, for the purpose of this article, let's just say that we all need to express our emotions in a healthy way. If you need to cry, just do it. Don't feel ashamed because you feel however you feel. Emotions are just emotions. What you do with those emotions is what counts. Choose to deal with them in a healthy way.
3. Filling up all your time slots-juggling too many things at once.
Okay. So, I imagine we've all been guilty of this -- being WAY too busy. Do you fill up all your time slots on your calendar with stuff that keeps you so busy you have no time to relax? Stop. Breathe. I know we all have responsibilities and things we have to do to keep things going, but there is a point when too much is just too much! Let some of it go. If you really want peace and happiness in your life, you have to find more time for yourself and spending time doing the things you love and being with those you love to be around. Juggling too many things does nothing but keep you run down all the time, stressed out, and feeling like you never can get it all done. Believe me when I say that the more simple your life is the more peaceful you will be. So, slow down friend!
4. Tolerating stuff from other people.
We all have a personal space around us that we don't like anyone to cross. The closer we are to someone usually the closer we let them in. That being said, there are some things that we just shouldn't tolerate at all and sometimes we have to set boundaries. I have had to do this in my own life. There are some things I absolutely won't discuss with certain people. I know I'm not going to change their mind and all it does is upset me when we have certain conversations. I let them know I won't discuss it and if they insist, I leave. I refuse to stand there and listen to someone criticize me and talk down to me or go on and on about how they disagree with my decisions or actions. There are some things we have to take a stand for. If someone is always making you feel bad every time you get around them, either set some boundaries with them and gently let them know you won't put up with it or get some new friends. Respect yourself enough to stand up for yourself. Yes, you may have made some mistakes in the past, but you don't have to listen to anyone harp on them every time you see them. You will find yourself a lot happier if you hang out with those who lift you up, inspire you to do great things, encourage you, and make you happy!
5. Creating or tolerating drama.
I hate drama! I know a lot of people that can't survive without always causing drama or being involved with someone else's drama. Why would I want all the stress it brings? I can't stand being in a conflict with someone let alone being involved in their drama. If you are involved in creating or tolerating drama, you aren't going to find any peace. Most of the time, all drama does is accuse, point fingers, exaggerate, and make people feel bad. I find that drama is never uplifting to anyone. Just remember this, what you reap you will sow. If you create drama about others, more than likely others will be creating drama about you.
6. Trying to change people.
I know I have been guilty of this one. Why do we try to change people anyway? Is it because we don't appreciate them for who they are? maybe don't like something they do or the way they act? We are all different. None of us are the same. You do realize don't you that you aren't perfect either? I'm sure there are things about you they aren't that crazy about either. Let's just give everyone the benefit of the doubt and accept them for who they are. Give each other a little space. We are attracted to people and like them and don't really always know why; we just like them. When we start faultfinding and nitpicking, we are damaging the relationship and not enjoying the uniqueness of the other person. Just enjoy one another in all their glory. Each one of us should be able to be our true selves and not try to fit the mold of what someone else thinks we should be. You are unique yourself. You are special. Just remember, so are they.
7. Own other people's problems!
Raise your hand if you don't have any problems of your own. No hands? Imagine that! What we have to realize is that we have our own problems, which are enough for us to handle. Yes, we always look for a way to help our children or loved ones or friends when they have a problem. This is normal. This is love. Where it begins to be a problem is when we start to "own" their problems. Don't become so engrossed in other people's problems that you get stressed out, ill, find yourself thinking about it nonstop, and basically have unknowingly placed yourself right in the midst of the problem when you don't need to be there. This is their problem. You might be able to help or might not. Step back and let them handle it. If they ask for your help, don't over obligate yourself. Help in any way you feel comfortable, but remember that the other person will only grow if they learn to handle their own problems. Always bailing your kids out when they need money? "Oh, but mom or dad, the phone will be cut off if I don't have the money today!" I have given in to this one countless times (I have 5 kids), but eventually you realize they aren't learning the lesson of blowing their bill money and then suffering the consequences! This is just an example, but it is a hard one to learn when we just want to help them. They are grown ups now. Let them learn what they need to learn. If this example didn't resonate with you, just remember this: You aren't doing yourself or them any good if you are letting yourself get involved in their problems when it is not appropriate.
These are just 7 things we need to stop doing forever. Can you imagine how many there really are? This is a good start though! If we conquer these 7 things we are coming along and will feel better about ourselves and find more peace.       

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Did you know that the development of a positive mental attitude is the indispensable requirement for achieving great success in your field?
Everyone knows that selling is hard work. In fact, it is one of the most difficult jobs in our economy. As a salesperson, you face continual rejection, potential failure, persistent disappointment, setbacks, obstacles and difficulties not experienced by most people. Selling is not easy and it has never been easy. Will it ever be easy? No, it will always be varying degrees of difficult, from hard to very hard, to very, very hard. And to be successful in selling you must be tough, as well.
Your Attitude Makes the Difference
In selling, your attitude is probably eighty percent of your success. Your attitude is the outward expression of everything that you are, and everything that you have become over the course of your lifetime. Your attitude has the greatest single impact on the people that you deal with. The development of a positive mental attitude is the indispensable requirement for great success in your field.
Learn to Bounce Back
Psychologists have defined the "hardy personality" as the type of personality that is most suited to the rigors of the modern business world. The hardy personality, the personality you need to develop, is resilient, optimistic, tough, strong, and capable of bouncing back continually from temporary disappointments and defeats.
Respond Constructively to Stress
A positive mental attitude is a constructive response to stress. It is a solution-oriented, objective approach to difficulties that you face every single day. A positive mental attitude is expressed as a general optimism toward life and the inevitable challenges of earning a living. A positive mental attitude is the most outwardly identifiable quality of a winning human being, and it is the characteristic most closely identified with success in selling of all kinds.
Practice Mental Fitness Every Day
To become and remain physically fit, you must engage continuously in physical exercise. To become mentally fit, to develop the kind of attitude that leads on to success and happiness, you must engage in continuous mental exercise. It is a never ending process. Just as you do not achieve physical fitness and then discontinue physical exercise, you can not achieve mental fitness without working on it regularly, every day, like breathing in and breathing out.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:
First, decide in advance that, from now on, you are going to respond in a positive and constructive way to each and every stress situation in your life. Be tough!
Second, practice mental fitness every day by forcing yourself to remain cheerful and optimistic in the face of difficulties and disappointments.
Remember, you can do it if you decide to!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Over the years, I've consistently encouraged you to have
clear, measurable goals. Only you can decide what you want
for your life. Only you can decide what makes you happy and
gives you the life you truly want.
And having selected your goals, only you can devise the
perfect strategy for their achievement. The perfect strategy
for you, in your situation, won't be the same as anyone
else's strategy. You have obstacles that no one else has,
but you also have talents, skills and opportunities that
give you a totally "unfair advantage" in the quest for a
GREAT life!
And once you have the goals clearly defined and your perfect
strategy mapped in detail, all that's left is the simple
matter of daily execution. And of course, that's the easy
Sure, it's also where most people fail. Everyone can
visualize a great dream, and most can figure out at least a
reasonable strategy. But doing the small, daily actions is
where they get distracted. They change their minds, or get
frustrated and give up.
But not you! Set a clearly-defined, precisely measured
target. Develop a simple, elegant strategy, and then, "work
your plan." Do your daily chores. Make a list, "check it
twice," and get to work. You know this stuff!
So let's walk through a specific illustration.
One goal I recommend for most everyone in 2013 is a goal for
Personal Development.
Twelve months from now you want to be "better" than you are
now. You want to know more, or be kinder, wiser, richer,
stronger, healthier. . . BETTER than you are today. So, how
are you going to do that?
Step 1: Precisely Define the Goal
What does "better" look like for you? Will you learn a new
language, or be a better parent or lover? Will you manage
your time or money better? Will you be healthier or learn a
new hobby?
The temptation is to say Yes to several of these, but of
course that's silly. You can only do so much with the time,
energy and resources available.
So, which goal will you choose? And how much of it? What's
the budget? How will you measure success? Be clear. Be
specific. Move from a dream to a measurable, concrete,
action-able GOAL to be "better" than you are today. Twelve
months from today you will be BETTER. But how much better?
And how will you measure it?
Step 2: Develop an Effective Strategy
How, exactly, will you master this new skill or ability?
Will you sign up for classes? Work on it by yourself? Will
you join a team, get a coach, practice every morning before
How will you measure your progress? Is there a way to keep
score? Financial goals are nice because you just calculate
your Net Worth every month and plot the numbers. But how
will you measure your skills as a parent or your progress
toward being an effective leader? Be smart about this.
There's a way to measure just about anything, but you may
have to be creative.
And -- a critical question -- what will you have to give up
to make room for your new goal? A goal to read 12 books in
12 months may mean watching less sports or fewer movies.
More time with the kids may mean less time on the golf
course. Every goal requires that we pay a price, and success
requires that you pay the price in full. Be clear about
this. You cannot do it all!
Step 3: Do the Work
I'm a huge fan of constant learning, particularly through
reading, watching documentaries and attending seminars. That
means actually sitting down to read. An hour or more, every
day. It means registering for the seminars, spending the
money, packing a suitcase, showing up and taking notes. You
have to do the work!
Achievement means going for that run, whether it's raining
or not. It means going to class or helping the kids with
their homework five nights a week. Do the work!
Let me close with an example. I challenge you to read every
single day for 365 days in 2013. I love reading, and this
may not suit everyone, but it's helped me and I believe it's
worth your consideration. How do you set yourself up for
Step 1: Decide what you want to know more about -- history
or selling, parenting or politics or some inspirational
biographies. You decide, but be specific. Research and list
books on your topic. Decide whether you'll measure progress
by the number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or
Step 2: Develop an Effective Strategy -- I quit work about
four in the afternoon and read until dinner. I have a list
of books I plan to read, focused on topics I want to study.
I buy the books in advance and stack them in the living room
where I see them every day and they remind me to stay focused.
(Note: This took some negotiation with Mary. Your solution may
vary!) You'll need a strategy that's designed to work in your
Step 3: Read! Every day. Stop. Sit down. Read. Do not get
distracted. Do not procrastinate, do not run errands or
answer the phone. Just read. Until dinner.
Everyone knows about goal-setting, but few leverage it for
their own success. Don't let that be you! Set specific,
measurable goals that have meaning and make sense, goals
that excite you. Develop your strategy, then work your plan.
Choose your goals wisely. Then focus intensely. And stay
with it.
It's what successful people do. It's what successful people
have always done.